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visual bug : parts proportions off when reverting to launch

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KSP Version: windows 1.0

What Happens: parts proportions off when reverting to launch

Mods / Add-Ons: All Stock

Steps to Replicate:

1) Make a small rocket like in the first image below (battery, probe core, nosecone, small srb all 1.25m)

(important : the srb must be the root part for it to work!)

2) Launch

3) Revert to Launch

Result: The ship will look like the one in the second picture

Fix: Revert to vab instead of reverting to launch





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I can reproduce it.

* Virgin 1.0 install, unpack ksp-linux-1.0.0.zip, start new sandbox.

* Build craft: Flea booster as root(important), mk1 pod on top.

* Launch (so the flight scene starts and it sits on the pad)

* Revert to launch. Now the booster is too small, just like in the above picture.

The same thing happens if I quicksave and quickload instead of reverting to launch.

When tinkering with tweakScale I made the observation that the value/object


for the root part seems to behave differently on launch compared to revert-to-launch/quickload.

When I write it on vessel load,

part.transform.GetChild(0).localScale = (someValue);
part.transform.GetChild(0).hasChanged = true;
part.transform.hasChanged = true;

everything is fine on launch and for non-root parts. But on revert-to-launch or quickload the value for the root part gets reverted to 1.0, which reverts the size of the visual model, and the camera bug is triggered.

My theory is that the common factor is localScale!=1.0, which is first set to the right value and then overwritten by some default. The additional bad things in TweakScale's case are probably connected to setting the hasChanged flags.

Edited by pellinor
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