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Kids these days


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Remember the good old days, before the internet. Back when we had to wait for the new magazine to come to tell us if a game was about to be released? Remember how we couldn\'t bug the devs with constant 'is it done yet' comments unless we sent them a letter, and then they could just burn it without reading it and then get back to work. Now a days kids badger the devs complaining how they paid money and deserve the game now even though it isn\'t ready and wont\' be ready for a while because of unforeseen set backs.

When we wanted to contact our friends who were halfway across the globe we had to write letters, letters that could take few weeks to get a reply. Now if you don\'t reply to an email immediately you are seen as rude and uncaring.

We had to call someone if we wanted to talk in realtime. Now you just have to send a text message and not even bother listening to a person talk if you don\'t want to talk to them.

If we wanted to talk to a person in person, we had to go and see them. Now you can video chat on your computer, on your cell phone, anywhere you are you can talk to another person and see their face.

Things were simpler back in the day for everyone, things happened on their own time, now it has to happen on your time. As much as the internet has improved life, it has ruined kids everywhere.

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People have always acted very entitled to things that they feel they own, but they have been quite touchy about showing this in public (for good reasons, mind you). The difference here is, as you said, the Internet. Now, people have an environment to flame about things in that is not quite private, not quite public, and seemingly very anonymous. In Pop-Culture, this is known as the 'Greater Internet ****wad Theory'. Check this out:


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<- Is 17 and agrees with OP entirely.

Is it weird to long for the simplicity of a past you didn\'t experience?

Nope, in fact it would make life easier, you\'d have a lot less of the Obama\'s not an American style bull shit you find spread around these days. Truth would be on the news instead of hype.

The internet is great, when treated like you are talking to your boss, but when as a poster posted earlier treat it like an audience with people who don\'t know you and will never meet you, you can act as you wish with no repercussions, things don\'t turn out as well.

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<- Is 17 and agrees with OP entirely.

Is it weird to long for the simplicity of a past you didn\'t experience?

Same age as you, Nova, and I agree with all of the above posts. If you could inject yourself into any decade, when would it be?

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Man, how I would love to see the 60\'s... To catch the tail end of Roy Orbison\'s career, witness the heyday of some of the greatest musicians ever to grace this little blue marble with their presence, and be old enough to see and remember the moon landings would be simply amazing. On top of that, people were a great deal less obsessed with \'safety\' than they are today, so I could get my hands on some better, more powerful (and useful) tools. I would most definitely sacrifice growing up with all of today\'s technology to be a part of that era.

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I\'m sorry, but i cant see the problem. im sure that people would have said the same thing about you when you were a kid, talking about how your music isn\'t real music, and going against the system. IT HAPPENS WITH EVERY GENERATION. if somebody played a Skrillex song to me 10 years ago, i probably would have destroyed it or cried. now, I cant get enough of dubstep and dnb. if you were growing up in the 80\'s it would have been heavy metal to be equivalent to Skrillex. before that, it would have been rock n roll in the 60\'s. And the whole write a letter and actually phoning people? I dot see the problem with using e-mail and text. and to be honest mate, i sounds like you don\'t realise your getting old. (I\'m 15 guys, don\'t kill me ;) )

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...you seem to be completely disregarding me and FourTee, who are PART of the younger generation and still agree with Herp.

well, there are outliers in most datasets.........

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I just can\'t help but feel like we\'re approaching a time where an entire generation could grow up with their faces buried in their iPhones and iPads and facebook, rarely if ever seeing another human face - eventually going so far as shunning those who do...

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'I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on

frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond

words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and

respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise

[disrespectful] and impatient of restraint'

(Hesiod, 8th century BC).

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I just can\'t help but feel like we\'re approaching a time where an entire generation could grow up with their faces buried in their iPhones and iPads and facebook, rarely if ever seeing another human face - eventually going so far as shunning those who do...

I\'m not one of those people, don\'t get me wrong! I have a great social life, and meet up with friends outside of school almost everyday, and I don\'t think that their will be a generation like that, as people are to scared. Why? Because of the media. girls at my school are constantly trying to slim down- even though it\'s just not right. its things like obesity and other things which scare people being interactive with people in real life. It aint gona happen silsko...

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'I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on

frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond

words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and

respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise

[disrespectful] and impatient of restraint'

(Hesiod, 8th century BC).

That was long before mankind actually possessed this sort of high technology. The world moved far slower then, no instant connectivity, no large-scale status quo influencing people. Idiots weren\'t able to get attention because nobody took them seriously. Yet, now, anyone with an internet connection and a quarter of a brain can pretend to be a social activist by posting 'like this if you want to stop world hunger'... If everyone did that instead of actually helping, half the world would probably starve to death in a week.

And @TNT

I don\'t know how much of an effect the media would actually have, really. People are easy to scare but their attention span is shortening. See: Kony.

Frankly, I think the internet has become a disgusting monstrosity. The primary uses seem to be pornography and pointless banter on facebook/twitter/etc... What happened to it being a source of all the world\'s information?

Shame it didn\'t stay that way. There\'d be less people like this:


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A lot of things where ment to ruin man kinds social skills and society at large.

Writing, rhetoric, books, the printing press, radio, television, theater, film, paperback novles, crossword puzzles, video games, the internet, the telephone, telegrams, pornography, silent reading and even cars and skateboards...

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I just can\'t help but feel like we\'re approaching a time where an entire generation could grow up with their faces buried in their iPhones and iPads and facebook, rarely if ever seeing another human face - eventually going so far as shunning those who do...

I know what you mean, and I hate it. When I have a conversation with someone of my parents generation, there is always eye-contact, and each party attempts to engage the other. When I try to have a conversation with somebody from my generation, I\'m lucky if they hear a quarter of what I say. On a really good day, I might also get an unintelligible, mumbled response before they go straight back to their various hand-machines. They even seem offended that I would hope for anything more, as you said above. It pains me to think of what the next generation will end up being like.

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I just can\'t help but feel like we\'re approaching a time where an entire generation could grow up with their faces buried in their iPhones and iPads and facebook, rarely if ever seeing another human face - eventually going so far as shunning those who do...

Makes me feel smug knowing I don\'t use any of those things.

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That was long before mankind actually possessed this sort of high technology. The world moved far slower then, no instant connectivity, no large-scale status quo influencing people. Idiots weren\'t able to get attention because nobody took them seriously. Yet, now, anyone with an internet connection and a quarter of a brain can pretend to be a social activist by posting 'like this if you want to stop world hunger'... If everyone did that instead of actually helping, half the world would probably starve to death in a week.

The point was that almost every generation in the history of humanity thought that the previous generation are stuck up old farts and the next generation are lazy, frivolous and doomed... Its just human nature. :)

The idiots you talk about will change, or the society will change to suit them. And they will complain about their kids: 'These kids today, spending all day jacked to their neural interfaces instead of using cell phones to go online, it\'s unnatural I tell you.' And there will be others who will lament the passage of the good old days when communication was so much frendlier when people sat in front of a computer and posted stuff on forums.

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I\'m 14 here, still in middle school, and I agree with the OP completely. But, I have a solution! Everyone needs to go camping every month and leave their electronics at home. It\'s worked wonders for me.

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'I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on

frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond

words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and

respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise

[disrespectful] and impatient of restraint'

(Hesiod, 8th century BC).

your point? this, as I said before, HAPPENS WITH EVERY... SINGLE... GENERATION!!

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your point? this, as I said before, HAPPENS WITH EVERY... SINGLE... GENERATION!!

That was his point...

At op: all that\'s happened is the idiots have gotten more vocal, as well as the gullible idiots that listen to them. The same thing you have been saying applies to television when it was invented, 'kids these days, sitting in front of their television all day rather than going out to watch a film in the theater or watching a play.'

Honestly, the loss of 'simplicity' was worth the convenience and power of the internet.

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I agreed with the OP opinion, however me opinion is this: Internet is not the problem, but the modern gadgets (Smartphone\'s, tablets ect) who cause really this problem. In the past, less then 10% of the western people are not addicted on internet, now in this time with all that gadgets, almost at least 40% have almost, or is addicted on internet.

Note, this is me opinion, so it can not be complete true.

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