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RCS Translation not working on JKLIHN Keys?

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So I was doing the first "rescue x kerbal stranded in orbit" contract of my career today and as I approached the target pod, I couldn't use the HNJKLI keys to use the RCS placed on my vehicle. Is this a limitation of low-starred pilots? For reference:

Yes I had RCS turned on.

Yes I had enough monoprop

Caps Lock (Fine Control) was Off.

The pod was piloted by Jeb (1 star)

There were no particle trails coming out of the nozzles when I pressed the buttons, completely unresponsive. WASD still worked and used the RCS for rotation, it was just the translation keys that weren't doing anything. Even when I entered Docking Mode and used WASD, still no translation.

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Did you by any chance have either the RCS ports disabled or the monoprop tanks locked? Also maybe check your keybindings for the linear RCS controls? Other than that, must be a bug. I have no issues getting RCS to work with level 1 pilots :confused:

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I've already de-orbited and quit the game but I'll see if I can reproduce right now. Will edit this post


Apparently it was bound to the keypad with up/down being 8/2, left right being 4/6. and forward/backward being 7/9. ...? I have never changed it and always used HNJKLI. Is this a new default for 1.01/1.02?

Edited by youwitdaface
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If you're playing on a laptop, or "laptop like" keyboard, check that the numerical keyboard function (fn) is disabled. Usually part of the numerical keyboard overlaps most of those keys.

Does not solves the problem? Try to redifine those keys to see if it works.

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