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Can't seem to make any rocket that doesn't start to flip around like crazy

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Just started career and i'm a complete noob. Completed all the tutorials, but i can't seem to do anything in career mode as any rocket i create using normal engines (those that need fuel tanks, not solid fuel ones) act crazy as hell. As soon as i enable them rocket starts going around like crazy, no way to keep it in one direction.

Any idea what i'm doing wrong? Don't have any fins unlocked, don't have SAS unlocked (although i don't think SAS would help here that much)...

I lost like three times all the money i had. It's getting boring now, so i would be grateful for any help.

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Welcome to the forum and the realities of KSP. Well, many tutorials you can find around were for previous versions (up to KSP 0.90); with KSP 1.0 the differences in aerodynamics are so marked to be totally different for what those tutorials may tell.

In KSP 1.0 aerodynamic forces on vessels can spin them. Stability of vessels is now absolutely needed to be able to maintain course or steer them where needed.

While in the lower atmosphere and at high speed, the effect of lifting and control surfaces is highest. Center of Pressure of the aerodynamics forces should always be aft than the Center of Mass, to have a stable vessel. That means, use fins at the tail. While you have no fins (not yet researched the stability node), you have better maintain a rocket aligned with the prograde marker (only very minimal eroors can be corrected by the reaction wheel with a Mk1 pod, or by gimbaling engines when you have them). You have to get high, above the lower atmosphere (no less than 20 Km altitude) before the aerodynamic forces diminish enough to let control from the RW in the pod (or gimbaling engines) be enough to steer the craft where you like.

Edit: please note, KSP does not show where the Center of Pressure is. In the editor you can display the Center of Lift (though it only works when at least one lifting/control surface is attached to the craft). Use the Center of Lift to have an approximate idea of where the Center of Pressure may be, so always build your crafts to have a Center of Lift aft of the Center of Mass.

Edited by diomedea
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Thanks for the kind answer sir :)

"you have better maintain a rocket aligned with the prograde marker"

That was like the most important thing i had to learn. I was trying to adjust too much and that's why all of that happened.

Now that i kinda know how to fly around, i also have more or less a good grasp on how to get science, i have only one question.

Can i "farm" or "grind" cash, or are new contracts the only way to get more money? Because as i'm still a noob i can see myself repeating career mode again and again due to huge money losses while trying to get to mun or something :)

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  Shaunri said:


Now that i kinda know how to fly around, i also have more or less a good grasp on how to get science, i have only one question.

Can i "farm" or "grind" cash, or are new contracts the only way to get more money? Because as i'm still a noob i can see myself repeating career mode again and again due to huge money losses while trying to get to mun or something :)

There isn't a single way to play career mode (and that's for the better, KSP would become boring after one career otherwise). That said, contracts are how money is gained. You may use the strategies (from the admin building) to change how revenues work, so if interested in getting more money, you will choose strategies giving more (at the expense of other valuables, science and reputation).

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