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Got my Muon Detector into Polar Orbit!


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Wow am I chuffed. Not because I got a muon detector into polar orbit ... but because I got it into polar orbit with my space plane!


My design goal was 'Throw No Engines Away' which meant using the same engines all the way up, and bringing them back again with the plane and landing safely.

This is what I came up with ...


Drop tanks, and a small drop-trailer. I couldn\'t stick the space plane at the bottom of the stack (discarded fuel tanks make plane go boom), and I couldn\'t stick the plane on the top (trying to tow all that fuel was too unstable) so it had to be drop tanks (kinda looks cool though).

I had to mount the engines in the middle of the space plane just so it would fly home, rather than plummet to the ground backside first.

The video of the deed. Though it may appear expertly done, I screwed up many times before getting it right. Spaceplane + payload = heavy!

Gonna detect me some muons ;P

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