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The Jetpack Slapstick Challenge!

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First go to Mun and get into an eliptic orbit with the periapsis at 2o00 meters. Then do an EVA there after forgetting to turn on the SAS so the ship starts floating when you get out. Then immediately bonk your head on the capsule so you get shot out away from the ship unconscious before hurrying back in a state of frenzied panic when you get control back. Finally bonk your head on the ship one more time while trying to get back to it. If possible try to aim so you get deflected in a different direction this time for maximum confusion. If you have done things properly the ship should now be rotating both ways at high speed while gyrating (No that is not an innuendo!). Now beat my personal record of spending 35 minutes trying to get back into the craft without starting to cry or throw things and you will have completed the Jetpack Slapstick Challenge.

Not only did this happen to me on my first successful three man lunar landing but I also managed to do a drop landing back on Kerban right on top of a mountain so I rolled down for about 5 minutes, breaking all my science gear. Miraculously there were no casualties on this trip.

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