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Mods Recomendation for Space Station Building.

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Hi Group

I've been having great fun with my Kerbal Galaxy. I would like to try designing and building my own space stations. Can anyone recommend Mods, both parts and others, that would be a great help in producing them?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If I come up with anything I like maybe I'll share them!

Thank you :D


Ottawa, Canada

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Yep, i like stations, too.

If you don't know already, here are my favourites, you'll easily find them in the addons forums:

- Stockalike Station Parts

- Near Future Solar and Near Future Construction

- Karbonite (the collectors for low orbit stations)

- Low Profile Hubs

- Universal Docking Ports (?)


Show your processor it's limits !



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Depends on what's on your mind how your Space Station should look like. A Death Star, an ISS lookalike?

I never had the urge to mod my game for a space station, I'm quite happy with the stock parts (plus ScanSat), but I'm alway interested in new ideas. So far, all my Space Stations looked more or less like this:


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Ok, well first let me get the obligatory "This forum is for gameplay questions, mods have their own forum" statement out of the way.

As for mods to consider MKS/OKS is beautiful. I've never used it (because it is big and I am not a Karbonite fan) but I've seen it used and there is no denying the models are gorgeous. Stock Alike Station Parts Expansion is a good one that blends perfectly with the existing Hitchiker and Cupola, it is one of my favorites.

Also, if you want to keep the part count down using stock parts, TweakScale. All those girders and octagonal struts are awful in only one size.

Edited by Alshain
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UbioZur Welding Ltd. Continued

They are still working on 1.02 release. I would say wait for it since this is the only thing that allowed me to build epic stations. Lets say you have a 1000 part lag monster of a station. This mod can bring that part count down to 50 by welding them together. I am still waiting for it to start building something epic.

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You might consider adding one or two gameplay mods to your list. I'm using the Contract Pack: Kerbin Space Station. It gives more of a purpose to your station: you have to build it, resupply it, rotate its crew, etc.

Once "Station Science" is ironed out for 1.02, I'm going to try that too.

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