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Proton M 3rd stage explodes, leaving MexSat-1 unusable


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It's hardly deniable that corruption in Russia is larger scale and more widespread than in many other countries. Roskosmos alone has recently found $1.8 billion worth of losses through 'financial violations'; when was the last time something of that scale happened in the US?

Right off the top of my head? Bank bailout, $700 billions taken from citizens' pockets and given to banks which has started the crisis, 2008. Short google search - "RBS reaches $669 million settlement with US Department of Justice & Federal Reserve", a week ago. In Russia, DoJ doesn't "settle" with criminals to stop investigation.

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Right off the top of my head? Bank bailout, $700 billions taken from citizens' pockets and given to banks which has started the crisis, 2008. Short google search - "RBS reaches $669 million settlement with US Department of Justice & Federal Reserve", a week ago. In Russia, DoJ doesn't "settle" with criminals to stop investigation.

Look up what corruption means before making such silly claims. Or even if you find a version that includes yours: it's not like there was a short- or mid-term alternative that wouldn't let the system crumble to ashes.

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Bearing disintegrated due to increased temperature (which is par for the course for a ROCKET ENGINE(!) = substandard.

First Proton-M launch in 2001. Thats 14 years of successful launches using faulty elements = am impressed. A lot.


14 years of launches using faulty elements, until the problem was discovered = am horrified. A lot.

From what I read, this fault actually caused two other failures, one in 1988 and another in 2014, but the lack of the correct sensors on those flight didn't allow the board of investigation to fully understand the root cause.

- - - Updated - - -

Plus, if this is of any help, the RD-0214 steering engine which is to blame first flew in 1967.

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First Proton-M launch in 2001. Thats 14 years of successful launches using faulty elements = am impressed. A lot.

Proton is under continual improvement; the current model isn't just 'Proton-M', it's 'Proton-M with improved energy-mass characteristics (Phase IV)'. Much of the 'improved characteristics' are due to structural lightening, and it's plausible that changes in the mounting structure to allow that contributed to the failure, by changing the environment of terms of vibration.

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In Russia, DoJ doesn't "settle" with criminals to stop investigation.

Of course not. They work for them. Latest example, daughter of izberkom official committing vehicular manslaughter, getting suspended sentence, and then an amnesty for the 70 year anniversary of the V-Day. Hasn't spent a day in jail. Why? Because her mother is responsible for counting the votes of the politicians who have the power to appoint the judges who make the decision in the case.

Corruption in Russian politics is so far gone, that you can't even compare it on the same merits. Bribery is just for the common folk now. Paying to avoid a fire/medical/tax inspection, paying to get out of a ticket, paying to get ahead of the line in the clinic. That sort of thing. Politicians don't need to bribe anyone. They wire money directly from budget to their accounts and they appoint judges. Why would they ever need to bribe anyone. But that's still corruption. And it's corruption that's unheard of in the Western world.

And so long as people like you keep covering for them, it'll keep getting worse. Rockets will keep falling. Clinics will keep closing. And city officials will keep getting away with manslaughter on the regular basis. There are ultimately just two problems, as you are well aware, and you're demonstrating that you're part of the one that can't be fixed with a bit of asphalt. But hey, at least you're in the majority.

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It is pretty clear that the decay of the Russian space program is tied to recent political developments - and the general trend - wherein an increasingly corrupt and authoritarian Russia is suffering from attrition when its older, experienced workers retire and generally unenthusiastic new recruits have to take their place.

Authoritarianism is not sustainable in the long term. The current problems in the Russian space industry are understandable, given these circumstances.

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Of course not. They work for them. Latest example, daughter of izberkom official committing vehicular manslaughter, getting suspended sentence, and then an amnesty for the 70 year anniversary of the V-Day. Hasn't spent a day in jail. Why? Because her mother is responsible for counting the votes of the politicians who have the power to appoint the judges who make the decision in the case.
Vehicular manslaughter up to 4 years of jail time by law (she's got 2.5 because she committed the crime unwittingly, first time, admitted her crime and was pregnant). Amnesty isn't discriminative, it's applied to the whole class of cases (low and medium severity, up to 5yrs of jail time, and so on), and her case falls under it. Emotionally, I would also like her to be put in jail, but in reality, that's the law, and it's applied blindly and indiscriminately in this case, to the letter. But hey, instead of switching your brain on and doing a quick research, it's easier to cry corruption, sure.
Corruption in Russian politics is so far gone, that you can't even compare it on the same merits. Bribery is just for the common folk now. Paying to avoid a fire/medical/tax inspection, paying to get out of a ticket, paying to get ahead of the line in the clinic. That sort of thing. Politicians don't need to bribe anyone. They wire money directly from budget to their accounts and they appoint judges. Why would they ever need to bribe anyone. But that's still corruption. And it's corruption that's unheard of in the Western world.
Examples, please. I, personally, have never had to bribe anyone. My employers have never had to bribe anyone. Come to think of it, I've never met a person which would participate in a bribe, be it on a giving or receiving end. It may depend on social circle, and if that's the case, I'm sorry you've had to deal with such things. Politicians wiring budget funds into their own accounts? You believe this, seriously? Politicians appointing judges is just a blatant lie, simple as that, as there's a procedure for that, including exams and a committee of judges, except for the highest arbitrage, afaik.
And so long as people like you keep covering for them, it'll keep getting worse. Rockets will keep falling. Clinics will keep closing. And city officials will keep getting away with manslaughter on the regular basis. There are ultimately just two problems, as you are well aware, and you're demonstrating that you're part of the one that can't be fixed with a bit of asphalt. But hey, at least you're in the majority.
Yeah, I will have to disengage from this discussion: my bear is asking for vodka, I have to do a checkup on nukular warhead in my basement and I can find neither my ushanka nor balalaika - Putin has stolen it, no doubt.
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