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Mk2 Cockpit/Cargo Bays not shielding parts

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Ive been playing about with 1.0.2 and have found an odd bug. I built a plane with Mk2 parts; cockpit in the front with the small cargo bay behind it. After I fly it for a while at 300-600m/s, the contents of the cargo bay start to heat up as though exposed to atmosphere. This goes on for a while until the memory leak issue with the temp gauges causes the game to CTD.

Anyone else have this problem?

Ill post screen caps later when I can


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Yes I am aware of that but the cockpit itself never heats up, just the items in the cargo hold. Surely if the cockpit is hot enough that parts attached behind it are heating up to glowing red then the cockpit itself should also be heating? I get that the cockpit might have higher heat tolerance but it still should be taking the brunt of the force.

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Can you show us this craft? Also try the debug menu, physics tab, enable heat in the context menu, it will help show what's going on.

Different parts have different amounts of thermal mass, so the cockpit can take a lot more before getting hot than the contents of the cargo bay.

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