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After reverting to SPH/VAB, the parts don't show :(

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Temporary Workaround:

Sorry for not answering anyone on this thread, I totally forgot it x) The problem comes obviously from CRP and the new stock ressource system.

The only fix is to reset the ressources scan data. To do that edit your persistent.sfs file and then find and delete that:


KSP:1.0 KSP Windows 8.1 64-Bits (but using KSP 32-Bits)

Problem: After reverting to SPH/VAB, the parts don't show.

It looks like that:


Mods installed:


Reproduction steps:

Revert flight to VAB/SPH.

Log file: Download

Edited by falco1010
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I have exactly same problem. It's fixed by leaving then entering vab, but it's still annoying as hell.

Mods installed: Actions Groups Extended, Chatterer, Community Resource Pack (required by something), Firespitter Core (required), FTL Drive, HyperEdit, Kerbal Engineer Redux, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, Landing Height Display, MechJeb 2, Module Manager, Procedural Fairings (not using in craft, due to another bug), Stock Bug Fix Modules, Switch Active Vessel, Toolbar, Umbral Space Industries Tools (required), USI Survival Pack.

All mods installed through CKAN.

Sample log: http://pastebin.com/PsK9GBnJ

It ends just as I entered the SPH and noticed the bug.

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That would point to one of those causing the problem. Care to do more selective check?

I really wouldn't like to have to remove firespitter, as it's require by quite a lot of mods. Also any idea what mod requires the Community Resource Pack? It got installed automatically by CKAN as requirement, but I'm not sure for what..

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From the mods I'm using, it looks like it's being used by the USI Survival Pack (So I'd guess it's also used by other USI mods other than the core libraries). Have you already reported it in the mods' topic?

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I deleted all the mods, I put only those UmbraSpaceIndustries and everything works, so it is a conflict with something else.

I tried to put a mod at a time, and I recreated the bug with ModuleManager and mod UmbraSpaceIndustries together

The first time you load Kerbal all works, quit the game, reloaded, and the bug appears

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Community Ressource pack is required for RoverDude mods, isn't it ? So if I delete it, I can't have his mods ?

EDIT: Only MKS, Exploration Pack and Survivability Pack are using it so I can't use them ?

Edited by falco1010
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I made several experiments, but the problem disappeared and came back. Now I have deleted all the mod and nothing appears in the VAB .... there is only folder squad in my gamedata, but nothing appears ... WHY ???

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As some of you may know, I 'depend' on CRP; but in fact I am not using it per se; I used the .90 version and have been updating it with real world density values; if they changed a crapload of things all to once, they will have a hard time finding the problem; it 'could' be your problem; in the long run, it 'wont' be; why; because I am using mine with no problem; it is one of the first MODS I have....

There is one thing you can try...CRP original is only the main config; remover the folder(s) that come with it and see if that cures your problem; at least that way they can narrow it down.

Let's hope the crp...cfg isnt it but that will eliminate that possibility.

Cmdr Zeta

PS - Please re-edit the big blurb in the OP that really isnt needed; I have had the same problem with another bad MOD I cant remember; but it wasnt CRP. Make the words smaller because, well, CRP is a definite part of KSP and resources are what make this game; thank you.

PSS - This thread has not solved the problem unless there is more info at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91998

Edited by Cdr_Zeta
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I have a couple USI mods installed as well as crp and module manager, and I am not experiencing this bug. So while your problem may have been fixed by removing these mods, I don't think crp is the actual problem. If that were the actual problem the I would be having it too.

Maybe there is a conflict with something, or maybe another mod is screwed up and causing an issue when crp is present.

just did bout 10 or so launches and reverts and never once had my parts list go blank.

i think you should edit your big bolded statement a bit for proper decorum. And maybe say there could be a conflict with some mods when crp is present.. Since I'm using crp and not experiencing this bug. It's not right to blame another mod and push people away from it unless you can absolutely prove it's that specific mod. A lot of people use mks and crp, so if it was crp causing this I would expect this thread to have a few more people posting they are experiencing this problem. And I've seen no mention of such problem in a USI thread yet.

Edited by Hevak
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Guys. I can pretty much guarantee my mod is not causing this issue, and most of all CRP given that it's just resource config files.

I strongly suspect your princess is in another castle.

Also - badmouthing my stuff in a massive font is incredibly rude.

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Really sorry guys for my rudeness and incompetence. I'll see if I can fix the problem differently. And yes, the font size was a bit too much, sorry I didn't see the final post :blush:

- - - Updated - - -

I just did the test without the mods that require CRP and it works fine. I'll add each mods one by one and see if the problem is still here.

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The problem reappeared with Kolonization added. I will remove it and just the other mod that requires CRP and I will see. Could it be a bug between USI Life Support and Kolonization who work together (and probably with something else) ?

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It's definitely a problem with Kolonization and something else. After removing it, the problem disapears.

- - - Updated - - -

After removing Kolonization and keeping USI Life Support: no problems, after removing only USI Life Support and keeping Kolonization: no problems, after keeping the two: the problem appears so the problem comes with an incompatibility between Kolonization and USI Life Support and propably something else. It's pretty hard to tell where the problem comes from so if you have any more clues with that please inform me. Thank you.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh the bug just randomly appears so I was wrong it's a problem with Kolonization and an other thing. (So many updates on this post :D)

EDIT: This bug just re-appears even without Kolonization.

Edited by falco1010
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So a couple quick questions. Is that your complete list of mods you were using at the time in the pic on the op you made when you first got the bug?

what are your repro steps? I mean is it pretty much happening on any launch? Like the first one all the time or sometimes after a couple? And are you doing anything special in the launch? Reverting from a certain spot when it happens? What kind of parts on the craft?

i did quite a few with just USI LS and mks kolonization. And didn't have issues using a couple different stock craft and one satellite I made. I reverted from all over too. Launchpad without launching and in flight, suborbital, orbital, reentry.

Are you using any mod that interacts with the parts list? Like a sorter or something that can hide certain parts if wanted? I noticed tweakable everything and something on the parts list that you drag custom parts too. Is that from something else or tweakable everything?

ill try and see if I can get the problem when I add Some of your mods listed in op in a few mins.

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Yes, it's the complete list. For the reproduction steps, reverting from any point, with any craft, at any given time cause the bug but sometimes the bug don't appears at the first place but after restarting the game. I do have one mods that is interacting with the part list wich is QuickScroll that allows me to scroll to a specific page using the mouse scroll. I'm not sure if editor extensions modify the parts list but it could. TweakableEverything only modifies parts, not the parts list.

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I had some things come up. But so far I tested installing a few of the mods you had.

My my original install had only mks (the kolonization one). Crp, Firespitter, usi tools, and USI life support. So only USI mods plus module manager. I did all my tests in sandbox to have access to full facilities and all the stock craft files. I don't think sandbox vs career should make a difference. I did a handful of launches and reverts like idk 5 or so each time. Flew for a bit, got to space and just reverted without landing. I was not able to get through all of the mods listed yet. But tried to start with some listed in both the first two posts on this thread.

i saw no issues with the above mods I have installed nor when I added the following mods. Editor extensions, tweakable everything, quick scroll, stock bug fix module, or Kerbal joint reinforcement.

so far no instance of this bug yet. When I get a chance I'll keep trying with other mods to see if I can get it. One note is I just used stock KSP craft files on my test so I didn't use any added parts or anything. Like I did use quick scroll functions. But didn't do anything with say editor extensions or tweakable everything. Just launched and reverted with stock crafts.

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Thank you for helping me ! You don't really have to test each situation, just create a craft with one part and revert at the beginning, it will be easier and quicker to test. Testing like that will allow you to use parts of other mods quicker too.

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I will see what I have for notes...and get back...I barely recall I had the problem with MKS, but in my case I am redoing the cfg files for different resource generation methods...it was something to do with maybe an effects module missing/added, or a missing texture; some wierd error in a part; use alt-f2 and run the program until you just get the bug with the least amount of parts; I dont have those extra folders in CRP and I barely recall if having that and the Regolith resource was my problem in this case; in my case I am trying to add Rego resource generation as well but have to change a few cfg files in that folder and I can get it to work (maybe I havnt messed with it again yet).

I will readd the folders and try this and see if the big crops up; it could be a resource problem or a part problem; alt-f2 should narrow it down.

Cmdr Zeta

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EDIT: Nope, the bug reappeared. So continue researches !

Sorry guys, but I found the problem. I find myself stupid as Jebediah. I just updated the game to 1.0.2 and so reinstalled it, and the bug disappeared.

Edited by falco1010
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