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Your dumbest contracts!


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I've seen a lot of dumb contracts recently on the forums, and I got one.

It said "Test 'Flea' Booster in Jool's atmosphere" and had a bunch of crazy requirements.

What are your dumbest/craziest contracts?

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About 80-90% of parts testing contracts are absurd.

Currently, around half my available contracts are rescues and tourists, many for places I have yet to send kerbals.

Any satellite around a planet other than Kerbin should be called a space probe, or orbiter.

i could go on.

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yep, sun seeking tourists are being coming a bit of a problem. I get contracts to take 4 tourists on a jaunt round Mun and Minmus which is nice and sensible, but one or two of them also want to go sun diving, so that contract is not worth picking up.

  tater said:
About 80-90% of parts testing contracts are absurd.


I never do any of the part test contracts, I just don't enjoy them (and some/many are totally daft), plus they don't fit with my own goals for the space program.

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  katateochi said:
yep, sun seeking tourists are being coming a bit of a problem. I get contracts to take 4 tourists on a jaunt round Mun and Minmus which is nice and sensible, but one or two of them also want to go sun diving, so that contract is not worth picking up.

I never do any of the part test contracts, I just don't enjoy them (and some/many are totally daft), plus they don't fit with my own goals for the space program.

I never do the insane ones, but I will incorporate some into missions I want to do. Say early tech tree, I'll test a bigger SRB to get a probe farther than I might otherwise.

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  Spaps said:
Test the Clamp-o-tron on a suborbital trajectory of the Sun.

That is funny and I have seen it in Fan-Works, but I don't think that is legit in the game.

Unless there is some retarded bug...

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  kStrout said:
I have had many contracts asking me to test the small gear bay on escape trajectory from Kerbin. It's a WHEEL, how is this helpful?

How do you know if you don't test it? :P

On topic, I had a contract to test the radial decoupler landed at the launch pad. I had tourist contracts at the same time, so I put a ship with a radial decoupler at the launch pad, attached a modular girder to the decoupler, decoupled it, and then launched with the tourists. It must have been an interesting flight for them xD

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  Columbia said:
Test a Poodle in Kerbin's oceans.

I literally lost all my funds attempting to make a ship that can get to the water without destroying the engine.

A little late, but... I'd make a rover in the SPH, stick the part on top, and drive it down to the water's edge.
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I used to think the large space station contracts were crazy, what with the price of kerbals, but I've worked out how to do them now - fill them with tourists - I've made an absolute killing this evening launching my crew bus (which counts for the station contracts unless they request a lab or cupola) into LKO and fulfilling four or five contracts at once.

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  Nikola7007 said:
It's a shame we haven't seen any "landed on the Sun" contracts...

Well, you don't necessarily need a contract to land tourists on the sun... All you need is the tourists and an abort sequence to save yourself whilst you see your once trusting tourists burn a fiery hot death in their exploding ship as they near their demise getting closer and closer to the hot flaming sun!:)

The music i'm listening to at the moment (No Time For Caution) from the interstellar OST really fits what i'm writing:P

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I used to think the large space station contracts were crazy, what with the price of kerbals, but I've worked out how to do them now

Err, you do realise you don't actually have to fill up the space station with kerbals, just have room for X amount of kerbals?

Personally I think the money you get for the tourism contracts is a little too low if it's anywhere past Minmus.

Also the wording for some of the Sun contracts. It says "Flyby the Sun" which sounds like a sundive to me, when in reality all you have to do is leave the SOI of Kerbin.

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  kStrout said:
I have had many contracts asking me to test the small gear bay on escape trajectory from Kerbin. It's a WHEEL, how is this helpful?

I take one of these contracts early on, before I have access to the part in the tech tree, and just never complete the contract so I can keep using the small gear bay on all my planes. Its so much better than the fixed gear.

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  Kweller said:
I got testing the "mammoth" engine landed at moho. Any tips to how to get that to there?

Best tips would be to make an lander with it and an LV-N stage to get it into Moho orbit, however I hope it pays well.

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