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Mun Orbit Issues...

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I've been using the Demo for about 5 days now, have successfully and consistently gotten to LKO, designed and successfully tested a lunar landing vehicle, and designed numerous launch vehicles capable of getting to Mun. However, I can't seem to get into a lunar orbit. Every attempt has either shot past Mun, or ends up on a very elongated orbit around Kerbal. I plan on buying the full version soon, and have researched all the different mods. I know there are many mods with the full version that will help me in this, but I'd like to get it down on my own first. Any suggestions?

Edited by AlexClark
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First suggestion is never mod to fix a piloting problem :) There's no reason you should not be able to get a Mun orbit in demo, and learning how will make you a better player and help you have more fun.

The basic procedure is to adjust your orbit around Kerbin, making it high enough and timing it right so that your ship will enter the Mun's SOI. Then, burn to decelerate near Mun periapsis, and before long you will have an orbit.

So to start, where are you going wrong?

--are you able to get your ship to intercept the Mun's sphere of influence? (SOI)

--once in Mun's SOI, what is your Mun periapsis?

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Set up a maneuver node for your Mun periapsis. Drag the retrograde component until you get a circular orbit. You'll want to start your retrograde burn at half the time before you hit the maneuver node. For example, if it says the burn will take 60 seconds, start burning retrograde at 30 seconds before the node. Good luck and fly safe!

EDIT: If you're in early career mode you might not have maneuver nodes yet, so I suggest trying in sandbox mode first until you get a feel for it.

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--are you able to get your ship to intercept the Mun's sphere of influence? (SOI)

--once in Mun's SOI, what is your Mun periapsis?

It appears to be getting into the SOI in the first place is the main problem. Being it's "just the demo", returning the poor Kerbal home isn't a concern as of yet. I figured mastering the lunar orbit is priority before landing, then figure out how to return. I may have narrowed it down to a speed problem. Right heading, too much burn. Last attempt was 430km, and as Maxwell Smart would say, "Missed it, by that much."

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OK good, let's start there. In the full version we drag the maneuver nodes around until we get an intercept we like. I'm not sure whether you can do that in demo. If not, the standard procedure is to get to LKO going east, then wait until the Mun just rises above the horizon (relative to your ship) and start your burn. There are some more details on timing here.

Don't forget to set Mun as your target (I'm pretty sure you can do that in demo?), then burn until your apoapsis is high enough to intersect Mun's orbit. You should see either (1) an encounter (yay!) or (2) an intercept showing how far off you will be when you get to Mun's altitude. If (2), then you can try burning prograde to speed up, retrogade to slow down, or radially inward and outward to try and get closer. Thrust in short bursts to see what happens. If the intercept distance increases, turn around and try it the opposite direction :)

If you can do this, a lot of things in the full game will be easier for you. I actually did a Mun mission, stranded guys, and managed an orbital rescue/return all in demo. That's what taught me the game and got me hooked. Good luck! See if this gets you farther, and we'll be here when you run into the next roadblock.

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I haven't quite mastered the maneuver nodes yet, and I'm sure that has something to do with this issue, but now I have gotten into a lunar orbit! It's wide ( Ap. about 92km.) but I think I can make it work. I'm very interested in the rescue mission you mentioned. How do you go about designing a launch and return vehicle capable of that in the demo? Docking doesn't appear to be an option in the demo.

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I haven't quite mastered the maneuver nodes yet, and I'm sure that has something to do with this issue, but now I have gotten into a lunar orbit! It's wide ( Ap. about 92km.) but I think I can make it work.

Well done!

I'm very interested in the rescue mission you mentioned. How do you go about designing a launch and return vehicle capable of that in the demo? Docking doesn't appear to be an option in the demo.

Heh. No, there is no docking in demo. First ship crashed, stranding Jeb on the surface. I made a new lander by inverting a second Mk1 capsule and attaching it to the first, and sent Bill to the Mun in that. Managed a landing some distance away and had Jeb run to Bill's ship. Made a weighted device out of legos to keep "W" pressed for the hour that took. Lifted off--and ran out of fuel in Mun orbit. Sent Bob in yet another ship, this one with three Mk1 capsules welded in series. Managed a close-enough rendezvous (not easy, the target orbit was very irregular!) and sent Bill and Jeb on a ~10km, visually guided EVA. Managed to get the ship back to Kerbin atmosphere with all three aboard, and splashed down intact. Loads of fun!

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I haven't quite mastered the maneuver nodes yet, and I'm sure that has something to do with this issue, but now I have gotten into a lunar orbit! It's wide ( Ap. about 92km.) but I think I can make it work. I'm very interested in the rescue mission you mentioned. How do you go about designing a launch and return vehicle capable of that in the demo? Docking doesn't appear to be an option in the demo.

That's good. You've taken your first step into a larger world!

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I made a new lander by inverting a second Mk1 capsule and attaching it to the first, and sent Bill to the Mun in that. Managed a landing some distance away and had Jeb run to Bill's ship. Made a weighted device out of legos to keep "W" pressed for the hour that took.

This whole sentence has my undivided attention. Inverting parts and EVA's are something I have yet to attempt, and given the speed in which I've advanced in the demo so far, I'd like to learn more.

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That's good. You've taken your first step into a larger world!

Thank you very much. Hopefully that larger world will come sooner, rather than later. I plan on purchasing KSP later today.

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This whole sentence has my undivided attention. Inverting parts and EVA's are something I have yet to attempt, and given the speed in which I've advanced in the demo so far, I'd like to learn more.

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Thank you very much. Hopefully that larger world will come sooner, rather than later. I plan on purchasing KSP later today.

Oh, you're doomed. (Or at least your accumulated sick-days are doomed!) Have a great week playing some serious KSP! Don't get too attached to your Career Mode save, if you start one - it will likely have to be restarted on Monday when Retail Release hits, anyway.

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Currently KSP is still in Beta. The demo is some very old version. On 27th of April however, version 1.0 is released and there is also going to be a new demo with that.

The trick with getting a closer encounter with the mun is to do a correction burn. Timewarp until you are half way there, then turn the camera in mapview, so that you see the mun an you projected periapse very well. Then burn very very little prograde or retrograde to adjust your periapse. Burning normal or antinormal will change your inclination if nessesary.

Then warp to the muns sphere of influence (SoI). Do not cross into the SoI at high time warp though, as that will mess up your trajectory. In 1.0 this bug is getting fixed.

When you are almost at periapse, burn retrograde to slow down. This way you do not shoot past the mun.

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Oh, you're doomed. (Or at least your accumulated sick-days are doomed!) Have a great week playing some serious KSP! Don't get too attached to your Career Mode save, if you start one - it will likely have to be restarted on Monday when Retail Release hits, anyway.

I own the company I work for, and for the past 5 days while at work, I have been locked in my office, "working on a very important project". Most of my staff have heard me cursing random, non-work related things since then, and have figured out I am in fact, not working. They do not yet know the extent of my new found addiction, but they know I am slacking off for something that at times makes me very angry, then very happy. The pregnant fiance at home is the worst though. I can't lock the door for my home office, so she knows what shenanigans I'm pulling.

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Currently KSP is still in Beta. The demo is some very old version. On 27th of April however, version 1.0 is released and there is also going to be a new demo with that.

Will I have to pay again for this release? I literally just downloaded the full version.

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If you paid money for it, it's yours forever, including all future patches, etc. etc. :)

Edit: Also, can I come work for you? As a, uh, "special project consultant" :P

Fantastic. I hate paying for things twice.

As far as the job goes, we're not quite ready to expand to the Golden State just yet, and this new rabbit hole I've fallen into isn't speeding that process up. However, if you can use Team Viewer, I can always use a new and cheaper IT guy!

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Great to see a new member ensnared by this amazing game. I currently have 685h logged on steam, so beware the time-kraken ^^

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Also, if you need some inspiration for some even crazier ideas, check out scott manley's youtube channel. Especially the interstellar quest series has taught me a large portion of what I know.

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