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[1.4.2] ForScience! v1.5.2 - Your science autopilot.

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Of all the mods on this list, this one feels the most like cheating. For Science! is designed to remove the science grind by automating it. Simply taking a thermometer into the ocean will automatically record that reading and store it in the command module. Arming a plane with a few experiments and flying it across Kerbin will bring in a steady stream of new science points. No more guessing if you're over a certain biome or trying to fly and press go on an experiment at the same time.

PCGamer: http://www.pcgamer.com/the-best-kerbal-space-program-mods-2/

ForScience! is an autopilot for running, collecting and resetting experiments.
Science can start to be a little grindy or tedious after some time playing KSP. This plugin is intended to help improve the experience in various ways.

What it does:
Automagicly detects and runs experiments that have science available, when they are available. (Even those special biomes around KSC.)
Automagicly collects the data from those experiments into a science container (command pod).
Automagicly resets experiments that are "run once", when you have a scientist onboard. (mystery goo, sci jrs)

What it does not do:
Give you science you could haven't gotten otherwise.
Run experiments that do not implement the stock science modules.
Run "run once" experiments without a scientist on board.

How to Use:
The Green FS toolbar icon means it is running.
The Red FS toolbar icon means it is not running.
No toolbar icon means you have no containers onboard, (And that it is not runnning).

Change Log
License: CC by SA

Coffee Fund (donations)

Known Issues:
- none - let me know in this thread if you have one

Special Thanks to stupid_chris, DMagic and xEvilReeperx for helping me navigate the many issues I had while developing this plugin.

Edited by WaveFunctionP
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  Errol said:
Have you thought about integrating with Science Alert


In order to know which science to grab, and when?

The mod knows when science science is available, and runs the appropriate experiments. That's the automagic part.

It's all in the video, if you can make it past my very uninspiring vocal talents. :P

If you use ForScience!, you don't have much need for science alert except for things like eva and surface samples, which have rules that are pretty clear compared to the contorted list of states that other experiments require that you remember.

Edited by WaveFunctionP
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  sralica said:
Glad to see you return to moding.

Does it work with probe cores? Is probe core a science container?

I will add support for probes as soon as I work out a reasonable solution for transmission, since probes do not have containers, I can't simply transmit willy nilly without making the probe inoperable.

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So this science container is a stock thing, or you decided not to give it to probe cores?

how about storing numerical science (temperature, gravity...), but not Goo canisters and Sciene Jr.

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  sralica said:
So this science container is a stock thing, or you decided not to give it to probe cores?

how about storing numerical science (temperature, gravity...), but not Goo canisters and Sciene Jr.

Like SpaceTiger said, the science container is on all stock command pods. Just like all stock engines use a module called ModuleEngine to do their enginey-type things. So do all command pods have a module called ModuleScienceContainer that handles the storage of science data. You can see these module references in the part file, and they are associated with bits of compiled c# code that handle how they behave.

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  ndiver said:
At the current point what is the link between ForScience! and ForScience Continued?

ForScienceContinued is a derivative work from for ForScience (code base was taken from version 0.25). The difference is that ForScienceContinued has a much more configurable UI. Of course there are lots of differences in the background. In the end of the day they do pretty much the same.

Edited by SpaceTiger
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New version should be up soon with an adjustment to the science value filter to reduce the number of trailing repeat experiments that are done for extremely little value. Experiments now require that it be worth at least .1 science.

v 1.2 - Science value filtering adjustment
- Increased the minimum value to run an experiment to .1 science.

I take the silence lately as everything is going well. :P

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I installed this mod recently and it started gthering reaport that were collected before (from launchpad for example).

Its because i didnt had mod from beggining of my save, and it was unable to keep track of what was collected and what was not, right?

And some other thing. When i discard goo or materals bay reaport, thse became inoperatable. Not finalize experiment, just discard. I have to reset them using sciencist on eva.

Not 100% sure if it s because of this mod though.

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  kiwiak said:
I installed this mod recently and it started gthering reaport that were collected before (from launchpad for example).

Its because i didnt had mod from beggining of my save, and it was unable to keep track of what was collected and what was not, right?

And some other thing. When i discard goo or materals bay reaport, thse became inoperatable. Not finalize experiment, just discard. I have to reset them using sciencist on eva.

Not 100% sure if it s because of this mod though.

The updated version has an increased science value filter to stop the long trail of repeated experiments. It will not run if the science value goes below .1 science.

As for the goo/scijr, I'm not exactly sure what you mean. If you run one of those manually, the data is automatically collected and made inoperable. It will not reset experiments without a scientist onboard. If you don't want the data collected manually, simple toggle the FS icon to red to turn off the addon. However no experiments will run automatically while it is off.

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  kiwiak said:
Well, the thing is i had scientist on board, and i had to reset manually. I thought that your mod provided automated reset when scientist is on board.

If you run one manually, it won't be reset automatically.

The addon doesn't actually deploy experiments the same way that you do with the right click menu because of a variety of reasons. But basically it avoids several bugs and avoids the review data spam.

And unless you've encounter an detection issue that I'm not aware of, you should have no need to run anything manually with scientist onboard.

Edited by WaveFunctionP
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm considering removing the filter for low value science to allow for auto collection of data to be used in the science lab. Since the science popups don't happen anymore, it doesn't seem like it is as big of deal to collect 0 value science data now.

I would interested to hear anyone thoughts about it.

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You mentioned this in another thread, so I gave it a go. It's great! Must admit it still feels a little like cheating but at this point after 2 years or so of messing around trying to click the right instrument at the right time, reading the same old reports, I think that I've earned a bit of concentration on the actual flying!

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  WaveFunctionP said:
I'm considering removing the filter for low value science to allow for auto collection of data to be used in the science lab. Since the science popups don't happen anymore, it doesn't seem like it is as big of deal to collect 0 value science data now.

I would interested to hear anyone thoughts about it.

That is a very cool idea. After playing KSP a couple of month and through a lot of new starts, your plugin is what I´m looking for. Thank you. Science how it should be - automated.

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Here is a module manager configuration that will enable you to collect science from probes.

name = ModuleScienceContainer

reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
storeActionName = Store Experiments
evaOnlyStorage = False
storageRange = 1.3


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