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KSP Downloading Extraordinarly Slow? 50 KB/s on 5.0 MB/s internet


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Sometimes it completely stops downloading.

Browser: Firefox

OS: Windows 8.1

Speedtest: http://www.speedtest.net/result/4326333242.png

I have also tried disabling my antivirus, but that didn't help either.

I don't think it's the download servers, because it's happened to me in a few other files as well.

I've tried downloading the executable too, but that doesn't seem to work either.

Thanks in advance and sorry if this is the wrong board, but it seemed the most appropriate. I've looked around to see if anyone else has had similar problems but I didnt see any threads.

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Well, at least you don't have Comcast. Maybe you're being throttled?

Maybe. I can still stream 720p - 1080p youtube perfectly fine though, and all of my steam games download regularly. It just seems like a few different things are having trouble.

Is there anything I could do if I were?

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I was getting this issue as well, but not from steam. Of course, it was also release day so everyone and their dog's dog was downloading KSP 1.0 at the same time, but I did notice that my downloads routinely failed at exactly 112mbs.

Don't really have anything to add in terms of a solution, but thought I'd post that I, too, was having KSP-specific internet slowdown.

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