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1.0 Basic Construction Training Bug - Destroying Part Means You Can't Complete Tutorial

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I thought I'd welcome in the 1.0 by playing the new Tutorials, merely 30 seconds in a I've found a small issue.

KSP Version:V1.0.0.830 Windows 32-bit

What Happens: Selecting a part then destroying it without actually placing it advances the tutorial step, but you haven't placed it and then removes that part from the parts list.

Mods / Add-Ons: All Stock

Steps to Replicate:

1. Open Construction Basics Training

2. Flick through the first couple of messages and place the command pod.

3. On the add a fuel tank step select the the Fuel Tank, then immediately drop it back into the parts list to destroy it (note if a new player double clicks, this has the same effect), the messages advance a step, but you haven't placed a fuel tank. This also hides the fuel tank from the parts list view, meaning you can't reattempt to place it.


Stuck in tutorial only being able place LVT-45, can't exit to main menu to restart.


Can place an LVT-45 below another one then advance through the rest of the tutorial messages to get to the end and exit to main menu.

Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files:

Also happens the same at the LVT-45 step, but you aren't stuck there like before and can just flick to the end.

Sorry for a bug after only 30 minutes!

Edited by Chonner
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