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Spacetime Oddity II: Kerbal Rising


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Welcome to my mission report!

This thread is meant to serve as a sort of record for my experience while playing Kerbal Space Program, as most mission reports are intended to do. The difference being here is that I'm taking note of all of my accomplishments in KSP 1.0, in the form of Career Mode. I am using no mods and hardly any outside help- I'm recording my experience playing the game, and publishing my findings here. It's Science!

So without further ado, please enjoy my humble mission report! Happy launchings!

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Table of Contents

Space Programs

Mission Chronology

Crew Roster

-Newsflash!- Archives

Program Info

Lore of the Kerbals

Space Programs

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Kosmos Program

Kerbal Air

Muna Program


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Kosmos 1

Kosmos 2

Kosmos 3

Kosmos 4

Kosmos 5







KA-006 X


Crew Roster

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Total Active Kosmonauts: 5

Pilot Group

*Jebediah "Jeb" Kerman*

Valentina "Val" Kerman

Alxy Kerman

Urlee Kerman

Scientist Group

Bill Kerman

Engineer Group

Bob Kerman


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-April 26, 2015-

-April 29, 2015-

-April 29, 2015 (#2)-

-May 2, 2015-

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Funding: √418,011

Science: 14.1

Total Number of Missions: 13

Failed Missions: 2

Cumulative Success Rating: 84.6%

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Like what you see? Feel free to contact me with questions or comments or just reply to the thread!

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Snack Bar Mogul Maxwell Kerman Announces Kerbal Space Program!

April 26, 2015

Peoples from all around Kerbin celebrate today as it was announced that Maxwell Kerman, owner of Güd-Füds Snack Bar, has teamed up with relatively unknown scientist Wernher von Kerman, and has constructed what shall be known as the Kerbal Space Program, or KSP. Speaking from his office today, Maxwell Kerman has stated that the Program is an "exciting new chapter in all of our lives, and one that I am glad to be a part of."

Speculation is wild in regards to the aims and goals of the Space Program, which is due to go operational tomorrow afternoon. The whole planet is holding its breath in anticipation!

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Kosmos Program

Date of Initiation: April 27, 2015

Program Description: The Kosmos Program is the primary manned spaceflight program within the Kerbal Space Program. The Kosmos series of missions encompasses suborbital test flights of rocket propulsion technologies as well as orbital missions involving crew transport, orbital construction, and missions to other celestial bodies.

Total Number of Kosmos Flights: 5

Failed Missions: .5

Success Rating: 90%

Mission Index

Kosmos 1

Kosmos 2 [Half-failure]

Kosmos 3

Kosmos 4

Kosmos 5

Kosmos 1

Mission Date: April 27, 2015

Crew: Jebediah Kerman

The first flight of the Kerbal Space Program was a complete success! All mission objectives were completed and the mission has generated a nice chunk of income and notoriety. Jebediah Kerman performed a flawless test run of the Mk-1 Command Pod, testing mission procedures and data recovery techniques. The information gathered will be a great boon to the Program.

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Kosmos 2

Mission Date: April 27, 2015

Crew: Jebediah Kerman

The second flight... Was a sort-of failure. Most likely due to unforseen aerodynamic stresses, the rocket used in Kosmos 2 was unable to maintain a straight trajectory, and flipped multiple times during ascent. The situation was controlled, however, and the situation resolved, so it is counted as a half-failure in the official flight record.

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Kosmos 3

Mission Date: April 27, 2015

Crew: Valentina Kerman

Victory! Complete and utter victory! Valentina Kerman has become the first ever Kerbal in space!

Kosmos 3 reached a final apoapse of 252,115m above the surface of Kerbin in an unplanned turn of events! The mission was designed to correct the problems associated with the partial failure of Kosmos 2, where it was assumed that aerodynamic forces caused the vehicle to fail. Kosmos 3 had added structural fins to stabilize the spacecraft, and that seems to have done the trick.


Artist's rendering of Kosmos-3, with Valentina Kerman inside. Copyright Pablasso Kerman 2015.

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Kosmos 4

Mission Date: April 28, 2015

Crew: Jebediah Kerman

Kosmos-4 was a complete success! Jebediah Kerman has become the first Kerbal to attain stable orbit around Kerbin, with a maximum apoapse of 96,007m. This mission was also the first to feature side-jettisoning solid rocket boosters, and was the first mission where the crew had access to a camera to document their mission. Huzzah!

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Kosmos 5

Mission Date: April 28, 2015

Crew: Jebediah Kerman

Kosmos 5 was an unusual mission. Its objective was not to do scientific research in space, but actually launched with an RT-5 booster and landed just outside of the Research and Development complex. The mission generated much-needed Science that will help push the Space Program forward. In addition, an extra procedure was added to the mission reporting procedure to report how much Science was collected during a mission.

Total Science Collected: 26.9

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Kerbal Air Flight Log

Date of Initiation: April 28, 2015

Program Description: Kerbal Air is a subdivision of the Kerbal Space Program, one dedicated solely to terrestrial, atmospheric flights of jet aircraft on Kerbin. This includes flights for any purpose, such as performing crew reports and taking scientific measurements of various locations.

Total Number of Kerbal Air Flights: 7

Failed Missions: 1.5

Success Rating: 78.5%

Total Program Cost: ~√101,057

Mission Index






KA-006 X



Mission Date: April 28, 2015

Crew: Valentina Kerman

Mission Cost: √14,151

This.... Is completely outrageous. The very first flight of the Kerbal Air sub-program has ended in catastrophe. Valentina Kerman, the first female Kosmonaut and the first Kerbal to ever reach space perished when the plane was unable to take off, and then unable to slow down. The plane struck the beach just to the East of the Space Center and exploded, killing Valentina instantly.

This is a stark reminder that flight is a dangerous business, and no mistakes are allowed.

Total Science Collected: 0

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Mission Date: April 29, 2015

Crew: Jebediah Kerman

Mission Cost: √14,151

KA-002 was, fortunately, a success. The mission was a very short test flight, meant to test a safer redesign of the KA-1 Caracara, the Kerbal Air sub-program's first jet aircraft. The craft can now take off, and as Jebediah bravely demonstrated, can also land safely. This is a momentus day for the Program!


Jebediah Kerman poses with a KA-1 Caracara. The elevons visible at the front of the aircraft were the defining feature that allowed the Caracara to finally take flight.

Total Science Collected: 0

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Mission Date: April 29, 2015

Crew: Alxy Kerman

Mission Cost: √14,151

KA-003 was a wonderful flight! Alxy Kerman really delivered on her first-ever flight, which also happened to be the first real non-test flight that was also sort-of a test flight. The mission involved performing crew reports at two locations on Kerbin, Kerman's Gambit and Gregvis' Drift. In addition, Alxy took some nice photographs of Kerbin from the cockpit of the aircraft, as well as provided interesting information about the KA-1 Caracara used for all three KA flights thus far. The plane seems to be capable of supersonic flight, but it will not be until further testing is completed that a speed run will be authorized.

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Total Science Collected: 3.5

MET: 00:17:19

Highest Speed Achieved: 325 m/s

Highest Altitude Achieved: 3,922m

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Mission Date: May 1, 2015

Crew: Urlee Kerman

Mission Cost: √14,151

The mission was a great success! Urlee Kerman performed a nearly flawless first flight. The only hiccup occured when attempting to pursue a tricky contract objective, one that required a crew report from 17,000m above the ocean. It turns out that the KA-1 Caracara is unable to fly within these parameters, and the mission changed to pursue two other readings. Urlee then performed a flawless touchdown, collecting data and training for further missions.

Total Science Collected: 18

MET: 00:20:06

Highest Speed Achieved: 294 m/s

Highest Altitude Achieved: 9,228m

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Mission Date: May 1, 2015

Crew: Jebediah Kerman

Mission Cost: √14,151

The mission really brought out the big guns. Jebediah Kerman, ace pilot of ace pilots, was called in to test a brand new procedure. KA-005 was the first flight to ever make two touchdowns in a single flight. After first taking off from the runway, Jeb piloted the craft to a site and performed several observations after landing the plane in the grasslands just to the southwest of the KSC, before taking off again and flying home. The plane he was flying was outfitted with a single radial parachute to make the landing, for safety purposes. Jebediah did take the opportunity of the easy grasslands setting to perform some low-flying stunts, but overall the mission went swimmingly!

ADDENDUM: Wonderful news! KA-005 finally brought the Program back into the green figures for cumulative success! The current success rating for the entire Program now stands at exactly 85%, the borderline for a green-rated program. Huzzahs are in order!

Total Science Collected: 21

MET: 00:10:14

Highest Speed Achieved: 299 m/s

Highest Altitude Achieved: 2,228m

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KA-006 X

Mission Date: May 2, 2015

Crew: Jebediah Kerman

Mission Cost: √15,151

This mission was another half-failure. The mission was designated X for Experimental, as the Kerbal Air sub-program was contracted to test a new type of landing gear, one that actually retracts into the body of the aircraft. Wonderful technology! However, it turned out to also be the cause of the half-failure. Jebediah Kerman was selected as pilot for his ability to perform under extreme circumstances. When his plane landed by parachute at Scott's Scar Alpha to collect an EVA report, the plane was reported to have tipped over to one side. It presented no significant cause for alarm, so the gear was retracted and extended to right the plane.

However, while taxiing across the ground to reach Scott's Scar Beta to collect another report, the plane keeled over and the left wing was destroyed. The plane righted itself, but a short time later Jeb turned the plane too sharply, causing the plane to tip and explode, sending debris over the area. Jebediah survived when the cockpit detached, and was forced to walk the remaining distance on foot.

Fun times!

Total Science Collected: 10

MET: Data Lost

Highest Speed Achieved: Data Lost

Highest Altitude Achieved: Data Lost

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Mission Date: May 4, 2015

Crew: Jebediah Kerman

Mission Cost: √15,151

KA-007 was a great, simple mission. It was a very low-key, low-risk mission to collect some Science data from a location a bit northward of the KSC. It seems as though the KA-1 Caracara is operating extremely reliably. However, it seems I forgot to collect the data from this mission... Whoops!

Total Science Collected: 25.7

MET: Data Missing

Highest Speed Achieved: Data Missing

Highest Altitude Achieved: Data Missing

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KSP Mourns Valentina "Val" Kerman

April 29, 2015

Late yesterday, Valentina Kerman perished while attempting a flight in a jet aircraft. The plane was unable to take off or stop properly due to design inadequacies.

The Kerbal Space Program has been struck a major blow. Valentina Kerman was a fantastic pilot in every regard, and will forever remain in history as the first Kerbal to ever feel what space felt like. Her mission portfolio is accomplished, but saddeningly short. Valentina served on Kosmos 3, her only spaceflight, and the ill-fated KA-001 flight.

Rest in peace, Val.

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Space Program Engineers Fix Heat Shields!

April 29, 2015

In a release made just hours ago, KSP CEO Maxwell Kerman stated, citing his chief engineers, that heat shields will now be much more likely to protect returning spacecraft.

Previously, Kosmos capsules, which utilized ablative heat shields 1.25m in diameter, were prone to atmospheric instability, which would cause the capsule to attempt to veer off course, completely negating the protective quality of the shields. "In fact," Kerman continued, "It's a wonder that the previous Kosmos missions survived at all."

The changes were made with the help of computer software and part engineering techniques that changed values of their production, allowing them to shift the center of mass (CoM) further down on the capsule's body, which helped keep the shields pointing safely down.

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Awesome! Has he taken his protein pills?

I remember I had a crew member in Oddity I whose name was Raygun Kerman. Best name I've seen in a long while :D

His missions are usually more succesful than the other major tom :)

And now I'm working on a munar base to fill with a bunch of kerbals named Sambell Kerman ;)

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Muna Program

Date of Initiation: May 1, 2015

Program Description: The Muna program, as the name implies, is focused on missions regarding anything and everything involved with Munar space missions, including manned and unmanned landers and space probes for data collection. Missions that are manned landings have the special designation "Lander" which sets them apart from other missions.

Total Number of Muna Missions: 1

Failed Missions: 0

Success Rating: 100%

Total Program Cost: √30,805

Mission Index



Mission Date: May 1, 2015

Mission Cost: √30,805

Muna-1, although failing in three out of four designated objectives under the recent Munar exploration contract, is generally considered a success, as the mission revealed tremendous amounts of data regarding Munar missions. The mission had, apparently, a deficit of battery power, and was unable to generate the necessary amount of power to sustain itself. Originally planned to touch down on the Munar surface, Muna-1 instead impacted the Mun at over 700 m/s. It was a fantastic fireworks show :sticktongue: The data collected from Muna-1 will aid future missions with absolute certainty!

In addition, a new procedure has been added to the data collection checklist for now and future missions: Reporting the cost of the mission. In addition, new counters have been set up to track the Program's public bank account sum and the total amount of Science points at any given time.

MET: 3d, 00:12:26

Total Science Collected: 0

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Jebediah Kerman Cheats Death!

May 2, 2015

Earlier today, Jebediah "Jeb" Kerman, ace pilot of the Kerbal Space Program, was involved in an explosive aircraft accident. Flying in a specially modified KA-1 Caracara jet aircraft, designated KA-1 X, Jebediah survived an explosion after a daring parachute landing in the grasslands. Jebediah was forced to then walk nearly a kilometer to Scott's Scar Beta to collect further scientific data before recovery forces picked him up and photographed the crash site.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well... I did pretty much stop, yeah, but I am also in consideration of making a brand new one, paired with a mission report I did over a year ago, even before Oddity I! So I think I'll make a third installment but christen it with something entirely new while recycling bits and pieces. I have decided to keep newsflashes, though I'm not sure how best to implement them as of yet...

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