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Rescue Mission issue

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Not sure if this is just running out of time, but every time I get within about 0.5 km of the capsule that is my target it disappears and the contract is a failure. Why this is a problem is that by using F5/F9 I can change the elapsed time and I always get the same result. Each time I get a close intercept regardless of how long it takes it fails.

Could this be that the contract actually has already expired but that isn't recognised until I get close enough to switch to the target ?

Just FYI, this is the knarliest rescue I've yet seen. Target is a capsule not a Kerbal in a suit, and the orbit is at around 10 degrees off equatorial and is out between Mun and Minmus. Took an upgrade to go beyond 30 parts to be able to built a craft with enough fuel to reach.

Edited by Kersplattle
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Well, not sure if i solved it fully but I think I was somehow being so accurate I kept colliding with the target capsule. Best explanation I can come up with. This last time I stopped 1.2 km away and jet-packed the stranded verbal (Moena) over. That worked, managed to get her home with about 1 unit of electricity left !

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Well, 0.5 km (500 m), while close enough for rescue, is certainly not dangerously close. It should not cause collisions. What is your relative speed?

I usually go for <0.2 m/s at <50 m. Getting closer is of no particular use. It's easier to maneuver while EVA than in a ship.

Are you perhaps burning the stuff you want to rescue with engine exhaust? It won't be happening at 500 m, but if you get too close...

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