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The Apollo Applications Program: 1.0 Edition

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OK, now I need to build my Jool ship. Fast.

Luckily Ive already designed it on a notepad.

Normal mode: Design a ship in-game.

Hard mode: Design a ship on a notepad and build it in game.

Super Wernher von Kerman Mode: Design a ship in the windows program Notepad by creating a spaceship.craft file.

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Back on topic... :-)

Can I use a nuclear engine for the NERVA MLV? I already have it built and want to use it for interplanetary missions. It has a burn time of like 10 minutes

You can use it, but you take a -20 points penalty for it:

- Use any Atomic/Nuclear Rockets -20 (You'd need to seriously increase funding to the Rover Program, and that'd detract from the AAP Program!
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Here is my entry:

Kerbals have been exploring space with no goal for years. Finaly, a young USK president named John F. Kerman put out a dare to go to the Mun. So we started the Apophis program. (Sounds cool, right? Little did the kerbals know It means the god of death and destruction) We built a family of rockets called Saluant (A combination of Salyaut and Saturn, translates roughly to "Salute Saturn").



Uses 5 engines on S-IC and S-II, and 1 engine on S-IVB




Fuel cells for power generation


50 points on one mission!!

On the drawing board:

The Saluant VB, a heavily upgraded Saluant V with an estimated payload capacity increase of 2


Just a quick sketch

Edited by MajorLeaugeRocketScience
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PM - 11 has returned, after a marathon 2-1/2 hour Rover driving session.

PM - 12, meant to land in the Mun's Twin Craters, is now scheduled for departure.

Once PM - 12 has finished, I will write up a review of Project Mun up to the current date, and submit that as my Score and Completion Notice of the Normal Apollo Program.

Once all of that has been done, Project Mun will move into the Apollo Applications stage, with the launch of SkyLab, and a small series of Minmus Landings.

More info is in my Mission Report thread, linked above.

Happy flying everyone, I'm just glad I've nearly crossed the first finish line!

Took me long enough didn't it?

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Soon, this will be part of history. Even before the first Mun shot, Wherner von Kerman had a insane idea to use a large cluster of upgraded Saluant stages to do a manned flyby of Duna. This is the first ever sketch of this idea. (Made in Civics class). This is the beginning of Project Atlas


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The PM - 12 Mission has been completed!

Along with some very lovely screenshots powered by Environmental Visual Enhancements.

I'm going to conduct a bit of a creative writing exercise, and post here as the result of my completing the Normal Apollo Program section of the Challenge.

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PM - 19 A - SkyLab Deployment

The Workshop is up and running, Crew Transfer will be on PM - 19 B. Two Scientists will take up residence, and process all recovered Science Data from future missions.

My Apollo Applications Program Schedule has begun, 3 more Munar Landings, 3 Minmus Landings, and a Permanent Munar Base are all in the works.

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Great challenge! I'm planning to enter this soon with my own rockets. I just have 1 realism suggestion - just as you have bonus points for the Saturn-V equivalent rocket to have 5 engines on the 1st stage, 5 on the 2nd stage, and 1 on the 3rd, I'd also recommend having bonus points for a similar engine setup on the Saturn-IB equivalent (8 small engines+1 large engine on the 1st stage, 1 engine on the 2nd stage) as well as having the same subassembly for the S-IVB (2nd stage on the Saturn IB, 3rd stage on the Saturn V) on both rockets.

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Great challenge! I'm planning to enter this soon with my own rockets. I just have 1 realism suggestion - just as you have bonus points for the Saturn-V equivalent rocket to have 5 engines on the 1st stage, 5 on the 2nd stage, and 1 on the 3rd, I'd also recommend having bonus points for a similar engine setup on the Saturn-IB equivalent (8 small engines+1 large engine on the 1st stage, 1 engine on the 2nd stage) as well as having the same subassembly for the S-IVB (2nd stage on the Saturn IB, 3rd stage on the Saturn V) on both rockets.

Saturn 1b had eight small engines on the first stage, not 8+1 big one.


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