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KSP 1.0 memory consumption still high/on the rise while modded?

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Hi folks,

Finally started to get my 1.0 KSP updated with all the updated mods I was using in 0.90. But I'm slowly noticing 1.0 behaves just as bad in regards to the constant ever increasing memory footprint. Despite using DDS, compared to my 0.90 wich used DDS as well.

Even scene switches, although GC is far more effective in 1.0! What is loaded back for what ever scene is still more than was was cleaned.

Especially it is noticeble for me while in the editor (VAB/SPH), just designing craft without launches, raises my starting 2.6Gb to 3.0Gb+ within 15 minutes. One test launch and 3.1/3.2Gb is soon after hit.

In stock 1.0, in my honest observations, it was also noticeable but far less due to the lesser5 content.

Anyone else having these same issues (deja vu)?

Edit: Logs show nothing out of the ordinairy while in VAB.

Edited by Gkirmathal
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I'm also seeing these issues as well, while things are better from 0.90, there are still some small memory leaks somewhere, even had an OOM crash yesterday.

In fact, I swear that the terrain memory leak is still there, smaller, yes, but still there.

I really wish there was a way to break down the memory usage bits and see what exactly is leaking because I HOPED that the memory leaks would be gone with 1.0.

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I need to do more testing but I think the terrain scatter leak might be back. I just completed an early career mode jet flight to the north pole. Memory usage seemed to increase when terrain scatter was visible (below a certain altitude) but stop or even decrease when flying over water.

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I've noticed that while I was doing biome hopping and landing testing, the memory usage kept climbing. I tried to test in a low minmus orbit, but may still have been too high for terrain scatter to show up, which I actually have disabled.

I'm also not sure how to test the memory leak.

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memory leaks are huge compared to .90 i could play 0.90 with 25 mods and be below 3.5G.

1.02 3-4 mods(various) 30 minutes spaceplane flight gets me to 3.7 and crash

1.02 stock same spaceplane flight gets me to 3.2 GB - in FREAKING STOCK...

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  Tarheel1999 said:
It may be the edge highlighting in the VAB. Try turning off PPFX in the main menu setting.

ZAJC3W - sounds like the overheating gauge memory leak. Try hitting F10 to disable the gauges.

Thanks disabling overheat gauges helped.

running in openGL now and game sits just below 1.5GB with approx 10 mods

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I'm using 32 mods right now, and even with -force-opengl, ATM agressive, and removing the stock tanks, KSP eventually crashes. I might be experiencing the overheat gauges leak as I mostly launch payloads with an SSTO spaceplane so parts get real hot around 1.5km/s

(Modlist: Toolbar, ATM, Better Buoyancy, Collision FX, Distant Object Enhancement, Haystack, Kerbal Flight Indicators, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, Hyperedit, For Science, Mechjeb2, Planetshine, Procedural Fairings, Procedural Parts, Quick Revert, Quick Search, Real Chute, RemoteTech, SCANsat, Science Alert, Stage Recovery, Stock Bug Fix, Surface Lights, Thunder Aerospace, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Transfer Window Planner, Tweakable Everything, Vanguard EVA Parachutes, Wider Contracts App, Module Manager)

Edited by kendoka15
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