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Does Debris that lands safely at KSC get recovered automatically?

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I was doing a part test contract and I really love the extended render distance in atmosphere because, when I decoupled my Parachute-Equipped ascent stage, I was able to follow it down after I finished my experiments up in the atmosphere. I landed and so did the debris. I saw it land (I'm not crazy:sticktongue:) and so I recovered my main capsule. I went straight to the Tracking Station only to find that the debris wasn't there in the middle of KSC where it landed. I know it's a small saving you make, but it makes a big difference in the long run.

Edited by One-Way Films
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Debris used to auto-recover around KSC. I thought they had turned it off, but perhaps not. It might be that stuff around KSC needs a probe core to keep from being auto-cleaned. The other thing to check is your settings, and make sure that the Persistent Debris is set to something other than 0 (though I'm guessing you know that one). :P



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