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Engine Lighting


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So I was playing KSP, launching my rocket up into space as is my norm. Then a thought popped into my head. Why is it so dark? Don't rockets make light too? I think it would be really cool if someone could make a plugin that adds some sort of light generation to lit engines in flight.

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So I was playing KSP, launching my rocket up into space as is my norm. Then a thought popped into my head. Why is it so dark? Don't rockets make light too? I think it would be really cool if someone could make a plugin that adds some sort of light generation to lit engines in flight.

Try PlanetShine or Ambient Light Adjustment.

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I don't think those do what he's looking for. I think this a neat idea and would also be interested in seeing someone develop this.

Oh! I think he wants some sort of particle effects that are also a light source.

I don't know, it sounds like you'd have to modify Emissives or create a 'lightbulb' node to the engine model. Both are huge amounts of work.

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Both are huge amounts of work.

Do you have any factual basis for this?

Here's the code to do it, as used in RCS Sounds to add light effects to RCS thrusters.

Engines already have a single light source. It's a spotlight, pointed downwards so that you can see their thrust when you're close to the ground. What Kaeyr96 appears to be looking for is a point light source that will light up the ground and the craft at the same time. To do this, you change the light.type = LightType.Spot; to light.type = LightType.Point;. You could also offset the t.transform.position so that the light comes from the bright centre of the flame rather than inside of the engine bell.

It's very weird to see a massive flame coming out of the back of your rocket, but have that side of the rocket be in complete darkness. This would be a nice plugin to have, and an easy first mod for someone to make.

Edited by pizzaoverhead
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