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Squadcast Summary (2015-05-02) - 1.0 Outbound Edition!

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  Red Iron Crown said:
Oh, the context for the quote about engineers makes more sense, Max was talking about engineers affecting ISRU parts (which I have less trouble with).
Max sees a quote in Twitch chat, and reads it back super fast sometimes while heading into his answer. I had to rewind video several times to parse out the words, in context. The word "drills" was very hard to make out, but I feel really confident on that interpretation. It's 8 minutes into the stream. It sounded something like: "why.doanrills.iv.heateranymore wun rather adding a radiator woulda been a little more complex." OWK: I salute you, man. Transcribing is a hell job sometimes, it's no wonder that good OCR and speech-to-text software is complicated and expensive.
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To the people still complaining they paid Pewds for a promotional video:

1. He's the literally most subscribed YouTuber out there. You'd have to be pretty stupid not to offer the biggest gaming channel in all of YouTube a cooperation. That's literally the most exposure you'll be able to get in any way.

2. They also did similar deals with UberHaxorNova, Cryaotic, PressHeartToContinue and probably some others (Those are just the ones I remember seeing in my subscription feed)

Other than that:

I can't wait to see a Unity 5 build of KSP. I'll be boarding the 1.1 hypetrain early, I guess ;)

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  Tiberion said:

36 million subs, already 3 million views.

I mean, I'd rather eat sand that watch him, but if you want to bounce your <insert whatever here> off of as many eyeballs on Youtube as you can, that is probably the way to do it.

Bouncing and sticking are two different things, though. I Am Bread sold notoriously poorly in spite of being covered by all the big youtubers. And it's actually a pretty in depth game, too, when you look closely. The thing is, people look at those videos, decide they've seen the perceived gimmick of the game and don't buy it because they don't think there's anything more to them.

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The aerodynamics on 1.0 were amazing. Aside from some simple big fixes the game was wonderful. Now the new aerodynamics seems to be the similar to the way they were in .90. So they fixed bugs but basically reverting to the souposohere? Just show you how bad it is, I dove straight down from 5,000 at full throttle. Not only did the plane not accelerate the damned craft started to slow down!! Come on! 1.0 aero was great. The new new aeros certainly is not. Please bring back the old aero.

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  Ljas said:
Bouncing and sticking are two different things, though. I Am Bread sold notoriously poorly in spite of being covered by all the big youtubers. And it's actually a pretty in depth game, too, when you look closely. The thing is, people look at those videos, decide they've seen the perceived gimmick of the game and don't buy it because they don't think there's anything more to them.
I wonder if you read this reader comment under the PC Gamer review:
Himmat Singh > beowolfschaefer • 20 hours ago

I thought it was popular cause it was the "cool thing". Like Goat Simulator, I Am Bread etc. Didn't really hit me that it was a genuinely great game

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  basic.syntax said:
I don't know if OWK heard or meant it that way... its not what I heard in my viewing.

Question about drills and heating... why no radiator part?

...that would have been more complex, for now tied to engineer skills... not 100% sure it will stay that way, but for now we think we're OK.

Max seems to be describing how it is in the patch today, heating problems are gone, and engineer skill affects the drilling yield.

So, Max implies that they are OK with the change, but, leaves open the possibility of looking at the heating idea, later.

Thanks man, I was pretty distracted around that time (ironically enough, by playing KSP), I guess I misheard or misinterpreted something along the way. I'll add this bit to the OP, if you don't mind.

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