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Everything posted by MartGonzo

  1. Does anyone know which API the game will use? Dx11? 12? and / or Vulkan? (I'm hoping Vulkan will be supported because of it's excellent performance and compatibility)
  2. Working great in 1.12.1, no major issues found. There is one minor thing that it would be good if you could look into, the lights don't scale any more, seems they've had an update recently and tweakscale no longer recognises them.
  3. Thanks Lisias for continuing to support this mod, it's definitely on my essential list.
  4. I just got the Kopernicus update, should all be working now, many thanks DeadJoe.
  5. Hi Galileo, just wanted to let you know that SVE is working perfectly in 1.6 (minus kopernicus' Jool ring) so you might want to put that on the title page. Thanks for creating and continuing to support this awesome mod.
  6. Thanks Sal Vager, I was just about to ask about this. P.S. I've been wondering for a while why double clicking on the ship in map view to change focus was removed?
  7. Ah that's a shame, I like to have a nice balance and I'm far too penny-pinching to spend money on them. There free ones floating about after all! It does specify the gender if you read carefully, where it says return the kerbal to Kerbin it will either say him or her. That's handy to know, I can save before accepting the contract and then decide whether to rescue or go back to the save instead of having to rendezvous and then find out. Thanks for the replies fellow Kerbalnauts.
  8. Hi folks, I'm looking for a mod that add the type of Kerbal to the page for rescue contracts, I tried a few search terms but couldn't find whether there already is anything like this. If anyone knows of a mod that does that (preferrably a small mod that doesn't make any other major changes) or is capable of creating one I'd be very grateful. Thanks .
  9. Thanks Ferram, just thought I should let you know that the date of the update is incorrect, it should be 10/27/16 (or for us contrary UK residents 27/10/16)
  10. Thanks Fourfa, wondered what was causing this. it was a real head scratcher as I could EVA on the pad so there was obviously no hatch obstruction.
  11. Thanks for the 1.2 update @Athlonic I notice there's no option for Blizzy's toolbar support anymore, as toolbar has been updated too any chance we could have that back?
  12. Many thanks Ferram, I'll let you know of any issues.
  13. I must admit I have no idea what most of the things KER measures are but having them there is reassuring and made me look clever when I was showing off KSP to a friend. (but he knows me quite well so he probably wasn't fooled )
  14. Not exactly KSP but it seems Jeb's been doing some moonlighting for the Federation security force.
  15. hmm, seems like it's massively variable, I can only assume it's bottlenecking on your chip which of course it really shouldn't be doing. well I'm confused, no idea why that would be, sorry for jumping in.
  16. sorry Galileo, I apologise in advance because you're not going to like this. I have a GTX 960 too and just tried the high res pack and I'm getting 50-60fps, I am running on an i7 4790K so perhaps that's the difference.
  17. I was having the minor flickering issues scatterer causes on some systems and I noticed that setting vsync to adaptive in the (nvidia) graphics control panel seems to have fixed it. can't guarantee that it will work for others but it's worth a try for anyone having that issue. P.S. couple of pics you may like
  18. Surely that should be whales and bowls of petunias? "Oh no! not again"
  19. I have a minor issue with the config dialogue box not fitting the screen, I'm limited to 1366x768 res. unfortunately and the bottom of the config tool gets cut off, if I turn on distant vessel rendering it pushes the Apply button off the bottom of the screen. Any chance of changing the config tool in future versions to a more screen friendly shape?
  20. Many thanks! lol I'm such an idiot, that must have been the only thing I didn't try
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