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Yandere Val


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Sorry, idk how to do Spoilers >.<

So basically whenever i have a female Kerbal as Pilot, they seem to be even crazier than the regular Kerbals.... which kinda got tis silly idea into my head.

Which i painted... soooo enjoy maybe, also please don´t kill me! >.<

I do have a deviantart btw, same name as here.


Edited by Coldfinger008
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  • 3 years later...

I'm about to start a "Kerbal Yandere/CSI" story right now.


25 years ago, Debra Kerman was killed in a rover crash on Kerbin's beaches. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the rover's brakes were tampered with. Though the police suspected Debra's science partner, Misty Kerman, of murder, she was acquitted in the following trial. Even though the killer was never identified, the Kerbal Space Program has flourished since.


On Eeloo, Jebediah was teaching a cadet named Agaden how to use the suborbital moon SSTO - a craft designed to get up to six people anywhere on a moon (or at least a celestial body with no atmosphere) - when he lost control and crashed. Jeb survived, but Agaden died before the mountain rovers arrived. Initially, Jeb was blamed for it; the MechJeb module was tampered with, and everybody in the Kerbol system knew of Jeb's contempt for "that sorry excuse of a copycat." However, an autopsy of Agaden's body proved that she was poisoned before her SSTO training flight. Though Jeb was cleared of the murder, as Gus' statistics showed Jeb was most likely to kill himself and/or others via vehicle crash (and Agaden might have survived if she wasn't poisoned), he wanted to find out who killed his star student.

Meanwhile, on Laythe, Sheri Kerman drowned near Froze-up Beach. Though her boyfriend, Bob, was suspected of the murder, he had an alibi for the time of her death; Bob was taking a surface sample up to the U.S.S. Oregon in orbit of Laythe (and several crewmembers vouched for him, and he was on the crew manifest for the ascent vehicle) and the launch site was five kilometers away from the crime scene (and the surface sample was taken farther away). He could not have used a rover to get there and back in time, as his driver's license was suspended earlier for speeding and the rovers were programmed to shut down and alert command if anyone with a suspended license tried to control it. Being a scientist who always asked questions, Bob contacted his three best friends - Jeb, Bill (in transit to Eeloo from Duna to test new skis), and Val (in the U.S.S. Zeus, orbiting Jool) - and asked them for help in hunting down the killer. The boys eagerly agreed; Val was reluctant at first, but eventually decided to help out the three.




Edited by Mars-Bound Hokie
Important detail missed
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