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Broken savegames / savegames compatibility : troubles with the Astronaut Complex

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"Dozens of hours of cautious driving through the planitias, the terrae and up the tholi of Duna !

A tenth of its surface already mapped ! All those flags we planted ! Was it all for nothing ?"

- Bob Kerman to Ike, the Sun, and the leprechaun on his shoulder.

EDIT : I have changed the title of this thread. I first thought it was a specific compatibility issue between KSP 0.90 and 1.0. But it appears to be a more general, corrupted savegame issue, as I've read people reporting the same problem when they switched to 0.90 a few monthes ago.

Actually, I do not know if a version upgrade is more likely to break .sfs files. I've found out that the corrupted data (that I had to fix to pursue my career in KSP 1.0) were already there in my 0.90 saves... And it worked fine then.

Anyway, a workaround has been found. I hope it can help anyone struggling with the same issue.

Hello everyone,

(something more close to a proper bug report below these few lines)

I haven't seen much people on the forum reporting issues after loading their 0.90 savegames in KSP 1.0. Maybe most have started a new career, or maybe, and hopefully, everything worked fine for all of you who wanted to continue with a game created before the 1.0 update.

We've had a few immediate issues here when we loaded our 0.90 savegame. Three issues, actually. The first two aren't that bad after all. I'll mention them just in case they may be related and could help finding a solution to the third and more annoying one.

1) Valentina did not show up at the astronaut complex.

Well it's not surprising, and it's ok, I can add her manually to the ROSTER section of the .sfs file.

2) A few vessels are unselectable in the tracking station, and thus unflyable.

All are manned vehicles : a station orbiting Minimumsmn (what, that's exactly what I said, "Misniminimusm") and two large mobile bases on the surface of the Mun. I found an in-game workaround for this, but perhaps there's a quicker way. I may start a new thread about it.

3) Everything goes wrong at the astronaut complex.

That's the main issue and the subject of this thread. This is really threatening our career : a wrong maximum number of active kerbals is displayed, it's impossible to recruit kerbals and kerbalettes, eventually the building becomes unaccessible. Also, only a few of the kerbals on duty appear in the "assigned" section.

While I know we have never been assured that a savegame would be compatible with a later release, everyone at home feels a bit sad right now at the idea of abandoning the career we started 6 monthes ago.

Let's be honest, we're totally depressed. Plume locked herself in an Oscar-B tank and has been refusing to come out for days.

Any hint that could help us pursue our mission, - make our kerbals proliferate in every corner of the system like hordes of euphoric muppets -, would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers !

(starting now with the appropriate report)


Operating System : Windows 7 64-bit

KSP version : 32-bit

Mods / Add-Ons : All stock

What happens : After loading a 0.90 savegame (career mode) in KSP 1.0, everything goes wrong at the astronaut complex :

- Wrong numbers of active & maximum active kerbals displayed. ("10 out of 12", as if the building was at level 2, though it is level 3).

- kerbals and kerbalettes can not be recruited.

- After exiting the building, it is impossible to enter it again.

- only a part of the kerbals currently on duty are displayed in the "assigned" section, though they are still here and there, on EVAs or aboard vessels.

Logs and save files :

Here's a link to the last persistent file of our game, created in version 0.90, before it was loaded in KSP 1.0 : persistent_(before).sfs

Here's a link to the updated persistent file, created after the first one was loaded in KSP 1.0 : persistent_(after).sfs

And here's the output.log.

Steps that can be reproduced :

1) Take the persistent_(before).sfs file and load it in KSP 1.0.2

2) Check the astronaut complex building level.

It is displayed as a fully upgraded, level 3 building with an unlimited capacity of kerbonauts, as shown on the capture below.

I have checked the persistent file before and after loading the savegame. The building level value is correctly set to 1.


3) Enter the astronaut complex.

And things go wrong. See cap below.


(note : oh hey ! we can recruit "Mind" Kerman.)

Please take note that we have a total of 71 kerbals. 14 are available and learning how to braid macramé out of optical fibers at the KSC. 57 are currently assigned. Noone's missing.

Active crews window : There's no number displayed in each state tab. The 14 available kerbals are all listed (you can't see that on the cap, but it's ok). However, the "assigned" tab only shows 8 kerbals, the crew of a single vessel, "Station Le Futu' 2000". Yet I checked, and the rest of them are up there, in their vehicules or on EVAs.

(Everyone appears in the new persistent file as well. And it seems that existing kerbals have been updated : the new, gender information is here.)

It is stated that the maximum number of active kerbals is 12, as if the building was at level 2. The current number of active kerbals,10, is also wrong.

Applicants window : New kerbals and kerbalettes are here, but can't be recruited. Hiring cost is incorrect : 0 kredit (kerbit ?). Clicking an applicant has no effect.

4) Exit the astronaut complex and try to enter it again.

It doesn't work. Every time I leave the astronaut complex, I have to exit to the main menu and reload to be able to get in.

5) See what happens when an available kerbal is dismissed.

Looks like this puts things back in order, but it's only temporary. See picture.


Numbers of available, assigned and missing kerbals are now displayed and correct. Same for the total number of active kerbals.

There's a hire cost now, and kerbals can be recruited.

It didn't bring back the crew members that weren't listed in the "assigned" tab, though.

The problem is, every time I exit the buiding, it still gets unaccessible. Again, I have to quit to the main menu and reload to be able to get in. And then, unfortunately, the building goes back to the state described at step 3 : the maximum number of active kerbals is back to 12, it is impossible to recruit applicants, and so on.


Well, I most certainly need your help.

And thanks for reading me !

Edited by Plume & Akakak
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I haven't yet attempted to open an old save in 1.02, but I hope someone will have some idea of what's going on, and won't just give the "New version, saves break" excuse.

It would be nice to be able to identify the problems, and edit the save to get it working better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone,

A workaround has been found. Plume is now out of her Oscar-B tank and we can happily pursue our career, thanks to the informations gathered here and there on the forum, and especially in this thread. (Much obliged !)

In case your astronaut complex is bugged as well, showing an incorrect "Active crews: 10 (max: 12)" message, and you can't recruit new kerbonauts nor see some of your crew members under the "assigned" tab, you'll have to change a few values in your save file, as it is corrupted.

Here's what I have done, and it did put things back in order. In my save file, a few kerbals had wrong "idx" values. Hopefully, fixing these "idx" values is all you'll need to do.

1) Open your broken save file in a text editor, such as NotePad.

2) Search for the ROSTER section of your save file.

(in NotePad, CTRL+F, then search "ROSTER")

Here, you'll find all your kerbals. The first one should be Jebediah. This is what it looks like :



name = Jebediah Kerman

gender = Male

type = Crew

brave = 0.5

dumb = 0.5

badS = True

tour = False

state = Assigned

ToD = 0

idx = 0



flight = 2

0 = Flight,Kerbin

0 = Suborbit,Kerbin

0 = Land,Kerbin

0 = ExitVessel,Kerbin

0 = BoardVessel,Kerbin

0 = Recover

1 = Flight,Kerbin

1 = Suborbit,Kerbin

1 = Orbit,Kerbin

1 = Escape,Kerbin

1 = ExitVessel,Kerbin

1 = BoardVessel,Kerbin

1 = Land,Kerbin

1 = Recover




flight = 2

2 = Land,Kerbin

2 = Flight,Kerbin

2 = Suborbit,Kerbin

2 = Orbit,Kerbin

2 = Escape,Minmus

2 = Orbit,Minmus

2 = Suborbit,Minmus

2 = ExitVessel,Minmus

2 = BoardVessel,Minmus

2 = Land,Minmus

2 = PlantFlag,Minmus



(note : the CAREER_LOG and FLIGHT_LOG sub-sections depend on what you've already done with the kerbal. They may even be empty if he/she never left the astronaut complex.)

3) Make a list of all your kerbals. The informations you need to write down are the ones I bolded in the previous example :

name, type, state & idx

type : a kerbal can be "Applicant" or "Crew".

"Applicant" means he's recruitable.

"Crew" means he has been recruited.

state : It will be "Available", "Assigned", or... well, I don't know the value for a missing kerbal. Everyone's still alive here.

A "type = Applicant" will always be "Available".

A recruited kerbal ("type = Crew") will either be "Available" (if he's waiting at the KSC) or "Assigned" (if he's out in the wild).

idx :

"state = Available" kerbals ("Applicant" or "Crew") should always have an idx of "-1".

I had to correct a few values here in my own save : for instance, Wehrden Kerman was recruited, available at the space center, but showed an idx of "0". I had to change it to "-1".

name = Wehrden Kerman

gender = Male

type = Crew

brave = 0.5819462

dumb = 0.7971519

badS = False

tour = False

state = Available

ToD = 1975561.8129609

idx = 0 <- this is wrong. Change the value to -1

"state = Assigned" kerbals should not have an idx of "-1".

(Well, there's possibly an exception here, but we'll see that later)

An assigned kerbal (seated in a ship part) should have an idx of "0", or more.

The idx value actually defines which seat the kerbal occupies in a ship part. "idx = 0" for the first seat, "idx = 1" for the second seat, "idx = 2" for the third, and so on.

On to the next and most laborious step, if, like me, you have a lot of assigned kerbals...

4) Search your save file for the ship parts your assigned kerbals are seated in. (CTRL+F, and search for kerbal's name)

You'll eventually find the crewed parts in the long FLIGHTSTATE section of your save file, which lists every part of every object currently flying.

An example here, while searching for my assigned Bill :



name = Large.Crewed.Lab

cid = 0

uid = 1588872430

mid = 795192439

launchID = 92

parent = 5

position = 0,-6.22672080993652,0

rotation = 0,0,0,1

mirror = 1,1,1

symMethod = Radial

istg = 0

dstg = 0

sqor = -1

sepI = 0

sidx = -1

attm = 0

srfN = None, -1

attN = top, 5

attN = bottom, 11

mass = 3.5

temp = -138.8712

expt = 0.5

state = 0

connected = True

attached = True

flag = Squad/Flags/cetio_01

rTrf = Large.Crewed.Lab

modCost = 0

crew = Bob Kerman

crew = Bill Kerman

So here I found Bill, along with Bob. Both are currently inside a ship part named "Large.crewed.lab" (a Mobile Processing Lab).

Now let's see Bill and Bob's idx values in the ROSTER section, from the list I made earlier.



name = Bill Kerman

gender = Male

type = Crew

brave = 0.5

dumb = 0.8

badS = False

tour = False

state = Assigned

ToD = 0

idx = -1 <-invalid. Let's change it to 0 (seat 1)



name = Bob Kerman

gender = Male

type = Crew

brave = 0.3

dumb = 0.1

badS = False

tour = False

state = Assigned

ToD = 0

idx = -1<-invalid. Let's change it to 1 (seat 2)

As you can see, both their idx are set to "-1", which is invalid for assigned kerbals.

I had to change these values : the Mobile Processing Lab has 2 seats, so I set Bill's idx to "0" (seat 1), and Bob's idx to "1" (seat 2).

Check all your assigned kerbals' idxs, and compare them to the ship parts they are occupying. Remember that the first seat is always "0", not "1". If you have 4 kerbals inside a Hitchhiker Storage Container, for example, their respective idx should be "0", "1", "2" and "3".


There's possibly an exception for the kerbals that are assigned, but on EVA (including the ones in external command seats). In my save file, their idx was set to "-1". I didn't change it to "0". Everything works fine, though, so I don't know, maybe "-1" is a valid idx for a kerbonaut on EVA.


And that's it. Going through my whole roster and fixing the idx values saved my career.

The "active crews: 10 (max: 12)" message is gone, everyone is here under the assigned tab, I can recruit kerbonauts again. And in the Tracking Station, I can now access the ships that were previously unselectable and unflyable.

Hope this will help.


Edited by Plume & Akakak
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I have the same problem + one more inconvenience: I'm missing Valentina from my old 0.90 save game. I'll try to apply your fix to my old save. Do you have some advice regarding Valentina? Someone suggested copying her code from a new career game into the old save file. Have to try this too as soon as I have some spare time.

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Hey Sheppard,

An important note : FIRST load your 0.90 savegame in KSP 1.0.x. Then exit the game. The new persistent file you'll find in the "saves" folder of KSP 1.0.x is the one you'll have to modify.

Don't change your original 0.90 savegame. Always keep it untouched somewhere, or keep a clean copy of it.

Now yes, it is definitely laborious to go through your whole ROSTER (list of kerbals) and then search for all the ship parts the assigned kerbals are seated in.

I wish you good luck. Hopefully you'll be able to continue your career. Let me know if this worked for you.


A thought : now I notice that all the wrong idx values I had to correct for assigned crew belonged to kerbals seated in Mobile Processing Labs.

The fact that the Mobile Processing Lab had no Intra-Vehicular Activity view prior to 1.0 may be a reason.

A few other ship parts had no IVA view in 0.90 (like the MK3 Passenger Cabin) and may cause similar issues. But I can't confirm. Mobile Processing Labs were the only "no-IVA", manned parts I had in flight.


For Valentina, it's not a big deal actually. Indeed, you just have to add her to the ROSTER section of your persistent file.

To know what lines you should add and where, start a new career game, then immediatly exit the game.

Open the persistent file of that new career in a text editor.

Search for the ROSTER section (CTRL+F in NotePad, look for "ROSTER").

Scroll down, you'll see Jeb, Bill, Bob, and below Bob you'll find Valentina.



name = Bob Kerman

gender = Male

type = Crew

brave = 0.3

dumb = 0.1

badS = False

tour = False

state = Available

ToD = 0

idx = -1



flight = 0




flight = 0





name = Valentina Kerman

gender = Female

type = Crew

brave = 0.55

dumb = 0.4

badS = True

tour = False

state = Available

ToD = 0

idx = -1



flight = 0




flight = 0



All you have to do is copy Valentina's lines (bolded here) and paste them in the ROSTER section of your cherished career save file.


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  • 1 year later...

Hey guys, my astronauts disappeared and then I made this process. I correct like 5 lines that were in "0" when it should be in "-1". And didn't work. Then I made the ships fix, but I only used spaceships with remote access, so it didn't had any crew in any file. Can anyone help me?

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