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Allow Kerbals to manipulate parts when on EVA

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I don't mean being able to grab parts like you can with KAS, I mean enabling a Kerbal to hold onto a small module (like the way they hold onto a ladder) and be able to use their thrusters to move the module about. So a Kerbal on EVA could be used to shunt small sections of a space station into place.

Some while ago I was building a station, using a small RCS tug to move modules into place. I forgot to keep an eye on the fuel in the RCS tug and ran out while moving one of the modules. So I went EVA and used the kerbal to very gently bump into the sides of the module to get it lined up with a docking port and then went behind it and gave it a gentle push. I had to keep jet-packing around the module, giving it little nudges to keep it on course and it was pretty tricky, but also really fun. Eventually I managed to get it to dock. That got me thinking that it would be very cool if EVA kerbals could be used to assemble parts on a station, but to have a proper mechanic to do it so it wouldn't be quite so tricky.

What I envisage is having a part that is basically like a small handle (similar to the small static ladder) which a Kerbal can hold onto just like they can on a ladder. But when holding on a) they can't move up and down like they can on ladders B) they can still fire their jetpack thrusters.

One problem with this idea is that a Kerbal only has translation controls. Heading is controlled by camera angle, roll can be controlled by switching camera mode between free and orbital but is limited and clunky and there is no pitch control. To enable a Kerbal to manoeuvre a part into place would require having heading/pitch/roll controls as well as the translation controls in a similar way to how a craft is controlled.

So the handle that a Kerbal can grab to manipulate a module needs to change how a Kerbal is controlled when they grab it. The best way that I can think of is that when a Kerbal grabs the handle they are essentially "docked" with the craft they've just grabbed and now controls function just like any craft, except that the only thrusters and resources available are from the Kerbal's jetpack.

I think this would be a very fun game mechanic; Kerbals could be used to extract modules from cargo holds, manipulate parts into place on a space station, rotate a craft that has run out of power so it's solar panels once again face the sun etc. What do you guys think?

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Sounds like a great idea! I've got a vision of the kerbal version of this photo. Jeb, Bill and Bob perched on a girder, in orbit, eating snacks. :)

It also sounds like something that Engineers could get a bonus for, although I'm not really sure how that would work.

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the KAS mod allows this and is great fun. I had a rover accident the first time I had played with KAS, and was able to collect the scattered wheels and put it back together enough to get back to my Mun base before the batteries died (the solar panels were toast in the tumbling roll of the accident).

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I think that implementing the KAS system is honestly a near requirement in vanilla. But besides that, the station piece would need to have very little mass because you would be holding onto a side, right?



Where . is the handle and /\ is the docking port?

So you'd spin out of control due to thrust imbalance..

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Much yes, very good, so fun.

We can also get the 'realism guys behind this because on the shuttle before canadarm astronaughts used the MMU to grab sats and bring them to the cargo bay:)

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the KAS mod allows this and is great fun. I had a rover accident the first time I had played with KAS, and was able to collect the scattered wheels and put it back together enough to get back to my Mun base before the batteries died (the solar panels were toast in the tumbling roll of the accident).

unless KAS has changed since I last used it (I've been playing pure stock since 1.0) you can only "grab" a single part, if you try and pick up a group of parts they come apart.

What I'm suggesting is to enable a Kerbal to manipulate a small module made up of several parts. This is the sort of thing I'm envisioning;


except the kerbal is able to use his/her jetpack while holding onto that ladder.

I think that implementing the KAS system is honestly a near requirement in vanilla. But besides that, the station piece would need to have very little mass because you would be holding onto a side, right?



Where . is the handle and /\ is the docking port?

So you'd spin out of control due to thrust imbalance..

Yes it would only work for relatively small modules, but that is kinda realistic I think. When I have used Kerbal "bump" technology to shunt a small module into place, the module has had SAS and a probe core to prevent it from spinning out of control, so that might have to be a component of this; maybe the handle part activates an artificial SAS control when a Kerbal grabs onto it to counter some of the spin from having an imbalanced thrust. I think it could work for larger modules, but in a more limited capacity; like simply pulling a large object out of a cargo bay with the Kerbal just acting to pull it in one direction. using your diagram format with -> showing the direction (and imagine the . is exactly in the middle of it);


|-|. ->


This is Jeb using "bump" technology to shunt a small module (which has SAS on) into place. It's pretty tricky; very easy to put too much force into it and then you have to quickly zip around and counter bump the other side.



To be able to do this in a more refined way would be really fun.

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