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TWEAK/BUGFIX REQUIRED: attaching a heatshield on top of a docking port.(pics inside+suggestion)

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Lets start off with some pictures so you dont go "well thahat, what on kerbin's name are you on about, did you sniff to much rocket fuel?"


this is de default state of thing if you attach a heat shield on top of a docking port, notice how there is space between the fairing and the docking port, and the docking port and the heat shield..


this is what happens AFTER you quick load a save with such a craft: the fairing disappears entirely, and it graphically illustrates my annoyance.


slightly more zoomed out pic for reference, so you also get WHY i'm making this thread.

TLDR version: Dear Squad, please make heat shield fairing ONLY appear if you stack it on top of a decoupler, and modify the node on the bottom of the shield to be flush with the actual shield so you can put it on top of docking ports, girders, whatever. for now there is a hole between the shield and its node and that is annoying.

additional info for people with more patience:

in the current situation if you attach a heat shield on top of a docking port and use the undock feature on the dockign port the fairing does not disapear (bugreport!)

the fairing ALWAYS disappears after a quick load, even when still attached.

in the situation where you undock and the fairing stays, it is incorporeal and you can move through it, you can't "peel" it off. by scraping your ships together.

reason why i want this to be changed is the third picture, this style of design originated with the use of deadly re entry(and its heatshields that WERE flush with the dockingports) this way you can have a munlander take off, decouple, re-couple with the topside docking port, and ride your heatshield down while deploying the parachutes mounted beneath the engine compartment (what is now the rear..) this way you can take your munlander/mun-ascend stage with you for the reclamation of funds. (and it looks awsome, always a plus!)

this is just my two cents, i hope Squad might consider my proposal and i would like some imput from the community about their thoughts on this.

(and if anyone knows a modmanager config to do this in the mean time that man/woman/kerbal would be my hero)

EDIT: fixed spelling and typo's

Edited by Thahat
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Okay, possible workaround here, use the offset tool to move the docking port up so it visually contacts the heat shield, so when the fairing vanishes it looks presentable.

As a bonus, the heat shield fairing will sort of hide the docking port a bit (while it's still there anyway) and the whole thing will look more compact and tidy.

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Okay, possible workaround here, use the offset tool to move the docking port up so it visually contacts the heat shield, so when the fairing vanishes it looks presentable.

As a bonus, the heat shield fairing will sort of hide the docking port a bit (while it's still there anyway) and the whole thing will look more compact and tidy.

you sir, are a genius, thank you.

what are your thoughts on fixing this without clipping though?

EDIT: that trick also works nicely to hide decouplers inside fusalages and tanks, so you dont end up with those ugly studs all over your spaceplane..

Edited by Thahat
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