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So in the 1.0.1 changelog it was mentioned that, "Doing science at the flagPOLe, the north POLe, or the south POLe, will no longer mark Pol as visited with the progress tracker."

I was wondering why I was getting so many Pol contracts even though I had yet to leave the Kerbin system in my new career save, heh!

1.0.1 Changelog: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/1.0.1

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Helpful hint: if you're using a save that got Pol-ified in 1.0 and want to keep using it in 1.0.2, you can open the "persistent" file in your favorite text editor and simply delete the part that looks like this:





This should bring a stop to the infection of Pol contracts you aren't ready for yet.

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Meanwhile at KSC:

Wernher von Kerman: Congratulations Lola! We just heard the amazing news - you made it all the way to Pol!

Lola: ehh?!?

Wernher von: And in a rover no less! However did you manage that?

Lola: What? What are you talking about? What's going on?!? I'm just an intern here!

Wernher von: You know, earlier today - look, here's the newspaper headline!

"LOLA ----- FLAG ---- POL----"

Val: That sure is a lot of coffee stains on that newspaper there...

Wernher von: Jeb buzzed the control tower this morning AGAIN...

Val (squints): Lola... visits... flag pole... at KSC."

Wernher: No, it says "Lola plants flag on Pol"! ...right?


Well now I feel stupid...

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I have flyby Pol and plant flag on Pol contracts even if not reached farther than Sol orbit, I have probes underway to Duna and Ike but nothing more, I expected Eve first.

Will launch an ion probe then settings are better.

The plant flag was in 1.02

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