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where'd the torrent go?


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I seem to remember that on the official KSP download page there was a link for a torrent download. I can't seem to find that now- am I just crazy or has it disappeared?

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They used to torrent the demos -- way back when their servers were less beefy than they are now and it was actually useful -- but they never torrented the commercial versions. It is very difficult to secure torrent streams against piracy, and not worth the effort for a small company.

IIRC, the demos are now no longer torrented because there were so few seeders the servers ended up doing all the work anyway.

Be warned that threads about torrents usually end up either degenerating into arguments, or being preemptively locked to prevent such arguments.

Edited by softweir
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Not likely to ever happen, sorry, Squad looked into it and it wasn't deemed suitable, but the patcher works now so we don't really need it anyway.

I think this thread might go down paths we'd rather avoid, sorry guys but it's answered, sorta, best wait to see what happens with those links after 1.0 drops.

Closing :)

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