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[WIP][1.0.2] WarpShip 0.3.2 - Update/expansion of IXS Enterprise


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I actually forgot about the Spacedocks because I personally don't use them. I'll make sure to update them for 1.0.2 (if needed) and put them in the next version.

That is extremely nice of you, thanks for that!

I'll grab the whole package once you update it and delete what I don't use as you suggested to KillAshley.

and if I may ask a rather noobish question... I already have Firespitter core installed as required by another mod.

That's all I'd need for the doors to work on the Command Module, correct?

oh, and +1 rep for being so damn nice :D

Edited by iDisOrder
typos.. I look down to type, lol
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Do you have to also have Interstellar and USI WarpDrive? Is this completely standalone?
It is standalone. You don't need other mods, and, in fact, Interstellar might clash with WarpShip.
I already have Firespitter core installed as required by another mod.

That's all I'd need for the doors to work on the Command Module, correct?

You don't need Firespitter, because the necessary Firespitter code is duplicated in WarpShip.dll.

However, if you aren't using any of WarpShip's unique parts and want to economize on memory, you can edit your cfgs so you use Firespitter's DLL instead of WarpShip.dll.

To do so, go into the IXS Command Module's cfg file and replace "WSXFSanimateGeneric" with "FSanimateGeneric".

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Version 0.3 released!

How can I make sure that this mod doesn't clash with KSPI and USI warpdrive?
Well, there shouldn't be any game-breaking code clashes, given that I've renamed everything. I'm not 100% sure on that, though, because I haven't actually installed a 1.0.2-compatible version of KSP Interstellar... so don't try it on your favorite save file.

However, a certain amount of conceptual clashing is basically unavoidable, given that this mod, KSPI, and USI all offer their own varied implementations of an Alcubierre warp drive. :)

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Version 0.3 for Kerbal Space Program 1.0.2

Released on 2015-05-18

  • Added the Spacedocks from the original IXS Enterprise mod
  • Renamed the power generator "Zero Point Generator" to avoid confusion
  • Added a 3.75m ZPG
  • Made the contents of some parts tweakable (using Firespitter code)
  • Worked around a bug where ships using a Communotron 99-99 would get destroyed by the warp bubble
  • Tweaked the QV Engine a bit

Sophia... you're the bestest!


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Very Happy you included the Spacedocks Sophia, but i fear they still need some TLC:

- Spacedock - Large is all black

- Spacedock - Large implodes at launch, nothing in the damage report afterwards.

- All Spacedocks seem to lack the Extraplanetary Launchpads 'EL Launchpad' module

just gimme a hollar if you need more detailed logs, always willing to lend a hand.

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Version 0.3.1 released!

Both bugs have been fixed. The all black texture was a result of converting the texture to DDS. I'm not sure what went wrong; for now I'll just include a TGA. The explosion was because I typo'd the max temperature as 200 instead of 2000, so it instantly blew up from overheating. Which means it must have been a hot day on Kerbin...

As for leaving out the ExLaunchPad module, this was by design. I don't use it and I didn't want to make WarpShip require it.

If you do want to use it, for the time being, you can stick this into the Spacedocks' cfg files:

name = ExLaunchPad
SpawnTransform = LaunchPos

At some point I'll learn how to properly write a ModuleManager config and just provide that, or anyone else willing to could.

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Two things I'd like to see (one of which I requested previously) are:

A command module with the bay omitted in favor of a living module in the bay space for long-term habitation of a small crew, with forward airlock.

A massive cargo bay for transporting modules in the warp field to deep range stations or places like Laythe or Duna with the old reactor somewhere aboard somehow. (Like say, almost to the diameter of the rings wide, opens up in sections or something). Basically, a way to make a cargo Manley instead of an explorer Manley.

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Here's a patch that should add the launchpads to the spacedocks:

name = ExLaunchPad
SpawnTransform = LaunchPos

Also, adding bulkheadProfiles to the parts would be great. (Most will probably be size2 or size3 -- I haven't tried loading any of them to check.)

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Hey Sophia, any plans for CKAN availability?
That's something I'll have to learn how to do... seems worthwhile, though. :)
Two things I'd like to see
Interesting suggestions. I'll certainly keep them in mind. The cargo bay in particular is something I'm also interested in.
Here's a patch that should add the launchpads to the spacedocks
Thank you!
Also, adding bulkheadProfiles to the parts would be great.
Some/most of the parts should already have one. Before the next version, I'll double-check and put in any that I've missed.
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Another mod I'm following will be my late game shuttle.

This mod has now become my late-er game interstellar ship.

I have a bit of a wish list...

How hard would it be to make this happen?


The TV screen you see on the side is from the Kerbal CCTV mod

and I was hoping to install cameras on almost every ship and satellite I launch and monitor them from my IXS cargo bay.

Is it possible to make those 2 non-functioning screens in that bay do that?

and a minor request..

can the interior lights be toggled?

I'm trying to use Smart Parts & Action Groups Extended to make it when someone goes on an EVA, the doors open, the interior lights come on and the blue LEDs on the floor blink intermittently

My imagination far exceeds my capabilities, so please tell me if this is way too much work to get done.

Edited by iDisOrder
typos, I hate typos!
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Well it looks like the mod is already on kerbalstuff. User blu3wolf set up the CKAN stuff for my mod on github. All I know is that with what he did, when u push full release updates to github, they show up on CKAN for users to download or upgrade. TOTALLY worth it. Aparently same can be done with Kerbalstuff.

Edited by UAL002
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Great stuff, Sophia, really great!

Over the last 6-7 months ive had literally no time for modding, or even much KSP, which was half the reason i made the license open for anyone to use it in the first place. I'm really pleased you've managed to extend its life, and add a bit more to it to make it your own.

One of the most annoying things for me was despite the fact i made it for interstellar, in the end i realized it could really go well in its own right as end game parts, if i'd only had more time to develop it. So you making it come true makes me chuffed. :)

So good luck with the mod, i'm glad you lot are making full use of the open-license!

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Great stuff, Sophia, really great!

Over the last 6-7 months ive had literally no time for modding, or even much KSP, which was half the reason i made the license open for anyone to use it in the first place. I'm really pleased you've managed to extend its life, and add a bit more to it to make it your own.

One of the most annoying things for me was despite the fact i made it for interstellar, in the end i realized it could really go well in its own right as end game parts, if i'd only had more time to develop it. So you making it come true makes me chuffed. :)

So good luck with the mod, i'm glad you lot are making full use of the open-license!

Hey, you did some real solid work. Glad youre ok. Welcome back.

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Is it possible to make those 2 non-functioning screens in that bay do that?

and a minor request..

can the interior lights be toggled?

Making the screens do that would require tighter integration with the CCTV mod than my current level of expertise would allow.

Toggling the lights is definitely something I can do, though.... so consider that done.

Great stuff, Sophia, really great!
Wow, thank you!

Of all the possible endorsements I could've gotten, this one means the most to me, I think.

And thank you for licensing it under terms that allowed me to continue your excellent work, too.

If at any point in the future you have more time and feel like collaborating, feel free to let me know. :)

(Also, I do have to ask, since you're here... if you happen to still have any of your original models or .unity files and are willing to share them, that would make things a lot easier for me!)

how do i recharge my warp plasma?
Warp Plasma is by design not that easy to recharge, because budgeting it is supposed to be part of the mission. You can use an Antimatter Collector to gain a small amount, though, as long as you're in a place where you can get it. High equatorial orbits work best, especially around a big radioactive planet like Jool.
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Thanks for the kind words, Nansuchao, UAL! Appreciate it. :)

And i'm just off to make dinner, Sophia, but I'll give you a PM later. I dont have any of the old unity files, but i do have -all- the original 3ds Max files at the last moment before i exported them. So ill go into details in the PM for you :)

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Quick question Sophia, does the current DL include the updated configs for the spacedocks?

EDIT: I read back a few pages. Looks like you fixed the texture issues and provided a few lines of code for EPL. So ignore me.

Edited by UAL002
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Making the screens do that would require tighter integration with the CCTV mod than my current level of expertise would allow.

Toggling the lights is definitely something I can do, though.... so consider that done.

Thanks so much!

also, when you right click the front bay doors to close them, you clearly see the option to do so.

Any idea when you use Action Groups what the command is?

There seems to be 2 "toggle" options but neither are for the bay doors.

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