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Ultimate (possible) challenge

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So just go from point A to point B with a rover? How is this difficult?

I mean, it\'s a bit boring to sit there jumping over rocks, but it\'s hardly a technically challenging task to get around on wheels.

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Better idea: Build a Munbase and a Minbase, take the same rover to both bases on a separate trip.

Yes, this sounds epic. Youd need a grappling arm to grab the rover, lift it off, send it to minimus... Powered land it without destroying it...

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Err, not quite what I was thinking. Establish bases, then get the same rover on both bases in one trip.

This is somewhat harder, but doable if going from the Mun to Minmus. At least I always use more fuel coming down than going up.

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The Bigtrak (with it\'s other parts) has more than enough fuel to go from the Mun to Minmus :D ... getting back to Kerbin, however, is a bit of a challenge. Thank the Kerbal gods for RCS and a well-placed parachute ;)

Will have to document my last flight that did that. Took about 6 months of in-game time, maybe more, but it was fun, and I just skated by on the seat of my pants.

Jeb wasn\'t happy at all. Bill and Bob --- well, let\'s just say that the cockpit need a thorough cleaning afterwards :D

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