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Navball appears to be wrong

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Edit: My mistake; the docking port was still set as the part to control from. Disregard this report.

Load the save game and try to comply with the planned manoeuvre node. The periapsis starts dropping even if you're burning prograde. If you burn towards the manoeuvre node, the Dv counter goes up instead of down. The ship appears to be pointing mostly away from Kerbin so I think the navball is wrong.

I'd recently undocked from the near station in case that makes a difference.

Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/14jm76kd86wdpvu/output_log.txt?dl=0

Youtube video: (upload in progress)

Save file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3na51crafnbwmfs/Ore%20shuttle%20prior%20to%20first%20Mun%20gravity%20assist.sfs?dl=0

Mod installed: KerbalAlarmClock -

Edited by THX1138
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