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Animation Starting Partially Deployed

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I have a solar panel animation that is starting deployed in the VAB. Once on the pad it is fine, it is also fine in the preview image for the part, but on spawning it in the VAB it is displayed as deployed. Normally fixing this is as easy as unchecking the auto play animation check box in Unity, but I have already done that. It is very distracting to have the part deployed like this when trying to place the fairing over it, it sticks out so while once in the game it doesn't cause problems, in the VAB it is a problem.

It has a 2 part animation. The first animation is a standard solar panel deploy part module. The second is a generic animation module you can deploy afterwards that closes the front 2 panels. The animation in the VAB starts halfway between the 2 animations at frame 279. I'm not sure how to go about fixing this but also keeping both animations.



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  • 3 months later...

Not sure if you are still looking to resolve this problem.

I had similar one recently.

Make sure you have checked telescope clip (when setting animation clips), not tele_close. This is because Unity (upon exporting) takes the first frame from the clip that is checked (greyed out).

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I have found a workaround for this issue while making my parts: there are "play â–º" and "pause II" buttons above your viewport. "Play" will start your main animation and "Pause" will stop the frame. If you build your part in that paused state, your model in the game will start in that state as well.

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