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Beautification mods for my PC (Potato Calculator)


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As the title implies, my laptop is a bit too potato to go all out on what I want. I can generally run KSP fine provided that part count don't go too high.

I've generally avoided mods focusing on aesthetics, as I've always preferred function over form. Now that I have pretty much settled with a list of mods I enjoy using, I think it's time to see if I can extend the visual appeal, so I have a twofold question:

What type of mods add the most to memory consumption? Parts with textures?

Memory is not really an issue for me, as I'm running linux 64 without any issues, I'm mostly just curious about this. However, CPU and GPU, to a certain extent, is an issue.

Which beautification mods can you recommend that do not really cost much in terms of CPU and GPU cycles?

While I cannot remember the exact names, I hope you know which mods I'm talking about here.... the ones in particular that appeal to me:

- Distant Object enhancement

- Ambient light

- Any other recommendations, preferably potaty-friendly ones?


For the record, the mods I already use are:

Action Groups Extended

*Deadly Reentry

Docking Port Alignment Indicator

Enhanced Navball



Kerbal Attachment System

Kerbal Alarm Clock

*Kerbal Engineer

Kerbal Flight Indicators

Joint Reinforcement


*Procedural fairings


TAC Fuel Balancer

TAC Life Support



*: Up for re-evaluation vs stock once 1.0 comes out:

Edited by jarmund
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Textures hog memory (so parts and planets mainly), everything else is fairly negligible by comparison (plugins *can* scale up to be insanely huge, but that generally won't happen)

RE: Beutification

Vens Stock revamp is better stock parts (with reduced memory usage if pruner used) with no impact on framerate.

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I'd throw in EVE, Planetshine and Distant Object Enhancement. If it crashes, pull one back off.

Am I to understand they cost a lot of ram, but not much processing power? I have plenty of ram..

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