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Download counter


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When KSP first started up you kept track of the total downloads of the game. I cant seem to find where we are at.

That said - where is your next milestone and how close are we to it?

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We discovered a few months ago that our download counter was failing on some situations, and the count was inaccurate. That meant we couldn\'t use it anymore as a measure for anything really. Add to that the fact that there many mirrors of the demo download, and the download count becomes a truly meaningless number.

We\'ve been keeping track of other statistics now. Most frequently,I go by the number of registered forum members. It\'s not a true count of the number of players, but it does give a nice indication of how KSP has grown over time. We are currently at 24,700 members, IIRC, which is really good, considering we were topping the 10,000 member mark on October last year. We\'ve more than doubled in community size in six months. I\'m very happy about that. :)


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Another good way to see how popular the game is via The Pirate Bay -_-.

Is that number of of member not how many people that have posted on the forums?

When you collapse the months so you only see the years (2011-2012) on the statistics page, you can easily see the 2 numbers of new members: 2011 over 20.000, 2012 already over 25.000. That means over 45.000 registered members.

I don\'t believe that that the people who play the game and people who are registered on the forums is a 1.0 ratio so maybe already over 100.000 people played the game...?

And do you guys don\'t have a payed members counter? If you substract 1 person of that (me, remember), youwe also have a nice indication.

Last indication is the server load which pretty much people have experienced last updates, which indacates that the game must be popular ;).

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