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KSP 1.0: graphics issues

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and first of all thanks for your time!

I have encountered some graphics issues in KSP x64 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, proprietary ATI-driver, KSP-Steam-Version, fresh install, full detail, resolution 1920x1080:

A. I build an ore scanner satellite consisting of:

1. 3 Probodobodyne OCTO stacked on top of each other, the middle one being the root part

2. 3 rows of OX-STAT panels in 8x symmetry

3. 2 octogirders, 1 one either end

4. 1 orbital ore scanner on top, the smaller one

5. 1 communotron16 in 4x symmetry, approx. 30 degrees angled upward on the top octogirder

6. 1 FL-A5 adapter connected to the bottom octogirder

7. 2 Z1k batteries underneath the FL-A5

8. the new 1.25m xenon tank

9. another FL-A5

10. an ion engine

11. a TR-2C separator and underneath a 1x1 structural panel

12. a 2.5m stock fairing base

for the rest of the rocket: see imgur album

B. saved the craft and launched it

C. on the launchpad during physics load, the camera shook like crazy, clipped through the terrain, never stopped -see first imgur image-

D. after physics load -camera still shaking- throttle and SAS worked, but blue rings appeared, for an instant the skybox was visible

E. hitting space bar, the rocket powered up, then again violent optical glitching, afterwards the 4th and 5th picture

also during building, the new fairings and service bays seem to glitch, as if the textures were not properly applied to the mesh, like in the 5th picture...

imgur album:

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The behavior seems reproducable, any insights are welcome!

Thanks again and I gladly provide any further information, including more screenshots if necessary.


Edited by E.Nygma
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I'm on it, just saw the other bug report, Steam got 2 files wrong, shaking stopped but the fairings and service bays still have semi-translucent black stripes wandering over the shape


also, the shrouds with the new heatshields show the same problem

Edited by E.Nygma
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Yeah I didn't think so, they are off by default, and are only for really old cards.

Are you interested in testing the open source gallium driver?, It's not fast, so most likely won't be good enough for KSP, and not all games even work with it but it'd help narrow this down.

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It's actually already installed on Ubuntu and most other Linux distros, your proprietary AMD driver just takes precedence.

It's usually enough to uninstall the AMD driver, reboot and run your game, gallium is catching up with the AMD driver all the time and AMD frequently add new code to it, but it's never quite as fast, and misses out on some features.

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No problem, maybe a good nights sleep will help us both...I'll play around with my settings a bit more...Thanks again!


That's's what you get fooling around with an operating system you do not fully understand: currently no desktop computer, have to rewritte xorg.conf after booting from usb, I think...

Edited by E.Nygma
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Well, i'm deeply embaressed but after a full reinstall of Ubuntu, KSP and everything other, setting the proprietary ATI drivers...it works like a charm, no more black stripes.

Thank you again sal_vager for your precious time on release day helping a noob...


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"setting the proprietary ATI drivers" <-- this is NOT a fix, it is a WORKAROUND!

The opensource ati drivers are far more stable then the proprietary ones... How about,

user: it doesn't work on linux

dev: try it in windows?

user: it works in windows, but I use the linux version

dev: use the windows version

That use to be way too common back in the day, now things are actually properly supported in linux, they SHOULD be properly supported with opensource drivers... If said drivers were not up to the job that would be understandable, but KSP runs GREAT in linux using the opensource ati driver, just 1.0 added bugs due to fairing/service-bay/heat-shield-cowl transparency overlays. Seeing as the old engine cowls and cargo bays work great, saying the other stuff is NOT working due to graphics drivers is a cheap 'I don't want to fix' solution.

Fairings are STILL NOT fixed on ati opensource linux driver ;)

Glad it helped some dude that decided to use the proprietary driver, but it doesn't help everyone.

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