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1.1.2 Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics 2.0.2


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  FreddyTheGuy said:
i have a problem with the textures of the rework. they just end up black or gold!? i have tried to uninstall all the expansions and the core mod but i end up with the same result. does anybody have a solution?

Please look for solutions in the main post of Rework Thread, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365

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  volcanicshrimp said:
Are there any mods which add struts which would change length/direction as one end is moved by IR parts? It would be really useful for reinforcing big parts on small hinges etc all the time they're moving (not just before and after you move them.)

What you're really talking about here are mechanisms whose length can change in response to input, which is a piston in IR terms :D

Imagine if we tried to do it with a strut. Then either:

1) The rate at which the strut expands and contracts would need to be set by the user, or

2) The strut simply expands and contracts in response to movement at the endpoints.

But if (2), then the strut will also expand and contract in response to unwanted motion, effectively providing no benefit. And if (1), then the strut is indeed a servo.

What might be possible (logically, at least), is some kind of "damper" part. Imagine a spring-like part that requires some minimum force to extend or compress.

Then, also imagine that all IR servos are configured to always transform downstream parts no matter what force is required. I believe this is in fact the case... when we talk about IR parts being "weak", I don't think we mean that they can't lift heavy things, but rather that the joint is just "loose", moving in degrees of freedom it shouldn't have, etc. (Will confirm by testing tonight)

Then, if such a "spring-strut" existed as a damper, that might work. But I have no idea whether unity supports this kind of physics object.

Edited by allmhuran
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Hi there.

First off, this is a great mod, so helpful for everything. :D

But it hangs my KSP now. I have used this mod as the only one installed (current version) but now, with other mods, it hangs when loading the first part (adjustable rail). If I delete just adjustable rail it hangs on the next part. I have to entirely remove the mod to launch KSP.

The other mods I have installed are:


DarkMultiPlayer (I'm not using it though)




IR (of course)


REPOSoftTech (You may not have heard of this. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/127687-1-0-4-REPOSoftTech-AmpYear-Power-Manager-Reserve-Power-Ion-RCS-v1-0-1-0-10-July-2015 )

TweakScale (But that doesn't work. Nothing can be rescaled. :( I don't know if this is relevant)


PartIconFixer (Because of KerbalFoundries. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101632-1-0-x-Part-Icon-Fixer-Tweaks )

output_log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0EAZBdXvGlKVFBWcFVmdDNMdWM/view?usp=sharing

Sorry if this has been reported already; I couldn't find anything, but, you know, there are over 50 pages of comments :D

Thanks in advance, xXALL4Xx.


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It hangs most likely because: 1) you are running out of RAM (KSP WIN and Mac are limited to roughly 3.2-3.6 GB) or 2) your install is messed up (this could be a result of user error, CKAN, or Norton anti-virus). Regardless, the fault does not lie with IR.

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  xXALL4Xx said:
Hi there.

First off, this is a great mod, so helpful for everything. :D

But it hangs my KSP now. I have used this mod as the only one installed (current version) but now, with other mods, it hangs when loading the first part (adjustable rail). If I delete just adjustable rail it hangs on the next part. I have to entirely remove the mod to launch KSP.

The other mods I have installed are:


DarkMultiPlayer (I'm not using it though)




IR (of course)


REPOSoftTech (You may not have heard of this. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/127687-1-0-4-REPOSoftTech-AmpYear-Power-Manager-Reserve-Power-Ion-RCS-v1-0-1-0-10-July-2015 )

TweakScale (But that doesn't work. Nothing can be rescaled. :( I don't know if this is relevant)


PartIconFixer (Because of KerbalFoundries. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101632-1-0-x-Part-Icon-Fixer-Tweaks )

output_log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0EAZBdXvGlKVFBWcFVmdDNMdWM/view?usp=sharing

Sorry if this has been reported already; I couldn't find anything, but, you know, there are over 50 pages of comments :D

Thanks in advance, xXALL4Xx.


Welcome to the forums I see that's your first post. So are you using Windows Steam Mac Linux? And as Tarheel stated there could be something wrong with your install (it happens to the best of us). First try deleting all the files created by Module manager in your game data folder (but don't delete MM itself) If KSP still hangs. Try backing up your saves, and starting with a clean install of KSP, install IR first then all your other mods one at a time. None of the mods you listed I believe will conflict with IR. But I do question the issue with tweakscale not working. If its installed it should be working.

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Guys,have a question,may make a few moving parts in the same model? I tried and did not work, but still.

I mean a fully working model of a manipulator "in the likeness of Ramfarer", because when they are collected separately, they are not stable. It is necessary to build a manipulator one model.

This option is not acceptable.


Edited by DECQ
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  Tarheel1999 said:
It hangs most likely because: 1) you are running out of RAM (KSP WIN and Mac are limited to roughly 3.2-3.6 GB) or 2) your install is messed up (this could be a result of user error, CKAN, or Norton anti-virus). Regardless, the fault does not lie with IR.

Guess what:

(Unfortunately) I use Norton Antivirus!

I'll try remove it and see what happens.

BTW, I'm using Win 8.1 (haven't got around to upgrading yet) with 8GB of RAM.


I'll try clearing MM stuff too.

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I thought that might be the case. I've seen several posts where Norton is quarantining dlls solely because they are not frequently downloaded or from a large software company. If you take a look in the tweak scale thread you'll see some people had that problem.

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I just updated to the latest version and have a strange problem.

The part show up in sandbox but are absent in the career save, first thought was that I needed to unlock the node in the research center but when I checked the node is unlocked and the parts all show up as owned.


Any ideas?

EDIT - Nevermind I think starting a new career sorted it.

Edited by MartGonzo
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Having the same issues as blub01. For instance, I built the VTOL in SPH with older version of IR (under 0.20 I believe, don't remember exactly). While I haven't messed with Rotatrons in new version it worked just fine and symmetrically, but when I opened the new position editor (AKA Servo Configuration) the mirror symmetry was gone. If I was setting limits to one of them, the other one was rotating a different direction regardless of inverted or up-inverted axis. IR under v0.20 had no such issue, it worked just fine. Now what I have to do is to place them separately, trying to keep the symmetry manually. Really grinds my gears. Please, fix.


http://i62.tinypic.com/r2ne9u.jpg/ Full res

The mod is great tho

Edited by Weaky
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  zgrudij said:
salam guys, i'm having an issue with the docking washers thingys.

when i make them bigger with tweakscale they won't move properly, it's like having one solid block instead of one root and one rotating.

anyone knows how to fix it ?

Same deal here. Drove me nuts for a while.

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  dognosh said:
I'd like to use the wheels in the first video but I can't see them in my inventory. I have installed magic smoke IR , IR core pack & IR expansion pack(all via CKAN)

Can anyone help ?

thanks :)

- - - Updated - - -

Found it in http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365 (utility pack) , it isn't in CKAN. :)

The wheels are from Zodious's Rework pack and are in the Utility pack. Currently it has not been updated to 1.0.x as it has several dependencies. But if you download it and do some tweaking you can update the plugins like KF with the newly released ones.


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here is a good example of what you can do with Infernal robotics and it's sequencer tool when you have too much time at your hands

also check out my other mechs aswell,

btw thanks for the sequencer editor save patch, realy makes my mech building much easier and less annoying not to have to make the same sequences over and over again when testing xD

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  Tirehtoori R.I.P said:
here is a good example of what you can do with Infernal robotics and it's sequencer tool when you have too much time at your hands
also check out my other mechs aswell,

btw thanks for the sequencer editor save patch, realy makes my mech building much easier and less annoying not to have to make the same sequences over and over again when testing xD

Your mechs are amazing, Zodius linked me your youtube some time ago :)

BTW if you have some ideas/requests regarding Sequencer - please post in the thread (see my signature). I do need some feedback.

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This has been plaguing me for a long time.... I browsed this thread but without a good search term it's hard to figure out if anybody has come across this.

Problem: I create a craft, deploy it somewhere, move whatever robotics parts into position (unfolded some arms etc) and then leave them there. Sometime later I come back and the parts connected to the robotics parts are now... disembodied? floating away from the craft? Like some crazy offset was applied to it.

I really have no idea what triggers this.

Any fixes?

Any workarounds?

Have you seen this?

I don't have any screen shots handy but it's plainly visible on some youtube videos I've done if you really want to see it.

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  bmyers831 said:
This has been plaguing me for a long time.... I browsed this thread but without a good search term it's hard to figure out if anybody has come across this.

Problem: I create a craft, deploy it somewhere, move whatever robotics parts into position (unfolded some arms etc) and then leave them there. Sometime later I come back and the parts connected to the robotics parts are now... disembodied? floating away from the craft? Like some crazy offset was applied to it.

I really have no idea what triggers this.

Any fixes?

Any workarounds?

Have you seen this?

I don't have any screen shots handy but it's plainly visible on some youtube videos I've done if you really want to see it.

first and foremost - did you scale the robotic parts with tweakscale? Second - does it apply only to translating parts (telescopic piston or extendatron) or rotating parts as well?

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  Weaky said:
Having the same issues as blub01. For instance, I built the VTOL in SPH with older version of IR (under 0.20 I believe, don't remember exactly). While I haven't messed with Rotatrons in new version it worked just fine and symmetrically, but when I opened the new position editor (AKA Servo Configuration) the mirror symmetry was gone. If I was setting limits to one of them, the other one was rotating a different direction regardless of inverted or up-inverted axis. IR under v0.20 had no such issue, it worked just fine. Now what I have to do is to place them separately, trying to keep the symmetry manually. Really grinds my gears. Please, fix.


http://i62.tinypic.com/r2ne9u.jpg/ Full res

The mod is great tho

I build VTOLS like that all the time, so that's totally do able. So build your VTOL just as you have. But when setting limits for the Rotatrons. You will have one Rotatron moving normally and one inverted. Set the limits of the normal one first (so 0 to 90). Now on the inverted one set it's limits as if you where running it backwards (0 to -90 with the invert button unchecked). Once it's limits have been set to mirror the other sides movements. Now press the invert button so they both move at the same time in the same direction and presto, working VTOL Rotatron's.

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  Ziw said:
first and foremost - did you scale the robotic parts with tweakscale? Second - does it apply only to translating parts (telescopic piston or extendatron) or rotating parts as well?

The most recent batch were the old style powered hinges. Tweakscale.... not sure but probably. I say not sure because I ended up removing them and then hyperediting the new craft back to where it was. Also because the Kraken totally obliterated my save file a few days ago =O

Is this a known thing with tweakscale? If so I'll avoid doing that and see if the problem re-occurs.


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  bmyers831 said:
The most recent batch were the old style powered hinges. Tweakscale.... not sure but probably. I say not sure because I ended up removing them and then hyperediting the new craft back to where it was. Also because the Kraken totally obliterated my save file a few days ago =O

Is this a known thing with tweakscale? If so I'll avoid doing that and see if the problem re-occurs.


No, it's not a known bug with tweakscale, in fact I haven't had any problems with it for quite some time, just the behavior you described is very reminiscent of an old IR-TS interaction bug that was fixed in 0.21.3

If you can reproduce the bug - can you please post the craft here alongside with the reproduction steps

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