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XKCD Color Viewer

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While trying to find good colors for my new CapCom mod I realized I was almost randomly picking things from the huge XKCDColors list. There are 954 colors in there and only the names to go by when trying to choose which one.

So I made this simple in-game UI to show each color, print its name, show a few variations, and print the RGB values. You can drag the window and scroll through the available colors, there is no way to close it.

You can change which scene it shows up in by changing the KSPAddon startup value in the code shown below.

Download the compiled plugin from DropBox. Unzip and put the file anywhere in the GameData folder.


For the code below all that you need to do is setup a project with references to KSP's Assembly-CSharp and UnityEngine.

/* License: Public Domain
* By DMagic - 2015

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;

namespace XKCDColorViewer
[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.MainMenu, true)]
class XKCDColorPrintout : MonoBehaviour
Rect windowRect = new Rect(50, 50, 600, 600);
Vector2 scroll = new Vector2();
GUIStyle title, fonts, fontStyle, rgbValue;
Dictionary<string, Color> xColors = new Dictionary<string, Color>();
List<KeyValuePair<string, Color>> sortedColors = new List<KeyValuePair<string, Color>>();
bool loaded;

private void Start()

private void OnGUI()
if (!loaded)
title = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
title.fontSize = 14;
title.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
title.wordWrap = false;

fonts = new GUIStyle(title);
fonts.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
Texture2D blackBackground = new Texture2D(1, 1);
blackBackground.SetPixel(1, 1, Color.black);
fonts.normal.background = blackBackground;
fonts.fontSize = 16;

fontStyle = new GUIStyle(title);
fontStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
fontStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
Texture2D whiteBackground = new Texture2D(1, 1);
whiteBackground.SetPixel(1, 1, Color.white);
fontStyle.normal.background = whiteBackground;

rgbValue = new GUIStyle(title);
rgbValue.fontSize = 12;
loaded = true;

windowRect = GUI.Window("xkcdColors".GetHashCode(), windowRect, drawWindow, new GUIContent("XKCD Colors"));

private void drawWindow(int id)
Rect r = new Rect(2, 20, 595, 570);
Rect rView = new Rect(0, 0, 575, 30540);

scroll = GUI.BeginScrollView(r, scroll, rView);

Rect label = new Rect(4, 2, 140, 28);
int i = 0;
foreach (var c in sortedColors)
if (label.yMin >= (scroll.y - 20) && label.yMax <= (scroll.y + windowRect.height - 30))
title.normal.textColor = c.Value;
fonts.normal.textColor = c.Value;
fontStyle.normal.textColor = c.Value;
rgbValue.normal.textColor = c.Value;

string s = c.Key;

GUI.Label(label, i + ": " + s + ": ", title);
label.x += 140;
label.width = 110;
GUI.Label(label, "Font Size 16 ", fonts);
label.x += 120;
label.width = 115;
GUI.Label(label, "Font Style Bold", fontStyle);
label.x += 125;
label.width = 160;
GUI.Label(label, string.Format("R: {0:N3}, G: {1:N3}, B: {2:N3}", c.Value.r, c.Value.g, c.Value., rgbValue);
label.y += 32;
label.x = 4;
label.width = 140;


private void assignColors()
Type xkcd = typeof(XKCDColors);

var properties = xkcd.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);

foreach (var prop in properties)
Color c = (Color)prop.GetValue(null, null);
string s = prop.Name;

if (xColors.ContainsKey(s))

xColors.Add(s, c);
print("Failed to assign a color value");

foreach (var p in xColors)

sortedColors.Sort((a, => a.Key.CompareTo(b.Key));

Edited by DMagic
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