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Fly by turist contract

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I have got a turist contract where i need to fly by the mun with a VIP. Now i entered orbit with the mun and went back to Kerbin but the mission wasn't completed. What do i have to do to complete the fly-by mission?

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Have you Recovered the tourist yet? The individual sub-missions are marked completed as they are completed, but the mission does not end until you've recovered the spacecraft.

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I've had the same problem. The contract part for fly by should be fullfilled when entering Muns SOI. During testing, I've changed two things when the contract was completed:

Warping through SOI change with max 4xwarp

The craft was seperated into two crafts, one for flyby and one for orbit. I've changed the root part of the craft to the command module of the tourists stage. Before, it was the command pod of the orbiting stage.

So one of these changes has been the cause for correct completion.

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  • 10 months later...

I keep having this problem too. In fact several contracts I've had lately fail to complete even though I have fulfilled the requirements. Sometimes verifying the game cache in Steam fixes it, sometimes not.

The description says "fly a vessel anywhere near Jool to complete the contract." I've done that and it doesn't complete (in the most recent case).



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  On 5/1/2015 at 11:50 AM, sal_vager said:

Entering then leaving the SoI should do it, the contract description is usually pretty clear, can you post a pic?


I think entering is enough. I remember validating this contract part when entering SOI. The contract would validate only when the tourist is back on Kerbin ground.

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Make sure the vessel with the tourist (or whatever you're using, if it's a vessel flyby contract) is the active one and in focus when you cross the SOI boundary.  As I recall, KSP only checks the flyby condition when you cross that boundary; if you switch away from the vessel for the crossing, then it never does the check and you never complete the contract.  Yes, this means you can orbit a body without first doing a flyby--at least, as far as KSP is concerned.  I do not believe it counts to put yourself in orbit, burn to escape, and get flyby credit that way; if you're already in the SOI and leaving, that should count as 'escaping', which is different from a flyby.

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