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New thermal modelW=


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disclaimer: i like squad and love 1.0, i do not mean this as a complaint but simply an observation, thank you (also my physics is a bit rusty)

There appears to be some confusion about the thermal model and specifically the debug menu for it.

Right clicking on a part brings up (among other things) something called "flux"

- Radiative flux

- Convective flux

- Conductive flux

It does not appear to behave much like flux, rather the numbers seem to indicate energy flow rate?

Suggestion: Either-

- Rename the three values to something more like "- energy flow rate" and attach proper measuring units to prevent confusion (if it's not really flux)

- Keep flux in there but add "contact area" for each of those, because it's useless without those (if it IS flux) attaching a proper measuring unit helps too :P

- Scrap it completely and make up a "kerbal" thermodynamics model to replace the real world one

A "better" model will arise in the form of a mod, as was the case with FAR and NEAR, the realism oriented players will use that, might be useful to keep a whackier simpler model in the game, avoiding the need for real life physics.

I'd love feedback on this, thank you

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I was taught that the two terms are separate with "Flow" being flow and flux being flow through surface area.

Note: i am aware the standard mathematical definition is slightly different, i am talking about, strictly speaking, the physical phenomenon

Then again i didn't learn my physics in english so i might be mixing up words (we call torque, momentum over here, yeah...)

EDIT: panicked searching through the interwebs yielded several definitions to support this

heat flux is defined as a vector field Õ⃗ with units of energy per unit time, per unit area

pulled from stack exchange, i won't even attempt quoting wikipedia

Edited by igor_perusco
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