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[Idea] Mass Effect Mod?


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Here is an idea right from the crazy train.

What is this?

Mass Effect is both the name of a game and also the technology that drives the game universe.

The basic idea is that a special element, when electrified, can increase or decrease the mass of objects in its field of influence because dark energy.

We shall call this Element K, for Kerbal reasons.


Imagine a future where spaceships can use regular engines, but go places, because they can turn their mass way down, causing the deltaV to go way up. Also imagine artificial gravity, shields, ultradense or ultralight materials, and science telekinesis and other things, but that is for another universe (and game series).

I am just interested in seeing a Mass Effect Core part in KSP. Obviously power requirements scale exponentially with vehicle size to achieve the same percentage reduction in mass.

How to balance?

Like Interstellar Mod Antimatter, Element K can't be found on Kerbin, and must be discovered. Like those mystery ruins on other planets. Once harvested, then you can use mass effect cores on ships, resources withstanding. Also, will need power generators, like big part reactors and things to run the big Mass Cores. Basically, more power consumption than ion engines.

And to add that little bit of extra, you need to skim an upper atmosphere to discharge the drive core after using it.

Edited by Blaster
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I wonder if you can have negative mass parts in KSP, because that would probably be easier than modifying all the masses of the connected parts. More to the point, I wonder if you can change the mass of a part in-flight.

power requirements scale exponentially with vehicle size

Volume, or mass? Presumably mass.

And to add that little bit of extra, you need to skim an upper atmosphere to discharge the drive core after using it.

Is that part of the game? (I haven't played Mass Effect) It seems to me the obvious place to discharge extra electricity would be into batteries/capacitors, to save the power for next time.

Element K can't be found on Kerbin, and must be discovered. Like those mystery ruins on other planets. Once harvested, then you can use mass effect cores on ships, resources withstanding.

Seems like you could just re-use [Karborundum](http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92839) for that purpose. ESLD Jump Beacons do that.

Related: list of FTL propulsion mods

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Pretty much that. While Mass Effect focuses on Commander Shepard, leaving the Normandy more as home base / fast travel vehicle, the lore fluff is that ships going interstellar have to discharge mass effect cores upon entering the system, usually at gas giants, which may also double as helium-3 refuel station locations or ramscooping passes (fusion torch drives). Mass effect cores build up static charge while in use at ftl speeds, and the charge has to be dispersed at a planet, or the buildup could jump into the ship's hull and cook it. And this assumes the buildup is in excess of the ship's power storage and consumption.

As for how to implement, there needs to be a way to divide or multiply the ship's total mass. Using a part with negative mass would not work, as it will just upset the centermass of the ship.

The field needs power depending on how much percent mass is being reduced or increased and the volume of the field of effect, which needs to be at least the ship or bigger.

Edited by Blaster
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