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Decimal contract science rewards

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When played on a higher difficulty, the science rewards for contracts will be lower, but still rounded to integers. Is it an idea to give them at least a decimal number? So in stead of all contracts giving 0 science, they will give 0.5 or 0.8 or something.

This won't be a major problem when played on normal difficulty but when played on hard or custom (10% rewards) rewards are basically non existing.

Tried to keep this post short as possible and I think my intention is clear.

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Maybe I should have explained it more extensively. I mean that some contracts do actually give science on a certain difficulty, but when played on a harder difficulty with less percentage science reward, it gets rounded down to 0. Meaning that in stead of science (in normal difficulty) adding up to 20, it now adds up to 0, since all contracts that would normally give less than 5 science will give 0 science now.

I'm not talking about the 0 science contracts. And even with a decimal number it would be 0.0 So that wouldn't change anything.

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