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Craziest Stock Flyable Ship You Have Built


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Hey All,

First time posting, to the devs, love the game!

I am curious to see what other people have put together as far as just crazy crafts from stock parts that were flyable and completed their intended mission. Here is my little monster. I have put many hours into this sucker trying to get everything just right, in the end it was my goal to see how big I could make it and it actually work.

In my little mission I wanted to create a 'moon base' from stock parts to land my other craft nearby. I like trying to see what I can do with the stock parts to improve my landing and navigation skills. So I build this moonbase launcher and lander, that frankly was borderline not flyable as it was choking out the graphics engine getting somewhere near .5 FPS.

Stats :

- 9 Stages -

1 SAS Module

4 RCS Tanks

13 Stack Decouplers

18 Boosters

32 Engines

64 Full Fuel Tanks

19 Half Fuel Tanks

18 Winglets

48 RCS Thrusters

6 Landing Gears

On Pad


In Flight


Main Stage Sep -

This is actually a funny side effect. For some reason the ship starts to barrel roll at 20km, but still keeps its course. It makes this stage work perfect as the tanks and engine peel right off. Wish I could say this was by design, but no idea why it does it.


Headed to Moon Orbit


Final De-Orbit and Descent





Now that I have finished this, would love to see what everyone else has done with stock parts. I need a new goal to hit!


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Multiple candidates, so I\'ll spoiler the pictures...

Possibly this one, from the Launch this Lander as fast as possible challenge - especially since it literally had to ditch the first stage while it was still burning due to fuel line issues back then, while I was watching a 1 fps slideshow:



Or, this one from the deliver maximum fuel to orbit challenge - 44 tanks in the middle without any engines connected, just a fuel dump:


Or this little thing... The outer engines were designed to break off on the pad, they were only used to hold up the outer tanks until liftoff. The whole ship bent like you see there but never broke apart aside from those sacrificial engines!


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Yes but over-engineering is so much fun!

I made a version that was capable of making it back just on RCS, but my plan for this craft is to put a docking port on it and recover the crew eventually.

@Khyron, lol! I love that first one

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