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Whats the meaning of Reputation

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I have been playing the Carrier-mode and got lots of Reputation for completing contracts and so on.

Now I wonder what to do with it. The game same says nothing about this. I get more and more of it and never failed a contract, where I could lost some.

The exact number of Reputation is shown nowhere and I keep converting it to Funds and Science but I have no clue, why this resource is in the game.

Does anyone know it?

Edited by Kettlec
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I found the exact reputation in one of the administration building options, i think it was the reputation -> science plan.

It appears that the reputation changes the prestige of available contracts. Reputation (if positive) can be spent to activate certain Strategies in the Administration Facility. Also, a minimum reputation level is required for most of the other strategies with the amount increasing with commitment level.
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In the administration building you can also use various programs to get different effects. One really popular one is to get reduced reputation from successfully completing contracts in exchange for earning more money.

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