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Why i cannot reach 18 000 in plane?

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  Nikola7007 said:
Hmm... you could always take the rocket option and plop a jet engine on top :P

But that's cheating, I guess...

Of course that's not cheating. All that's required is to get the engine up to 12.000m. Nobody ever said how you need to get the engine there.

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The problem you are having is the jet engines lose thrust as you gain altitude and when the intakes are not inline with your forward momentum.

I think they got the progression of planes pretty good now.

Your First tier jets and intakes can get you about the max altitude of around 12-13K, you can increase this a little by doing an effient skip. Which is you go your max speed at a lower altitude then climb converting your forward momentum to altitude.

The 2nd tier plane parts can give you a little more altitude.

The 3rd tier plane parts can take you up to around 15K. I have not progressed further than this yet.

With some of the contracts I need to have a jet/rocket hybrid. The jets take me to their max altitude with a skip and the rocket motor takes the plane the rest of the way. It is very important to check your COG in the SPH by draining the tanks fueling the rocket. You do not want to try to recover forward momentum after climbing with the rocket motor in an unbalanced plane.

On a side note adding more engines do not always equate to higher TWR, particuliarly once you gain altitude. The extra weight of the engine counters the extra thrust you gain.

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  WOODY01 said:
With some of the contracts I need to have a jet/rocket hybrid. The jets take me to their max altitude with a skip and the rocket motor takes the plane the rest of the way.

I'm interested in design of light early tech planes capable of completing these "do something above xxx". The turbo jet isn't an answer (by the time you get it, you're done with these explore kerbin contracts...), and my rocket carrying planes don't really get to 19K. My quick attempts at rocket carrying planes fell quite short of reaching the required alts due to drag.

If you can't build a plane to do these in one go (ie: do at least two climbs to 19K, as well as being able to land on rugged terrain), then these contracts aren't worth the time.

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I just X out the contracts that say "above xxx altitude," and wait til ones that only require surface or "below xxx altitude" contracts. Can be a bit tedious, but if you line up 2 or 3 survey contracts close to KSC and do em all in one run, you can make decent funds.

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I am willing to do contracts that have one goal that is "above xxxx altitude" I have a simple plane I built just for that:


Alt Hopper MK I

It's easy to land, and really low tech and just 12.7K. When I get to the zone I tend to be around 11K meters and then I point my nose strait up and hit the jets, it will go high enough for every contract I have encountered, I try to only get contracts that that are on my continent as it can get back to the runway from there but on over seas missions it does not have enough fuel.

I have set the oxidizer levels so the rocket engines should burn out with enough fuel that you can make it home on your jet engine once you drop down to a more practical height.

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The way I've been completing these contracts that require high altitude flights is make the main core of my plane a rocket, and stick a couple of basic jet engines with liquid fuel out on my wings. Then I get into the target area, start climbing vertically and hit the rocket until I reach the required altitude. Pretty easy.

For example:


(this one was also used to test the hydraulic manifold at 6000 or so feet, which is why it has one attached)

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Im using a plane with a booster in the center and 2 jet engines (I'm on tier 4 tech). Fly to the location at 12-13k aim up and FIRE!

It aint the most stable plane in the world but can keep 320+ speed below 10k and reach pretty high after booster.


Also I found it's possible to fly it with my HOTAS ! KSP gets better and better.

When the location is far away I simple make my next rocket mission to make the orbit over the location, no need to waste time flying to the other side of the planet.

I have made some crazy rockets with my obsession to make as many missions possible in 1 trip. You never know what you will find on thouse bays man!

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You realize that contracts like these just require you to activate it through a stage command (spacebar)... it doesn't specify that it has to be activated "for the first time ever."

Use your jets to get as close to target altitude as they can. First option: nose up and blast. Engines will flameout. Let them. Nurse the throttle to get whatever altitude you can. When it's finally a waste of effort but your apoapsis will eventually qualify (taking into account future drag losses, which the game doesn't model very well, so you have to guess) switch to flight view, manually shut down your engines, manually put them onto a NEW stage, and then stage-activate them a second time once you're at altitude. Second option: essentially the same as the first, but instead of nosing up and clasting, just switch to rocket mode. Shutdown and re-stage jet engines, activate at target. Third option: NEVER stage-activate your engine on the runway. Instead, control-group activate them. Fly your choice of the first two options. Shutdown engines either manually or with control group command. Then stage-activate at altitude.

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You just have to build something with liquid fuel engines or solid rocket boosters. This one is able to reach at least 25k. It has only one use though. You can try to switch the booster for the tier 1 liquid fuel engines and a couple of liquid fuel containers, it may get a bit heavuer. If used right it will get you above 18k. Remember to limit the engines throttle so you don´t waste fuel fighting the atmosphere.


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  Ofuscor said:
You just have to build something with liquid fuel engines or solid rocket boosters. This one is able to reach at least 25k. It has only one use though. You can try to switch the booster for the tier 1 liquid fuel engines and a couple of liquid fuel containers, it may get a bit heavuer. If used right it will get you above 18k. Remember to limit the engines throttle so you don´t waste fuel fighting the atmosphere.


I need to activate basic jest engine at altitude between 18 000 to 22 000 with speed 400 to 700 ms, you use regular wing i used delta wing, because it look more awesome :D but i did not know does it was good choice, in technical terms?

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I just do these missions in 2 steps. 1 plane flight to grab low altitude measurements or landed measurement. Then a small orbiting probe for the high altitude. Remember the planet is rotating when you align the orbit. keep em cheap and profit. An epic space plane would be great but if it's proving hard, do it in 2 steps!

I had to do this on hard mode due to tech limitations.

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  Pawelk198604 said:
I need to activate basic jest engine at altitude between 18 000 to 22 000 with speed 400 to 700 ms, you use regular wing i used delta wing, because it look more awesome :D but i did not know does it was good choice, in technical terms?

In real life the delta wing should be better for high speed but I don´t think this is also true for KSP. Also, I think you can activate that third engine you had on you plane and when you meet the requirements just add an extra stage at the bottom and press space bar a couple of times to fulfill the contract. This was possible in earlier versions of the game I have not tried it in 1.0.X

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