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After 1.0 what DLC would you like to see the Dev Team focus on next?

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After KSP 1.0 is released what DLC would you like to see the dev team focus on?

For me I would like to see base building taken to the next level. The ultimate sandbox! To keep it simple, road paving equipment with tracks instead of wheels, that can be attached to rovers to build roads, bridges, and runways.


One that can fit inside a cargo bay... :D


You would make the road paver to be the active unit. From the side menu you would then select the type, road, bridge, or runway just like you do for parts now. That road, bridge, or runway "square" would become a 3D cursor that you would then pick a starting point on the ground and drag it to an end point, highlighting the direction on the ground where you want to build.

We already have the ability to build base structures. What I'm suggesting is bigger and less CPU extensive. Domed buildings with multiple underground levels that you can wander around in IVA mode and wouldn't impact CPU rate. Launch pads, and offshore platforms that would require parts to build a larger mobile construction unit.


Link: http://www.esa.int/Highlights/Lunar_3D_printing

As with the road paver the building construction unit would have it's own set of buildings to choose from, placed on the location you choose. A single click to place in this case.

Construction would then be an automated event that takes time to finish. Roads would be faster than runways, which would be faster than bridges. Buildings of course would take even longer.

Materials would consist of local materials and structural/construction materials ferried from Kerbin.

I'd like to hear your ideas for Kerbal DLC.

Edited by Landge
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To be honest, I don't think it's time to worry about DLC yet. The devs have stated that they intend to continue working on KSP, though not for an indefinite amount of time. I'd expect at the very least that we'll get multiplayer and Unity 5 before they start working on DLC. Hopefully, if the fairings are in fact breaking into lots of little pieces, we'll get an option to set them to something more normal. And that's just what I consider important, the devs have their own list of things that they want to add to KSP before calling it done.

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Rather than DLCs, I would prefer the developers continue to expand on the API and the PartModules in a way that would allow add-on authors to further extend the game's capabilities and features themselves.

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Oh wait, there's a mod for that...

Which is the problem with DLC for KSP. KSP isn't really "strong content" based; SQUAD doesn't really have much to actually SELL on. They could get a few suckers to buy things like parts packs; maybe even sell a new planet; but we can do that already, and some people don't even like SQUAD content. Features can be hit or miss; and selling KSP, extra-stable version as DLC would go over real well with the community ;p

Rather than DLCs, I would prefer the developers continue to expand on the API and the PartModules in a way that would allow add-on authors to further extend the game's capabilities and features themselves.

Really, this is where I'd like them to focus the most as well. The more ways to change the system completely we have, the better for SQUAD in the end.

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Rather than DLCs, I would prefer the developers continue to expand on the API and the PartModules in a way that would allow add-on authors to further extend the game's capabilities and features themselves.

This is all that had to be said.

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Multiplayer is the only thing that modders can't do well and only the Devs could implement to any sustainable degree. Everything else is already out there in mods, including multiplier. But if the Devs are the only ones capable of building it right.

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How about a whole new game? What about Kerbal Space Program on an interstellar scale? Warp drives! Colony modules! Solar sails! Kilometer-long spacecraft! It's crazy of course, but I think something like that is one of the few things that could be better than the current KSP.

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I would like a base building component similar to how "Banished" plays added to the game. You could still play KSP like we do now, but there would also be a "Base Mode" that you could enter.

Think of the city planner menus from Spore with the gameplay mechanics of Banished bundled nicely inside of KSP.

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Heres a question. What does the OP mean by DLC? Every patch/update so far has technically been DLC, but I dont consider that 'DLC'.

To me DLC is stuff like expansion packs, new maps, extra content that is independent from the main complete* game.

for example, multiplayer should not be DLC, it should be part of the base game. Multiplayer should be added through an update or patch. My previous comment in this thread about clouds was sarcasm, clouds should also be part of the base game.

The devs already said at least the first post 1.0 would be a free one. I'm certain it will be Unity 5 or Multiplayer (or both).

what does this mean? we might potentially have to pay for 1.2(or whatever # it is)?

We need to distinguish the difference between an update to the game, and extra content DLC.

Edited by r4pt0r
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The devs already said at least the first post 1.0 would be a free one. I'm certain it will be Unity 5 or Multiplayer (or both).

I thought all updates to KSP would be free? Only expansion pack type content would possibly have to be purchased.

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Just a thought:

If the people who hold the marketing stuff for Interstellar ever decide to make a real Interstellar video game, they should get Squad to make it as an add-on to Kerbal Space Program as a tie-in.

It would add a wormhole to Jool that links into the Gargantua system (made to Kerbal scale obviously). Easter eggs on the planet which portray the bases. There would be parts added to be ranger and endurance and lander stuff, and new orange suit Kerbals with the names of the astronauts in the movie.

Then the cool physics need to be made.

First, a version of general relativity would need to be added for the time dilation stuff. Then a huge tidal wave added to Miller's Planet. For Mann's Planet, you would have to basically ditch the PQS system for another type of procedurally generated frozen porous planet thing. Another object, a Neutron Star is also orbiting Gargantua, it's actually where Edmunds' Planet is. Nothing that interesting is going on on Edmunds. Just a generic desert planet.

You know what, maybe I shouldn't go into too much detail. The Devs ought to be free to do whatever... :P

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