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I think games created in 1.02 will not give Valentina an orange IVA suit

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I just created a new game in 1.02 and Val does not have an orange IVA suit in the cockpit, while Jeb, Bill and Bob do. In 1.0 I'm certain she had one. I presume this only occurs if a new game is made in 1.02 as someone else on reddit also said this happened to them.

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There might be something else going on here. I was playing a little earlier and was testing a rover I threw together on Kerbin. I was just driving along and was circling the camera around the rover and I suddenly noticed the pilot was wearing a white EVA suit in the chair. The only issue is that is was Jeb that was driving, his suit should have been orange. Not sure what happened, I don't have texture re-placer or anything like that installed so I am wondering if this is some weird bug or maybe he has been wearing white for awhile now and I just never noticed before. Here is a quick snapshot I just took showing Jeb wearing a white suit.


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Yea, I have been playing too much and not sleeping enough. I just browsed a couple other old screenshots I have and the EVA suit is white. So, derp. Yea, my Val has orange IVA suit. Not sure what you have going on there.

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Valentina does have an orange flight suit in the IVA view on a new 1.0.2 save, you may have a corrupt file, please try verifying your Steam cache for KSP if using Steam, re-extracting from your KSP.zip file or re-installing with the KSP installer file from the store or GOG.com



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