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Blender to KSP not scaling properly

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Ok, I have my Blender scene set to metric and the scale a 1. However, when I make a part in a 1.75, 2, or 3 meter diameter the part imported into KSP is much larger! I\'ve tried using a 1.0 and a 0.1 scale in the CFG to fix this, even a 0.5 at ne time, but there is no change in the VAB or on the launch pad.

Is there something I\'m missing?

oh, and I\'m using Blender 2.63 if that helps.

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You possibly have a scale transform applied to your meshes.

go to object mode and load the Object panel on the left side (yellow cube) and see if the Scale colum for your objects is 1.0

If its not, hit Ctrl+A and apply Scale (and rotation if you need to) and try to re-export.

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Ok, I redid a 3m solid booster and double checked the units in the scene and on the object like what was suggested. All the units and scales were 1.0. I\'ve attached a .zip of what I exported to .dae if anyone wants to look at it and tell me where I\'m messing up.

I don\'t know if it is in the .cfg file or there\'s a toggle somewhere buried in Blender that I have switched.

Thanks for the help!

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Hey have looked at it. The import showed me that the model is 6 meter in diameter. If you could upload the .blend file I could check out what is going on.


should add that the scale in the CFG, will not affect the scale of the model in KSP. The only thing that will change, is where the hardpoints is.

BTW. If what you did was when added a cylinder and added 3 meter in the radius, you will get 6 meter in dia. So the model will be twice as large. Just for info. when you add a cube it is 2x2x2 meter, so you can check if the scale fits.

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Ok, here is the actual .blend file.

What I did was I added a cylinder and in the dialog box on the left hand side where it shows the rotation, number of faces, etc. I set the size to 3 meters (default is one meter).

I have to say, I\'m really trying to get my head around blender. If there was a .dae export plugin for gmax I\'d have this nailed. I\'ve played around with 3DSMax (same interface as gmax) but I\'m not paying that much money for 3DSMax. Not for what I need it for anyway lol. Blender seems all backwards after using gmax for so long, and I keep falling into pitfalls like this one. /rant lol

PS I just looked at the video tutorial sticky in this thread. Aside from actual face/vertices moving, what I\'ve been doing is exactly as shown in the top video.

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  teacherboi said:

Ok, here is the actual .blend file.

What I did was I added a cylinder and in the dialog box on the left hand side where it shows the rotation, number of faces, etc. I set the size to 3 meters (default is one meter).

I have to say, I\'m really trying to get my head around blender. If there was a .dae export plugin for gmax I\'d have this nailed. I\'ve played around with 3DSMax (same interface as gmax) but I\'m not paying that much money for 3DSMax. Not for what I need it for anyway lol. Blender seems all backwards after using gmax for so long, and I keep falling into pitfalls like this one. /rant lol

Rofl yup I hear that a lot. Blender is not easy to learn if you have experience with other 3d software. And the prize of 3d studio max is huge in my opinion, I have a topic here http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10045.0 where you can ask of help on blender. I will try to help as much as I can.

And the reason why it is to big. Is that when you add that 3 meters, it will be 6 meter in diameter. That is why you have the model to big. Remember when you set scale in the size, you have to add it as half the size. Because it is radius. Not diameter. so for right scale for 3 meter in diameter. You should add 1.5 meter.

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Remember RADIUS is the distance from the center of a circle to any point on the circumference (outer edge)

DIAMETER Is the distance from opposite points on the circumference (the line crosses the center) and is basically the radius X 2

Blender asks for the radius of the top face of a cylinder (and the \'wide face\' of a cone) when making one, so you just divide the desired diameter by 2:

1 meter cylinders: 0.5

1.75m cylinders: 0.875

2m cylinders: (I\'m not even gonna bother telling you this one.)

3m cylinders: 1.5

and so on.

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