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Nessa: an alternate history for NASA


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This thread will be for me to catalog the adventures of my Kerbals as I set about completing some of our forum challenges starting with the Apollo Application Program. Before diving into AAP though I decided to briefly recap Mercury and Gemini projects. If this style of play continues to be fun I hope to continue beyond AAP into the STS program, the Constellation Programs, and from there who knows.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Mercury

Part 2 - Gemini Boilerplate test

Part 3: Gemini

Part 4: Developing Apollo

Part 5 - Apollo VII

Part 6 - Fly me to the Mun. Apollo 8 launches and LEM training

Part 7: Survival Training and Apollo 8 returns.

Part 8: Apollo 9

Part 9: Apollo X

Part 10: Apollo 11 on its way

Part 11: The Eagle, er... Falcon... has landed.

Part 12: Heroes Welcome

Part 13: Mucking about on Mun

Part 14: Procedures, Procedures

Part 15: Launch of XIII

Part 16: The Lost Mun

Part 17: Avoiding airless bodies

Part 18: Through Ice and Fire

Part 19: Life-Guard Duty

Part 20: The Bored Room

Part 21: We Never Throw Anything Away

Part 22: Moving the furniture

Part 23: Apollo XIV - long term Munar survey.

Part 24: Wheels on the ground.

Part 25: The Next, next, next Generation?

Part 1: Mercury


Sky Full of Kerbals

By: Wally Kitman

Jan 14 1952. Today at the opening ceremony for Nessa, the new space agency, Jebidiah Kerman personally pledged that we'd see a Kerbal, likely himself, in orbit by the end of the month. Posing in the picture are the pilots, engineers, and scientists behind this bold new inititive "Project Mercury." Jebidiah (27) and his brothers Bob and Bill (35 and 32 respectfully) have been pushing for this program for some time now and will be in charge of overseeing Mercury at every step.

Before winning this prestigious contract, Jebidiah was a test pilot for Rocketdyne where he was known for frequently pushing test planes well beyond the red line. Rocketdyne formally terminated Jebidiah's employment after he set a new world altitude record by trying to climb out of the atmosphere in a supersonic test plane. The plane was ripped apart, but rescue teams found young Jeb sitting sitting in the highlands amidst burning degrees and smiling much as he is in the picture above. Flying back-up on Project Mercury will be young Valentina, 24, who said earlier that she "has high hopes of beating Jeb to space since he's liable to put himself in the hospital long before the real work get's started."

Leading the engineering team for Mercury is Bill Kerman (35). Bill has been hard at work developing the engines and reaction wheels that will be necessary tools in getting kerbals to orbit. Working hand in hand with his younger brother Bob they have developed the Mercury Capsule - an airtight control pod theoretically capable of surviving the inferno of re-entry and splashing down gently into the ocean. Tomorrow they will be testing "Little Joe" - an unmanned atmospheric rocket containing a boiler-plate of the Mercury capsule.


Bill: Alright gents, you can leave her here there.

Bob: Wait! Before you run off get up here and help me link up these fuel lines. We want to be ready to fuel Joe here up before the big show.

The ground crew looked up at Bob as he balanced on the back of what was, basically, a giant bomb that would fly only because it would - in theory - only explode in one direction at a time. They shrugged.

Bill: Its okay, you guys run off, I'll get it.


Bob: You did a good job on the lines here, she's a beauty.

Bill: No where near enough Delta V to make it to orbit.

Bob: Oh come on, don't be so sour about it. I mean, she's like the ones we used to draw on the walls while we stared up at the stars.

Bill: Yeah... Boy did we ever get the principles of aerodynamics wrong. Remember the one with the dinner plate in the front and the skinny neck under it?

Bob: Give me time and I'm sure I'll make something like that work one day, with the lasers and everything.

Bill: I'd rather make sure we get to space ourselves. ... did you remember your earplugs?

Bob: Earplugs? :confused: Why do I need -



Jeb: Hey.... :mad:

Wait a second! Why am I not in that thing! Bill!

Bob: ... :confused:

Bill: Don't worry, you'll get your hearing back, eventually.

Jeb: Bill!

Bill: Its a boilerplate.

Jeb: I'd fly it even if it was a washing machine.

Bill: A boilerplate is a test mission to make sure its safe.

Jeb: Who cares if its safe!

Bill: And...:wink: little Joe here isn't going to reach orbital or even sub-orbital flight.

Jeb: Oh. Then your not fired.

Bill: :huh:... You can't fire me. One, I'm your brother.

Jeb: Its okay, I have another.

Bill: And two, I'm the one who builds your rockets.

Jeb: True. Okay, your hired.

Bill: ... :huh:



Bill: Mission control to Redstone, whats your status?

Jeb: Bored! There's still a whole minute left on this coutdown. Lets go already!

Bill: :huh: Look at your panels, are there any red lights?

Jeb: Of course not. Red means stop so I turn them off if they go red.

Bill: Jeb. We talked about this.

Bob: Its okay Bill, I looked everything over when we were strapping him in, Mercury is good to go.

Jeb: Go? :cool:


Bill: :mad: Not now!

Bob: The ground crew just had their ears blasted didn't they?

Bill: Yep.

Bob: I'll go inform HR we'll need to cut some more bonus checks.


Raining Jeb

By: Wally Kitman

Jan 22, 1952. Nessa celebrated its first suborbital flight and subsequent recovery today with each proud member of the team trying to get half as much recognition as the now infamous Jebidiah Kerman - First Kerbal in Space! Jeb proudly announced that there would be a line of merchandise made available to commemorate his historic achievements. When asked about whether this new line of merchandise would include detailed models of Mercury herself Bob Kerman only responded that it would be a welcome revenue stream but that he needed to discuss things with his brother in private first.

Despite the celebrations Bob and Bill Kerman seemed is less the high spirits. Nessa Test pilots Mary and Val were willing to comment that they believed the brother's disgruntled appearance was due to under performance of the Redstone lifter when compared to their initial estimates, but sources closer to the brothers have indicated that it might be trouble in paradise. "Even getting Jeb into orbit wouldn't leave enough space between his ego and his brothers for things to cool down tonight," A Nessa scientist said, off the record, "It was suppose to be their night to be on top of the world, but Jeb's never been able to turn down a camera." Now with the Mercury Orbit tests coming up, this reporter is left wondering whether cooler heads will prevail over physics, or will egos turn this ambitious endeavor into disaster?


Bob: Guidance is go. Recovery, standing by. LES is green.

Bill: Copy that. Retro?

Val: Go flight.

Jeb: Go?

Bob, Bill, and Vall: No!

Val: Why'd you let him back in that thing?

Bob: He slept in it.

Val: What, really?

Bob: Yeah. I went to check it this morning and he was strapped in and making vrrrrrm noises while playing with the stick.

Val: Awake?

Bob: Nope. He was sleep piloting.

Bill: Focus.

Jeb: Go?

Bill: T Minus 15.

Jeb: Go?

Bob: All indicators are go. Beginning Ignition sequence.

Jeb: ;.; Go?

Val: Go!:)

Jeb: Go! :cool:


Bob: Jeb, pitch over gently to start your turn.

Val: He's already got it.

Bill: Numbers are looking good over here.

Jeb: Wooooo Hooooooo!

Val: Okay, I get to be next right?

Bob: Of course.

Jeb: I'm on the flight schedule next!

Bob: You took Val's spot, she get's yours.

Jeb: Aaaaowww. No Fair. :P

Bob: Level out, your only aiming at a apoapsis of 75 km.



Bob: We're never going to hear the end of this are we?

Bill: Nope.

Jeb: Weeeee!

Val: He's still stuck in the can right?

Bob: What, you mean you'd want to get out and ... float into outer space?

Val: Yes! Can you make it possible for me to do that?

Bob: I guess so. Bill?

Bill: Not with the Mercury can, we'll need a bigger system to carry, preasurized gasses...

Val: Well especially if I'm going to walk on Mun.

Jeb: Oh! Oh! Me first! Me First!

Bob: Atlas isn't anywhere big enough for something like that.

Bill: If we could get two ships to meet up in orbit, you could move stuff from on to the other... even combine them together.

Bob: I'll start doing the math.

Val: That will be MY program. Jeb got Mercury. This ones mine! What are you brain boys going to call it?

Bill and Bob: hrm... Gemini.

(Next time)

Edited by loch.ness
Update: Part 25
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I like your take on the Mercury capsule. Looks not unlike the real thing. I'd add some space tape to represent those struts that kept the engine attached to the bottom but it looks legit either way.

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Part 2 - Gemini Boilerplate test


Bill: Titan is standing by for launch.

Bob: It looks like a taller Atlas with only two nozzles. Will it have enough thrust to get off the pad?

Bill: Oh... yeah. :cool: We're going to have to keep it throttled back to 50% until we hit 13,000 meters or higher.

Val: :cool: Can I try opening her up full throttle just once?

Bill: :rolleyes: No. Its going to have over-heating problems as it is. By the time it runs dry the tanks will be getting dangerously hot.

Val: I bet Jeb gets to.

Bob: Shhh... If you say his name he appears. :wink:

Bill: Like you told us too we didn't tell Jeb about Gemini.

Val: He'll know as soon as that thing out there takes off.

Bob: Or sooner.


Bill: Titan is climbing beautifully.

Jeb: :mad: Why aren't I on that!

Bob: Its a Boilerplate mission Jeb.

Bill: I've already tried that line of reasoning.

Bob: Really when?

Bill: With Little Joe. You, uh, couldn't hear at the time.

Jeb: I get to fly it next?

Val: Mine :P

Jeb: ;.;

Val: It won't work. You stole my seat on Mercury.

Bill: We will need two Gemini's in orbit at the same time.

Jeb: Pick me! Pick me!

Val: I've been training Mary to fly Gemini 2. I need someone I can trust to go easy on the throttle.

Bob: Gemini is not going to have much wiggle room for orbital maneuvers.

Bill: Titan is finishing its burn. Setting up the Capsule for re-entry tests.

Val: Bob, I lost control over here.

Bob: I'm seeing Main bus A and B undervolts. I think we're about to loose electricity.

Bill: I haven't been able to turn it around yet.


Jeb: It survived! Can I do reentry like that?

Val: The chutes didn't open... Okay jeb.

Bob and Bill: No!

Jeb: I don't get to have any fun.

Val: Will the Chutes work on the real one?

Bill: We can install a manual release in case the batteries go down again.

Val: Good. I'm going to pick up my co-pilot and get ready for the next launch.

Jeb: Could I just sit in the capsule, for a bit?

Bob: We've still got a Mercury capsule we haven't launched yet.

Jeb: :( Its not the same.

Edited by loch.ness
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Part 3: Gemini


Val: Mission Control this is Valentina and Astha in Gemini 1, all indicators green. Start the clock.

Jeb: Roger that Gemini one.

Val: :confused: Jeb! Where's Bill?

Bill: I'm here Val, don't worry. I told Jeb he needed to start behaving or we wouldn't let him fly anything beyond the upper atmosphere again.

Val: Could you please put Bob on instead, at least until we hit orbit.

Jeb: No can do. Bob's gearing up for Gemini 2 with Mary and we're short handed, so its me or no one.

Astha: Could we unplug his mic?

Jeb: I'll remember that comment when I'm planning crew rosters for future missions.

Bill: Jeb, that's my job.

Jeb: Okay, your hired. That part was tedious anyway. I get tired writing my name onto every mission.

Astha: Is the clock running?

Bill: Right. All indicators look good over here. You are go for -

Val: Go!!!

Bill: ...

Jeb: Taught her everything I know.

Bill: Take long?

Jeb: Naw, she's a fast learner.

Astha: Caaaaaannnnn Iiiii Gooooo Baaaaack?

Val: Weeeee!!!!!


Val: The Titan has been discarded, Gemini Main engine is go, we'll have about half our tank and full Retro. Orbit is pretty excentric though, we're looking at a 85x71 here.

Bill: leave it, Mary will have to plot a similar orbital insertion. We have no idea how much Delta V we'll need for Redevous.

Astha: Requesting permission for EVA tests.

Jeb: Negative, I'm looking at our program charter and it clearly states that only I am aloud to be the first to do something.

Bill: Astha, we need you to supervise Val's vitals before you step out as well. Val is go for EVA.

Val: Go! :cool:

Astha: Tell Bob he did fantastic work on the suits. Her vitals are doing fine.

Val: The view is inCREDIBLE! I'm never coming back down!

Astha: Requesting permission to EVA

Bill: You are go for EVA.


The tanks have plenty of fuel and respond well to controls.

Jeb: I was reading Bob's notes just now. ... what? Don't look at me like that. Just because I choose not to read your mission briefings doesn't mean I can't. Sheesh. Anyway, Bob was noting that you're only rated for 15 minutes of EVA time on this test.

Val: Got it Jeb.

Astha: Aww, can I have the window seat this time?

Bob: Take turns, we'll be launching Gemini two as you come back around in your orbit.



Mary: We'regonnadiewe'regonnadiewe'regonnadie!

Bob: Iiiissss iiiiit suuupoooosse toooo shaaaake liiiike thiiiis?

Jeb: Fun isn't it?

Mary: Biiiillll! The Taank is oveeer heatiing.

Bill: I'm reading it, your fine. Your below the red line.

Bob: Preparing to release lifter.

Jeb: Looking good. Hey Bill, this new kid's almost as good as Val, and Val's almost as good as me.

Bill: Doing well Mary. Its not often that something other than Jeb impresses Jeb.

Mary: Orbital insertion done. Turning us.

Bob: I think I can make out Gemini 1.


Mary: Bob, please take a look at our course correction. Sending you the numbers.

Jeb: I'm on it. :sealed: Don't look at me like that. Piloting is what I do. I know the orbital mechanics of what she's trying better than you do.

Bob: I make fewer mistakes.

Jeb: If I nail this I get to be the first to fly our next capsule.

Bob: Deal.

Jeb: Okay Mary, your numbers look good. I want you to add 10 more m/s to the burn which will put you about 9 kilometers off Gemini 1 after a full orbit. Then is the tricky part.

Bob: She won't have enough fuel to close that gap herself and dock.

Jeb: She won't. Val will handle everything once mary closes the distance to 4 kilometers.

Mary: I like this plan!



Val: Gemini 2 come in, this is Gemini 1. We see you dead ahead.

Mary: Roger that Val, orienting docking port to you. Please note our Monoprop is down at the red-line. We have enough to deorbit, just barely.


Val: You still have full retro rockets though.

Mary: That we do.

Val: Okay, lining up. Coming at about 40cm/s.


Mary: We're drifting a bit.

Val: I've got you.

Bob: These docking indicators are really wobbly.

Val: Its a really small target.

Bob: I'll see if we can't enlarge it.

Val: It would make this easier.


Val: We have mag-seal.

Mary: Locked!

Astha: Woo. Now whose making history!

Bob: It worked! Ahahahaha! They said it was crazy! Ahahahaha! Its ALIVE... :blush: *cough* um. Sorry.

Val: Its okay. You earned a mad scientist laugh. Just this once.

Mary: Easy for you to say, he's in my ship.

Val: :cool: Lets switch then.



Val: Mission control, this is Val aboard Gemini 2. We are coming home.

Mary: me first! I wanna feel the ground under my feet again.



Twin Victories

By: Wally Kitman

March 3rd 1952. The Lads, and Lasses, at Nessa have done it again folks. Above are Bob Kerman (35) and Valentina Kova (23) Posing with their still sizzling Gemini Capsule only a few hours after touch-down. Gemini was aiming for a water landing but, according to sources at Mission control, "Young Miss Kova was a little over energetic with the retro-rockets." Both Gemini capsules touched down at a thrilling 8.9 meters per second after several orbits around Kerbin including many world firsts. Valentina Kova has become the first woman in Space, the first kerbal to ever go on an extra-vehicular activity while in space, and the first pilot to perform a docking maneuver in space.

Bob Kerman, lead scientist for the Agency, was personally in charge of the EVA suits the astronauts wore during their mission and for the special magnetic docking collars used by this ships. Both of these Heroes of space exploration are pictured here next to the Gemini 2 capsule though only Bob spent the entire trip in Gemini 2. His initial pilot was Mary Ride, who swapped vehicles with Valentina while their ships were docked. Also involved in the Gemini project was Astha Currie, head of the Agencies medical department who was aboard Gemini 1 to monitor Valentina's vitals during her landmark EVA.

Its should be hard to imagine how these wonder-kids will top this program. Instead Jebidiah has already started giving interviews about the project's newest program. "I'm sure I speak for everyone in the agency when I say: You ain't seen nothing yet! We'll put a Kerbal on Mun by the end of the decade! We choose to do this thing at this time, not because it is easy... but because it is Awesome!" Standing next to Jebidiah was Bill Kerman, chief engineer of projects Mercury and Gemini whose only comment was, "We're going to need a lot more people, and money. Lots of money." The new project, called Apollo, will begin with the development of a new line of rockets- The Saturn rockets will first propel scanning satellites to Mun and then, later on, kerbals.

Edited by loch.ness
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I loved that Star Trek reference on the Joe launch. Good stuff so far!

EDIT: I finished reading the whole thing, and I already like it! If the story is this good on the Apollo Challenge, you're probably gonna get Super-Manley Kerbanaut points for the good writing!

Edited by GregroxMun
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Thanks. When I next get time I'll be running Apollo 4 + At that point I'll need to figure out the voodoo of Imgur albums so that I can record the missions for the AAP challenge. Might be a couple days before I can update again, but I should be able to do it with smaller pieces at a time. Apollo is where I was planning to slow down and do each individual mission in more detail.

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I just used the old Diverse Kerbal Heads pack (and KRC pack) and checked to see if it looked okay. They aren't perfect but they are good enough for me. I assigned the old female heads to new female models and the old male heads to male models.

There are little things which I'll update / change eventually - Val's lashes look like warpaint tattoos instead. The lips sometimes fold funny on the mouth making them look like they are pouting when they aren't freaking out or smiling. Their hair styles always have a pony tail. Also you have to manually set everyone's face (but I was doing that anyway).

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Part IV: Developing Apollo

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O Budget My Budget!

By: Wally Kitman

April 10, 1952. While officially the space agency "Nessa" still has its doors open, most financial analysists believe that inside the tune is very different:

O Budget! My Budget! our hopeful trip Begun;

The ship won't e'en get a rack, before the audit has begun;

The Engine bells I hear already are exploding,

While follow eyes the steady pod, the pilot grim and daring:

But O Abort! Abort! Abort!

O the bleeding lines of red,

Where on the floor my Budget lies,

Fallen cold and dead.

Currently no one at Nessa will comment on the soaring costs of their new Apollo program, or on how they are raising the money. Earlier today a new Solid-Fuel Rocket, the Little Joe II, was launched to test the Launch Escape System of the Apollo program. The test went smoothly according to mission control and a Apollo Command Capsule Boilerplate is being prepared for a full test later on. Despite early successes with Mercury and Gemini, there is growing apprehension about the space agency's race towards ever greater accomplishments. Many are wondering if a major disaster isn't just around the corner.

Val: Bill, do we have Budget issues?

Bill: What? Where did you hear that?

Val: I read it in the paper.

Bill: That hack Kitman again?

Val: Yeah.

Bill: Figures. Did you know we were his first story?

Val: Really?

Bill: Yeah. Kid won the Pulitzer for his coverage of Mercury and another one for his coverage of Gemini. Then the critics came down on him for not being objective enough.

Val: He started writing poetry in this own.

Bill: Really? Let me see. ... Ha! Not bad actually. Maybe we should try to hire him for PR?

Val: Poach him from the Post?

Bill: He's obviously not cut out for Newspapers and we could use a formal poet going forward.

Val: Not Kitman. I'll keep my eyes out.

Bill: Sure thing. Oh and Val. Tomorrow we're launching the Munar Survey Satalite. I'll need you to double check to programed course.

Val: Wasn't that Jeb's job?

Bill: :D

Val: :rolleyes: Yeah, I get it.


Bob: Well done Jeb! It flew more like Val had coded it than you had.

Jeb: What's that suppose to mean?

Bob: It didn't over-thrust, it lined up a beautiful free-return trajectory, and it didn't crash.

Jeb: Ah, so it was no fun. Yeah that was more like Val's flying but I'll do that stuff too if it means I get to fly to the Mun.

Bob: I'm impressed little brother, you're finally growing up.

Jeb: Sooooo. Point out on the map where I'm going to land.

Bob: Can't do that yet. It'll take at least a month to pour over the data, and besides that you're going to need to compete with the other pilots for the real landing mission.

Jeb: Val and Mary? Okay, I'll give you that Val is going to be hard to beat but I'm sure I've got Mary bang to rights.

Bob: With our new budget and the sheer scope of this mission we're expanding a bit.

Jeb: Whose the competition? I wish to know what to put on their gravestone?

Bob: Gravestone?

Jeb: Or condolences letter when I get their place on all future missions. For a pilot its pretty much the same thing.

Bob: Well our first new recruit is Edan Lovell but he mostly goes by Ed. He's due to arrive shortly before Apollo VII is scheduled.

Jeb: I get to fly it?

Bob: Its going to be you, Val, and Mary. We want to see each of you try your hands are the RCS controls while in orbit.

Jeb: Goooood!

Bob: Alright, well if you don't mind I've got alot of numbers to crunch.

Jeb: Sure, sure. See you at the inspection?

Bob: Wouldn't miss it for the world.



Bill: Alright Jeb. What do you think of my Magnus Opum?

Jeb: I think that's a terrible name for a Rocket.


Bill: I mean my masterpiece.

Jeb: I LOVE it! I will call it the Munatic.

Bill: No.

Jeb: Sure why not?

Bill: We've already named it a Saturn V.

Jeb: The lifter shall be call the Oedipus because it is complex.

Bill: It's a Saturn V.

Jeb: The Lander we can call Volio.

Bill: Okay, I'll bite. Why Volio?

Jeb: Because it is my Munar Adventure Lander or MAL. Wasn't Malvolio that helpful guy in that sad love story we went to see at the theater the other night?

Bill: That was Benvolio. Malvolio was the unhappy servant in the play we saw last christmas. The one you kept laughing about for twelve whole nights.

Jeb: Oh yeah. It was funny because she was dressed like a guy and he thought he was...

Bill: I remember. We were planning on calling it the LEM, Lunar Excursian Module. Munar isn't a word.

Jeb: I like MAL better.

Bill: Happily then, I get to name things.

Jeb: The Command Module I shall cal the Sigmund Freud!

Bill: That's it. Your naming privledges are revoked!

Jeb: Thou hath wounded me MAL-volio.

Bill: Tempt me and I won't just "land" you. I'll ground you.

Jeb: ;.; Sorry!

Bill: :cool: This power... I like!

Jeb: I'm scared.


Mary: They won't turn these on with us under them will they?

Bob: All the tanks are dry, this is just a mock-up.

Mary: But... Jeb is up there near the controls.

Bob: So is Bill.

Val: Then we're fine.

Astha: These engines are going to put out a whole-lota force.

Val: Here's hoping.

Mary: Will 5 engines be enough? The IB we used for the satalite had 8.

Val: Yeah, but it had to fly at half thrust most of the time.

Bob: This one will still be at 80% thrust most of the time. we have five engines in-case there is a problem with one.

Astha: Safety first? Did Jeb loose his vote on agency policies.

Bob: He never actually had one. Bill and I were very careful to make sure that was the case when we drew up the charter. It says we are required to listen to his oppinions and weigh them accordingly.

Val: That's very clever. How long do you think it will take for him to figure it out.

Bob: That depends on when he starts reading the papers we give him.

Val: You're probably safe for a long time yet.

Bob: I wouldn't be so sure. He's alot smarter than he looks.

Mary: How much smarter?

Bob: Jeb can be absolutely brilliant when properly motivated and an opportunity to walk on the Mun is Exactly the sort of thing that would motivate him.

Astha: Really? I'm looking forward to seeing that.

Val: Hmmm... I might actually have competition. Alright then, its a race. Who will be the first of us to fly to the Mun, and then walk on it.

Mary: I'd rather be second.

Astha: Why is that?

Mary: Because that way whatever terrible thing that is waiting to go wrong already would have.


((Note: The first image isn't from the same launch as the others. I ran into a very annoying bug where having had something attached to the fuel tank on the Saturn IVB stage caused the stage to explode when the decoupler was activated. The rocket with no changes works perfectly fine without the tower and the tower doesn't affect the lower stages - but the IVB stage explodes if it had been connected to the tower and is just fine if it wasn't.))

Val: Bob, what went wrong there? We didn't complete the MAL extraction test.

Bob: The what?

Bill: Its the LEM.

Val: I like MAL better.

Bill: LEM.

Val: Fine, the LEM extraction test.

Bill: Flight logs show that our CSM Monopropellant canisters sprung a leak. We'll have to slate MAL. Dang IT! LEM extraction for a later mission.

Bob: Ahahaha! You said MAL.

Bill: LEM! LEM! Its called the LEM!

Bob: Naw, I think you're going to loose this one.

Bill: I am still mission director!

Val: :P MAL

Bill: :mad:

Bob: :D

Bill: I will not forget this.

((The Monoprop tanks on the CSM leaked due to the Dang IT! mod. The failure did not compromise any of the mission critical so the mission did not need to be repeated.))

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Part 5 - Apollo VII


Elilina: Hey, did you notice that we've got a pool?

Katlina: Yeah. I saw it on my first day here and thought this was going to be the easy life.

Elilina: Ah. Hadn't met the boss yet?

Katlina: Got it in one. Bob recruited me from Kerbal Institute of Technology. We'd worked on some robotics together during our doctorates.

Elilina: Lucky. He's probably the most grounded of the three brothers.

Katlina: Jeb is more fun.

Elilina: If you make sure to put away anything sharp, sure. Not like the Boss though... That Kerbal's got one heck of a clogged exhaust pipe.

Katlina: Now now, that's not true and you know it. Its just far too narrow for the thrust he tries to push through it.


Elilina: :D you better be sure there are no microphones in this rig or you're getting pulled from Apollo eight.

Katlina: Naw. All kidding aside, Bill knows exactly what he is and what he's like. He values people who can put up with him and do good work. Besides, secretly he wishes he could be Jeb.

Elilina: No! I don't think he knows how to relax, while Jeb doesn't seem to have any idea how to be serious.

Katlina: That's what I mean. He's Jealous of how much fun Jeb seems able to have with the simplest of things.

Elilina. I never really thought about it like that.


Elilina: Will you look at that. That's one big rocket.

Katlina: Mine'll be bigger.

Elilina: Ha! I'm just glad I'm not on this mission. I feel bad for Mary. Three days cramped in that capsule with Jeb and Val.

Katlina: Alrighty, watch yourself now. I'm turning on the Coms.

Elilina: :sealed:

Katlina: Mission control, supplies are standing by to be transported to Apollo VII.

Bob: Roger that ground crew. Stand by. We're a little busy.

Katlina: What with?

Edan: YeeeeeeeeeeeeHA! 1000! :cool:


Edan: You can tell Jeb that I just ate his low atmosphere speed record and it tasted like chicken.

Bob: Thank you, but I'm not repeating those words.

Edan: Alright Flight, requesting permission for a flyby?

Bill: Negative Edan, the pattern is full.

Bob: You had to say that?

Bill: It is full.

Bob: How many times? How many times does Jeb, or Val, need to zoom past us at Mach 1 after you say that for you to figure out that it is a movie quote?

Bill: It is not.

Bob: It gets said twice in Upper Cannon and both times Renegade buzzes the tower and makes the uptight mission commander spill his coffee.

Bill: Hmm, I do feel like some coffee. Go get me some.

Bob: :rolleyes:


Bill: This was a brand new shirt!

Bob: Told you so.

Bill: Lovell! You land that bird this instant!

Elilina: Looks like you might get Jeb on 8 anyway Kat. The Boss is in one of his moods.

Katlina: Um, Lil, we're on Vox.

Elilina: :blush:

Bill: :mad:

Edan: :cool: Roger Flight. Can't wait to pilot one of those rockets. Those look FAST.


Edan: Alright ladies and gents. Ed Lovell is here, we can officially start getting ready for Apollo VIII.

Bill: Ed. Office. Now.

Bob: He loved that shirt... I would do your best to pretend you are sorry.

Bill: Oh he's gonna be sorry.

Val: Mission control... if its not too much trouble can we pleeeeeaaaase start the clock now? Jeb is chewing through the duct-tape we've got him tied down with.

Bob: Roger that Val. Weather conditions look good. We're at T-Minus 45 minutes and counting.

Apollo VII


Jeb: Mmmh Hmmm fmmm! :sealed:

Val: We're well strapped in so yes it is too late to go to the bathroom.

Jeb: MMMM!

Mary: Isn't he technically in the commander's seat?

Val: Only because it isn't next to anyone.

Bill: This is Mission control to Seven. Come in Seven.

Mary: We read you Mission Control.

Bill: We are starting our final pre-flight check.

Val: I'll count you down since Jeb is not yet through the duct-tape.

Jeb: Think again!

Val: Oh boy.

Bill: Booster!

Elilina: Go Flight.

Jeb: Go?

Mary: No!

Bill: Retro

Malcan: Go Flight.

Bill: FIDO?

Edan: We are Go.

Val: Not yet - when Bill says it.

Jeb: Awww.

Bill: Guidance?

Katlina: Go go go.

Bill: Surgeon

Astha: Good to go.


Astha: Also go.

Bill: GNC?

Bob: Go Flight.


Bob: Green. Control?

Bill: Green light, and procedures too. INCO?

Malcan: Go.

Bob: FAO?

Bill: What do you think? Network?

Elilina: Go.

Bill: Recovery?

Edan: Go.

Bob: Capcom?

Bill: :cool: Apollo seven this is CAPCOM, all indicators are green. You are GO for launch.

Jeb and Val: GO!

Mary: Oh no.


Jeb: :DWeeeee!

Val: :DWaaaaa!

Mary: :confused: AaAaAaAaAa.

Val: Control we have cleared the tower.

Jeb: Beginning turn.

Val: Bill, This is muuuch smoother than Gemini.

Bill: Just watch out for the IVB stage, we expect it to be a bit of a jolt.

Jeb: Here's hoping!

Mary: We are?

Val: Coming up on stage 1 burn out.

Jeb: Decoupling booster


Val: Mary, relax. Bill said it would be a small jolt.

Jeb: Firing engine!

Mary: wholey mother of Manley!

Val: :confused:

Jeb: YabbbadabbaDO! This! Is! AWESOME!

Bob: Seven come in. I'm reading your gravity turn as a bit too shallow. The increased drag is going to leave you about 30 m/s short on delta V to orbit.

Val: Roger that. We'll drop the IVB stage. We'll use Jeb on EVA to practice RCS controls for docking later.

Jeb: I love that idea!

Mary: Starting CSM fuel-cells. We're now running independant of the IVB stage.


Val: Jeb... I bet you can't circulaize to within 100 meters.

Jeb: Challenge accepted.


Mary: 80,348 X 80,295... who would have thought he could do that?

Bill: I'm reading that here as well. Seven, requesting you turn your camera equipment on. We're going to begin our live broadcast.

Mary: Before or after we get our helmets off?

Bill: Before.


Mary: What was that sound.


Val: Probably just... JEB!

Mary: What about him... AHHH! Jeb!


Jeb: Oooooohhhh! I amm the ghost of ... of... of launches past.... WooooOOOoooOOooo.

Val: Quick... lock the hatch.


Jeb: Yikes!

Mary: Bill. Requesting permission to take our broadcast outside for some fresh air.

Bill: You're in orbit. There is no air...

Bob: Granted.

Bill: :mad: I get to say granted.

Bob: Well?

Bill: Permission granted.



An Evening of Stars

By: B. Rokaw

When we talk about the Kerman brothers and space, history is usually being made. Today was no different. Valentina Kova, Jebidiah Kerman, and Mary Ride broadcast a 30 minute long program from space. This historic broadcast marked the first time such a feat had ever been accomplished. The crew of Apollo Seven will be spending three days together in the Command and Service Module, a box smaller than the average bathroom, and subsiding on dehydrated snacks. The astronauts seemed in very high spirits today, breaking out into karaoke during their broadcast. Hopefully they'll be ready for the cameras when they get home.

Back at Mission Control there is a bustle of activity going on with as a new Saturn V is being built. Apollo VIII is being busily planned and the team is already deep into their training program. None of the three astronauts on Apollo VII will be joining the landmark mission to Orbit Mun. Piloting this mission will be ex-military aviator Edan Lovell. Apollo VIII's chief mechanic will be Katlina Borman who was the lead designer for the Apollo programs RCS system. The mission's scientific adviser will be Malcan Anders. Anders is working on the communications systems to attempt a live broadcast from Mun's Orbit. There are no plans for a landing on the Apollo VIII mission. The earliest a landing attempt will be made is Apollo X, assuming funding does not run dry before that.



Day 2:


Bill: Will someone please explain to me why Jeb is poking around in the service module.

Val: He's on a time out.

Bill: That isn't helping.

Val: Well, you can watch your tone or we'll talk once you're feeling better.

Bob: Seven this is Bob. Bill never feel's better and he only has one tone: annoyed.

Bill: That is NOT true.

Bob: Sorry, I fogot about "really annoyed." Val... why is Jeb on time out.

Val: He kept trying to ignite the SM engine all through the night so see how fast he could get it going. Didn't get any sleep.

Mary: Ah... ah... ACHOOO.

Val: And Mary's sick.

Bob: Bad?

Astha: No. We've been monitoring it. Just a small cold.

Bob: Make sure we get protocols in place to catch it earlier next time.

Bill: Good thinking. I'll appreciate you to note that I am not saying this in an annoyed tone.

Elilina: Whats that on your face boss? Its... scary.

Bill: Its a smile! :mad:

Elilina: Oh, now it looks much better.

Bob: :D Try not to leave him in there too long.


Day 3:

Mary: Achoo! Mission control, we're all getting a bit cranky up here.

Bill: Roger that. Once you see Jool and Moho rise you can turn and start your retro burn.

Val: We see it now.


Jeb: Woo! Kerbaa Firma here we come.

Mary: Mission Control... I will not be wearing my helmet.

Bill: Negative on that. We've never tested landing without the helmets.

Mary: This is. achoo!. Our first landing of this capsule. We haven't tested with the helmet either.

Bill: We don't know if you'll be fine when the parachutes open without your helmut.

Mary: And I'd rather not be starting as sneeze until they get the door open.

Astha: Its your neck Mary. Good luck.




Jeb: Okay... so where is our ride?

Val: Shut up and enjoy the fresh-air.

Mary: Got any snacks left?

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Part 6: Apollo 8 - Fly me to our Mun (part 1)


Astha: Alright team, smile for the camera!

Apollo 8 Crew: Mun!!!

Astha: Alright, that looks good.

Edan: Alright! How long till we are on our way doc? I can't wait.

Katlina: I can... I mean, I can't wait to be there... but the getting there is going to be scary.

Malcan: I heard it was a much smoother ride than Gemini had been.

Katlina: Were you here for Gemini?

Malcan: Not as such...

Katlina: Lets just say that there isn't much which wouldn't be smoother than Gemini.

Edan: Oh stop your pouting and get your suits on. We're going to Mun today!

Malcan: We'll be the first kerbals ever to orbit another celestial body.

Edan: I know... I bet that's eating Jeb alive.

Astha: Elilina is up on the tower waiting to strap you in.

Katlina: Oh good. At least I know that part will be done correctly.


Elilina: Alright, ladies first.

Malcan: Technically isn't the first seat for the mission commander.

Elilina; I don't trust you to keep your hands gentlemanly Mr. Stash.

Katlina: Oh he's fine Lil.

Malcan: I'm sure I don't know what you are talking about.

Edan: The ship can be controlled from up front too, and I don't mind having a view.

Elilina: Alright boys and girls, too late for bathroom breaks. Next time you get out of those chairs, you'll be on your way to Mun.

Edan: Light the candle!

Malcan: I'm sure you'd wait for the young lady to get herself a safe distance away first.

Edan: She can come with, we have enough snacks.

Malcan: Though sadly, not enough seats to ensure her safety during re-entry.

Edan: Fine. Fine. Thanks Lil. Can you flip the switch to link us to Command when you're headed out.

Elilina: Sure thing Ed. Kat, you take care and if either of these two try something funny - shove em out an airlock.

Katlina: Mary said you can lock them in the service bay.

Edan: Oooh, handy.

Bill: Whose gonna remember the name of the first person to orbit Mun after someone walks on it... that's what I'm saying Jeb.

Jeb: Buuuuuuut Billl!!

Bob: Um, Bill... your mic is on.

Edan: The world will remember us Bill.

Bill: Dang It! Who designed these coms anyway.

Malcan: They are of the highest quality, I assure you. The fault lies with the user.

Bill: The user is without fault.

Jeb: Wow! How do you say that with a straight face? I mean, I say stuff like that all the time, but I'm never able to keep from laughing.

Edan: Lil has bolted the hatch, what's the count?


Bob: Woah... Kat, are you seeing dropping pressure levels on the SIC fuel gauge.

Kat: I am, but there's no alarm.

Bill: I see it too. Please be advised there will be a slight delay, this looks like a minor fix. We should be able to patch it up and refuel you.

Edan: Fuel or Ox, a leak like that could be pretty dangerous. No one is as excited as I am about this launch but maybe we should scrub it.

Bill: Stand-bye.

Bob: Jeb, could you please hand me those sound cancelling earphones.

Jeb: here you are... why did you need them.


Bob: Thanks Jeb, you can have them back now.

Jeb: :confused:


Bill: Apollo 8, come in.

Edan: Still here Bill.

Malcan: Quiet by design, we currently lack the ability to go anywhere else..

Bill: We tracked the fault to a few lines of code in the CSM's OS. It was left over from a training exercise. Manual checks of the tanks show they are fine.

Edan: That's good to know.

Katlina: So, whose getting fired.

Bill: No one.

Katlina: Because I thought for sure -

Bill: -Yet!

Edan: How's preflight looking?

Bob: We already ran it Ed. Light the candle.

Edan: Starting ignition sequence.


Elilina: Releasing launch clamps now.

Edan: We have lift off!

Jeb: Turn, turn... that's a nice turn!

Val: I thought you wanted them to have to abort so you could be the first to Mun.

Jeb: I do... but a big public failure might cause the program to get shut down. I want to walk on Mun even more than I want to be first to orbit it.

Val: That's actually very big of you.

Jeb: I know.

Val: So where is Jeb... what have you done with him?

Bob: Could you two... maybe focus?

Jeb: Sorry.

Val: This isn't over body snatcher.


Edan: Confirming stage 2 separation and tower-jet. The Charlie Green is requesting Burn data for Munar transfer

Bob: Sending you the numbers.

Malcan: Transmission is coming through cleanly. The numbers look good over here Bob.

Bob: Good looking is great, do they look right?

Edan: Yes they do, that should put us on a very gentle free-return. We'll need to do two burns with the service module engine to hit a 55x55 orbit of Mun.

Bill: You should have more than enough fuel for that and docking training with the dummy LEM.

Edan: Burn starting


Edan: Wow! Thats one heck of a kick!

Malcan: Caaaannnn Iiiiiiit gooo slooooowwwweeeerrr?

Edan: Yees... buuut whyyy wooould youuu waaant toooo?


Edan: Burn complete. Shutting down S-IVB.

Katlina: Oooh boy. I could feel the chair, and my helmet, going through my teeth with that one.

Edan: I know! It was terrific.

Malcan: I have figured out the ideal gift for you to celebrate our return to Kerbin.

Edan: Its okay, lots of people want to hug me after they've flown with me.

Malcan: A dictionary, perhaps with the words "fun" and "terrific" highlighted.

Edan: Its okay, I already have one. It has my picture next to those two.

Malcan: Is your picture also next to gullible?

Edan: Naw, that's Jeb.

Katlina: Boys, Boys... settle down. We're going to start transmission now.




Edan: Woah! Malcan, check those pannels - what is it.

Malcan: Kat, time to pack up your stuff and get back in here. Stow the camera.

Edan: Stow the camera but hold on, I'm going to need you to do a visual inspection.

Katlina: Roger that.

Edan: Apollo 8 to mission control.

Bill: CAPCOM here. Go ahead eight.

Edan: We're reading a Master Alarm, sudden preassure drop on the S-IVB fuel tank.

Bill: Checking.

Bob: We see the same thing.

Malcan: Is there any chance this is the same error as before?

Katlina: Come in Edan.

Edan: Switching you to VOX. We're on with KSC too.

Bill: Speak.

Katlina: I've got a small rupture on the S-IVB stage LF tank. It looks like it scratched the tower durring lift-off and wore through during the burn. It should be an easy fix.

Bill: You don't need the stage. Leave it.

Katlina: With respect boss, I'd rather get the practice in incase this happens again. We had a bit of a rocky lift off.


Malcan: Oh my giddy aunt!

Edan: What about her?

Malcan: Katlina, come in!

Edan: Kat is your aunt? She's half your age!

Malcan: Ignore him. Status report?

Katlina: Woah! I'm not sure what happened there. I tried to grab the ladder but must have squeezed one of the RCS thrusters instead.

Edan: If you can't get to us I'll bring the CSM to you.

Katlina: Roger that, but I should have enough fuel. We really need to look into getting ropes for this sort of thing.


Edan: I'll put it in the Mission log. Just you get back here.



Bill: Now, apart from Jeb and myself, teams have not been assigned.

Jeb: oooh, oooh, pick me!

Bill: Why are you raising your hand?

Jeb: Gotta a question.

Bill: No potty breaks.

Jeb: Not that one.

Bill: What is it then?

Jeb: I'm your partner for training?

Bill: Yes.

Jeb: Do I have to be?

Val: :D

Bill: Yes.

Jeb: :( Oh.

Bill: Anyway... pair up.

Mary: Lil, over here. There should be at least one all girl team!

Elilina: Sure, I don't mind being with a pilot who isn't trying to crash.

Val: What do you say Bob? Want a pilot trying to crash?

Bob: Sure thing. You're much better looking than Henzer.

Henzer: I might agree but you didn't need to have said it.

Bob: I'm sure you'll recover.

Vall: :D, where'd we recruit him?

Bob: Not sure. Henzer has been pegged by Bill as the pilot on Apollo IX. LKO Lem testing.

Val: Any word on who gets the first landing?

Bill: That. Val. Is what today's training is about.

Bob: I think teacher is mad that we are talking in class.

Bill: For that remark you will have to stay after and write on the chalkboard.

Elilina: He's not joking... I've seen him make people do that.


Bill: Alright, all four of the sims should have the same displays to start. You have live Vernor engines to simulate thrust, but they don't have enough Thrust to weight to actually land you in trouble.

Elilina: We're a bit close to the edge over here... are you sure.

Bill: Naturally.


Elilina: Mary, lighten up, we've over shot it.

Mary: Woah!


Astha: Hold! Hold! Mary are you okay?

Mary: Five more minutes mommy... I was about to pet the gopher.

Astha: Okay! Next time the test is done indoors - with the sim bolted to the ground - and where I can see it.

Bill: We still on for survival training.

Astha: I'll oversee that, thank you. Jeb, Bob, Val, Henzor... you four report to the SPH at sundown.

Val: What about Bill?

Astha: I thought about it and I considered surviving one week alone with Bill to be cruel and unusual.

Bob: But Jeb is still an option?

Astha: Jeb will be harmless until you run out of snacks.

Jeb: :0.0: Out of snacks?

Astha: I did say "survival"

((To be continued))

LEM Training full album:

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Part 7: Apollo 8 continued: Let me dance among the stars


Astha: Tower, this is Astha and Mary in Jumbo 1 requesting clearance for lift off.

Bill: Roger that. Go ahead Jumbo 1.

Mary: Ding This is your captain speaking. Please make sure you are strapped. We would like to remind you that the use of electronic devices is not permitted at this time.. so turn off those reaction wheels because they will mess with navigation.


Astha: By now you've realized that you are teamed up with one other kerbal of a different skill-set than your own. Take a good look around you because the things you have in your pod are all you'll have available to you for the coming week. This includes, but is not limited too, limited electricity and food.

Mary: You also lack direct lines of communication.

Astha: I'd like to tell you than you're survival training locations were selected at the very highest standards. This is however not the case.

Mary: Bill elected for randomized locations to increase the rigour of the training and the feeling of accomplishment when you make it.

Astha: One note. Deya and Henzor, please try to keep in eachother's good graces, you'll be on Apollo IX together once you've completed your training. Bob, Val, Titha, and Jeb: you're currently competing for the scientist and piloting chairs on Apollo X. There is no news yet who will be the engineer for that mission and there is a lot of gossip going around that a landing will be green-lit, so try to focus.


Bill: Jumbo, you are coming up on your first drop site.

Mary: Roger that, triggering cargo bay.


Mary: Astha, would you prefer the honors?

Astha: Survival one, good luck.


Bob: Woah! What just happend.

Val: I see clouds and... the plane.

Bob: Oh, ha ha. Bill said they'd be landing somewhere to drop us off.

Val: Its flying away pretty steadily.


Val: Look on the bright side. We do have parachutes.


Astha: Survival one is away! lets get back to cruising altitude, we've got a good ways before we drop off the others.

Day 2:


Edan: Alright Mal, can you double check the docking system?

Malcan: All systems show operational.

Edan: Excellent. Kat. Decouple the CSM. Malcan, set LEM Extraction targeting program onto the NAV computers.

Katlina: Decoupling in 3... 2... 1...

Edan: Alright, bringing us slowly around as we drift.


Malcan: Magnetic docking collar is charged, nav systems reading relative speeds and trajectories.

Katlina: All systems go for docking.

Edan: Hey guys... you know we could extract this baby for real and attempt a landing.

Malcan: I believe that would be most unwise, there hasn't even been a successful LEM engine test yet. The likely-hood of something going wrong with the prototype is immensely greater than with a tested version.

Edan: Yeah, I get that... but... nothing we're doing is safe.

Malcan: There is quite a large gulf between a measured risk taken in the name of science and a death-wish. I'd rather thought you were more on the side of the former despite the displays of bravado.

Edan: Shush. Don't tell anyone. I've a reputation to think of.

Katlina: 30 meters, closing at 20 cm/s.


Malcan: There appears to be some sort of gassious cloud inside the faring.

Edan: I see that, going to make sure we come in slow and don't scrape anything. We don't want any sparks.


Malcan: Wait.... you think the LEM is leaking fuel and you still want to dock?

Edan: What are the chances there is both a fuel and an Oxidant leak?

Katlina: We'll know for sure once we make a hard dock and I do a diagnostic.

Edan: Cutting controls, the magnetic locks should take over.

Malcan: :0.0: Should?


Edan: Docking successful!

Katlina: Woah... I'm reading 3 fuel leaks and the electronic system is completely shorted out. The LEM is completely depreasurized, but there are no alarms.

Edan: Bill.

Katlina: Come again.

Edan: He knew we'd be tempted to try and land if we had an operational LEM, I'm sure he set it up like this so that we'd have to stick to the mission perameters.

Malcan: Demonstrating trust in your employees seems a more logical way to make a program like this effective.

Katlina: Maybe to a social scientist.

Edan: Or a normal Kerbal.

Katlina: But Bill is an engineer. Control the varriables, ensure the only remaining outcome is the right one.

Malcan: He hadn't struck me as so dreadfully cynical as that.

Katlina: Haven't spent much time around him then?

Malcan: Not as such, no.

Edan: Alright, hush now. I'm going to transmit our docking data back to KSC. Break out the snacks, we're still an hour from the gravity hand-off.



Val: Okay, its morning. Looks like there are trees out there. Go and see what you can find for food.

Bob: There's a bag of chips in the supplies.

Val: We keep the supplies for when we can't do hunting and gathering.

Bob: I don't see how this is suppose to test who is best suited to survival on Mun. There won't be any trees, nuts, or berries to find there.

Val: Probably for future missions to Duna and Eve. See who is ready to live as a hunter-gatherer eating only purple plants.

Bob: Its highly doubtful that there is any life on Eve, let alone life we could eat. If there is anything it will probably be silicon based and have to communicate by carving cryptic phrases like "No Kill I" on the ground using its own immense body heat.

Val: Thats an oddly specific idea of what lives on Eve.

Bob: Don't worry, I'll bring the laser guns after I finish inventing them.

Val: Right, you check through the supplies for anything useful and I'll try to set up a radio tower to communicate with the KSC.

Bob: Oh! A bowtie!


Val: Oh no. No, no, no... you put that back.

Bob: uh uh! I wear a bowtie now. Bowties are cool.

Val: Maybe on Eve, on Kerbin they say "please kill I"

Bob: Awww.

Val: Just kidding, you look adorkable.

Bob: I wonder how Jeb is doing.


Jeb: Hey-yeah, Hey-yeah... what's the matter with ya...

Titha: Alright! I've got the tools and Jeb's pre-ocupied. Going to build a radio tower and get picked up. That'll show the boss I deserve a seat on Apollo IX.

Jeb: Hey-yeah, ya-a-a-ah!

Titha: I can harvest this block from the RCS system on the pod - its not like we need it.

Jeb: Hey-yeah, Hey-yeah... what's the matter with your sighs and you eyes and your Oh! oh oh oh.

Titha: Wait... where is the antena?


Titha: Did you turn the communitron into a ... fishing pole?!

Jeb: Hey-yeah, hey-yeah!

Titha: JEB!

Jeb: Huh?

Titha: Where's the communitron?

Jeb: Catching dinner.

Titha: Its doesn't have the strength for that... it'll snap!

Jeb: Hasn't yet.

Titha: Go get it!

Jeb: I think we need to talk about the obvious chain of command here.



Edan: Mission Control, we are about to go round the darkside of Mun, we've just deployed our test probe.

Bill: Reading telemetry clear. We'll see you on the other side.

Katlina: Orbit circularized at 55x55.


Malcan: My word, would you look at that.

Edan: There are so many.

Malcan: Requesting permission to EVA?

Edan; Yeah, go. Kat get the cameras. I'll watch the helm, but snap me something beautiful.


Bill: Come in Apollo 8

Edan: This is Apollo 8, I ready you loud and clear.

Bill: How are instruments looking on the CSM?

Edan: Its beautiful, and so blue.

Bill: Blue?

Edan: Sorry. Instruments are fine, we're logging data on possible landing sites.

Bill: Good. That is what I wanted to hear.

Day 3:


Titha: Kneel faithful subjects before the high priestess of rocketorum!

Jeb: We worship it, we worship it!

Titha: Mwahahaha!

Jeb: Oh! look over there. There is a cute and fluffy bunny.

Titha: Really?

Jeb: heh heh, now its mine turn to lock someone else out.

Titha: Wait a second...

Jeb: Oh no... don't hit me. Because... um... "Ooh child, things are gonna get... brighter..."

Titha: What are you doing?

Jeb: Dance off?

Titha: Sure, why not.


Bill: Roger that Apollo 8, we see you on a free return.

Edan: We should be arriving around dawn. I'm a bit worried we'll miss the water. Should we do another few orbits?

Bill: Negative, we've had our boilerplates survive landings in the highlands, you'll be fine.

Malcan: I for one would feel better with a more carefully selected landing site.

Katlina: Well I for one can't wait to get a good fresh vegitable. This dehydrated stuff is okay, but its way too sweet for me.

Edan: Well you've got three more meals of it at least.

Katlina: I'd also appreciate a private privy.

Malcan: It is a cramped space young lady, though we've thus far been able to avert out eyes.

Edan: Its not like there's much to see with our suits on. The sort of take all the natural curves away and replace them with generally kerbalish shapes.

Malcan: I feel it makes me look rather like a pear.

Katlina: Just means you got some junk in the trunk.

Malcan: Well, the food they gave us is rather lacking in fiber.

Edan: And that is now more than I ever wanted to know.



Edan: Mission control, we have CSM seperation. So long Charlie Green.

Bill: I really need to require more dignified names for our ships.

Edan: Good luck with that. I already know what Jeb's going to call his.

Bill: Why do you think he hasn't had a mission yet?

Malcan: Mission control, we're starting re-entry. See you on the other side.


Katlina: Is it just me, or did someone up the thermostat.

Malcan: Its isn't getting half warm in here.

Edan: Yeah, not half warm but really hot. Brace yourself for chutes.


First Kerbals to Mun

By: Wally Kitman

Thats right folks, you heard it correctly. These three pioneers are the first to ever orbit another celestial body. Their names will be lost as soon as someone else lands on that body, for the moment they are the most famous Kerbals in the world. Edan Lovel was the mission pilot, his hand on the wheel the whole time to keep the ship in its smooth, circular, orbit. Katlina Boreman was the mission commander, overseeing the first ever repair mission done on EVA to patch a minor fuel leak. Malcan Anders was the communications expert. These three are going to be celebrated like heroes for the next month.

Apollo IX's crew will get no such hero's welcome on their home-coming. That mission, flying soon, will be a simple orbital test of the Lunar Excursion Module's systems and will not leave low Kerbin Orbit or LKO. The real fun begins with Apollo X, whose crew is still a mystery, which is rumored to be the first landing attempt. Rumors from the very top of the KSC state that the mission commander role has already been filled by the single most qualified kerbal on the premises. No two sources seem to be able to agree on who that is though. We here at the Post are excepting it to be none other than Jebidiah Kerman who was the first kerbal in space and has flown in the largest variety of rockets from the program. Its hard to imagine what criteria would make someone else more qualified to command the first Munar landing.

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Part 8: Apollo 9 - LEM testing in LKO


Bill: Apollo 9, come in nine.

Henzer: I read you command, we are currently awaiting assistance into the vehicle.

Bill: Come again?

Deya: No one is here to help us strap in.

Bill: They'll be along presently. We've decided that future missions should name their CSM and LEM, preferably with something dignified. Any names

for the CSM come to mind?

Titha: Gumdrop!

Bill: Any dignified names come to mind.

Titha: (angry) GUM DROP.

Deya: I like gumdrop.

Henzer: I think it would be wiser to argue about it on the ground and not up here with no railings... so gumdrop it is.

Bill: Fine.

Deya: The LEM looks kind of like a spider...

Titha: Great idea! Spiders are dignified enough... right chief?

Bill: Just get yourselves strapped in.


Jeb: Bill, come on... this is two whole missions where I haven't gotten to fly!

Bill: Jeb, this mission is just LKO testing of the LEM to make sure all systems work.

Jeb: But I gotta fly soon... I just gotta!

Bill: Be responsible for this mission and then meet me out by admin, we'll have a drink and talk about your future.

Jeb: Does my future involve flying?

Bill: Could be, could be. That's up to you.

Henzer: Mission control, this is Gumdrop.

Bill: I choose the names from now n.

Henzer: All systems nominal.

Bill: Roger that. Bob, you take CAPCOM and run the pre-flight.

Bob: Really?

Bill: Yeah, I want to see how well you do. Who knows, one of these days I might be on a mission and need someone I can trust to handle Mission


Bob: I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.

Katlina: Not just you, I think that's the nicest thing he's said to anyone.

Bill: Do I need to find someone else?

Bob: Nope, I'm on it.


Bob: Apollo 9 has cleared the tower!

Titha: Woooo! This is amazin'! Yeah ha haha ha!

Henzer: Starting gravity turn.

Deya: Henzer, you're turning too steep.

Henzer: We'll be fine.

Deya: Engaging SAS and RCS systems to help level out the turn.

Henzer: I've got it, I've got it.

Titha: Yeah haha! Bow before me like Jeb did!


Deya: I think there is something wrong with her.

Henzer: Comfirming stage seperation. We'll be burning more of the S-IVB than usual, but we've got ample fuel for a circularized orbit.

Bob: Roger that Henzer, when you're back on the ground we'll run the ascent in sims a few times.


Henzer: Sounds good, I'd like to be better at this before Apollo 14, assuming the preliminary order is the same.

Bob: I'm not sure there is a set order.

Henzer: Well, no one is sure who gets 10-12, but we're sure it will be Mary, Jeb, and Val in some order.

Bob: Seems likely.

Henzer: Edan seems more than happy with 13, and that leaves 14 for rotating me back in. Assuming we don't get any new pilots.

Bob: I'll pass that by Bill. You might be the only pilot not bucking for the first landing.

Henzer: Prefer to play things safe myself. I'd rather have a story to tell my grand-kids than be the story others tell their grand-kids.

Bob: That's, actually pretty sane. Are you sure you work for us?

Henzer: Ha, ha. Coming. Engine cut-off in 3, 2, 1.

Deya: Good orbit Henzer, we used more fuel than expected, but we've got plenty.

Titha: Decoupling Gumdrop. Begin RCS manuver for Spider aquisition.


Bob: Spider? Its only got four legs.

Titha: Its a crippled spider, it... doesn't like to talk about it.

Bob: It talks?

Deya: Ahem! we're doing docking maneuvers up here.

Henzer: Let them babel, I'm not listening.

Bob: She's in your hands Henzer.

Henzer: I know.


Deya: Steady approach. We're drifting a bit. Translate up.

Henzer: I got it.

Deya: Slow to 10 cm/s

Henzer: Short bursts now.


Henzer: Yeah, we've got seal.

Titha: Triggering charges under spider, seperating from S-IVB stage.


Deya: Titha, suit up for EVA. Time for a visual inspection of Spider.

Bob: CAPCOM confirms. All instrumentation is reading clean.

Henzer: Haven't had a single bump, we should have just gone to Mun and landed it.

Bob: What happened to playing it safe?

Henzer: I think we're ready, everything's working wonderfully.

Titha: Visual inspection of Spider shows no scaring or damage from extraction.


Bob: Titha, please inspect the faring and the SIV-B stage for damage.

Titha: What ever for?

Bob: I've got an idea, a wild idea, about a use for it in the future.

Titha: I like wild ideas! I'll do it.

Deya: What could you be thinking of using it for?


Titha: Echo? co, o, o. No damage from extraction... this would be a pretty cozy shell for some sort of hab.

Bob: Record what you can and then get back to gumdrop.

Titha: Aye aye.

Deya: While Titha gets back, Henzer and I are moving to Spider for LEM testing.

Bob: Roger that. The start-up protocol should take you about three hours.



Deya: Gumdrop, this is Spider, we're floating free.

Titha: Roger that, now off you go my minions! Fly! Fly!

Henzer: Ahem.

Titha: Okay, test! Test!

Henzer: Spider to Mission control.

Bob: CAPCOM here.

Henzer: Beginning LEM ignition test.


Deya: Lighten up on the throttle, we don't want to get too far away.

Henzer, don't worry. We'll just use the RCS to turn around and test Ascent stage seperation.


Bob: Titha! you are snoring on VOX!

Titha: What? huh, who?

Bob: Spider is about 30 meters away, try to orient towards them.

Titha: Right... which direction is orient?

Henzer: Negative CAPCOM, I'll just swing around. Have gumdrop hold heading.

Bob: You copy that Titha?

Titha: Roger that. I will "do nothing"

Bob: I think I understand why Bill is grouchy.


Deya: Oh yeah! The LEM works perfectly. The next mission should be ready for a landing attempt.

Henzer: For safety's sake they should test the LEM again in Munar gravity, the Ascent stage is going to be tight for TWR.

Deya: With no atmosphere, that shouldn't be a problem.

Titha: This was fun! Can we do it again?

Henzer: Almost certainly, but we'll have to wait until we're rotated back into mission status.

Titha: Oh... that means being nice to Bill again. Hmmm.... I think its worth it.

Henzer: CAPCOM?

Bob: CAPCOM here.

Henzer: We'll be re-entering the atmosphere soon. See you at pickup.

Bob: RECOVERY is standing by. Good work Apollo Nine. Drinks on me when you get back.

Titha: Woooo!



Jeb: Alright, I'm here.

Bill: Sit down, sit down.

Jeb: I was good. I even went over to the SPH and helped work on some of their planes so that I'd be out of people's hair.

Bill: You did good Jeb, now lets talk business.

Jeb: I usually talk flying.

Bill: In this case Business is flying.


Jeb: I neeeed to fly again Bill! Its been sooo long.

Bill: Would you be willing to Pilot a mission even if you weren't in command?

Jeb: Who would command it? I'm your most qualified pilot!

Bill: Both Edan and Val have done docking and rendevous, you've not managed either yet.

Jeb: That's because YOU don't put me on the roster for those.

Bill: Settle down.

Jeb: We've been sending up Engineers, Pilots, and Scientists for these missions. Its us Pilots who have the most experience, its us who know what needs doing.

Bill: Jeb. I want you to let me be the commander of your next mission.

Jeb: You've never even been in a rocket before!

Bill: But I've commanded every mission.

Jeb: Its really not the same. You never have to deal with the way it looks, or feels up there. You don't get the panic or the sheer wonder down in mission control.

Bill: Jeb. I am going to be the mission commander for Apollo X and I'd like you to be my pilot.

Jeb: Tempting...

Bill: I can assure you that I'll be green-lighting a landing attempt.

Jeb: First kerbal on Mun?

Bill: Well, one of the first two for sure.

Jeb: I've gotta tell everyone1

Bill: No... keep it secret for now.

Jeb: We bringing Bob also?

Bill: No.

Jeb: But, won't he get upset that we cut him out of this? He's done alot of work on the systems and such.

Bill: No... Bob will stay here and we will go into history.

Jeb: On the one hand, I'm not sure about leaving Bob behind.

Bill: Only two seats in the LEM anway. Astha will be in the CSM to watch out vitals.

Jeb: Okay. Lets walk on Mun!

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Part 9: Apollo X


Katlina: Can you believe it lil?

Elilina: No, it feels too soon to land on Mun, we really should be testing the LEM in lunar gravity first.

Katlina: No. I mean the boss.

Elilina: Um... yeah. I said he had a clogged exhaust port. I just didn't realize he was a clogged exhaust port.

Katlina: And he named himself commander of the mission too!

Elilina: He must have had Jeb onboard. Once that writer Kitman got the story from Jeb it was too late to back out.

Katlina: I wish they hadn't vacuum packed all the snacks.


Elilina: I know, I'd have spit in his too.

Katlina: Spit? I was just gonna eat all of his and then repack it.

Elilina: That works too.



Jeb: Mun or Bust!

Bob: Alright team, good picture.

Ashta: You okay Bob?

Bob: Don't you worry Astha, we're cool. If anyone deserves to be on this mission you do. We never would have made it this far without your help.

Astha: I'm surprise you're being such a good sport about this.

Bob: Trust me, I'm not. I just know who to blame.

Jeb: I'm going to Mun, Going to Mun! Yeah!

Bill: Bob, a word.

Bob: You guys go get strapped in. My brother and I need to talk business.


Val: I'm soooo jealous!

Jeb: Yeah. Feels great!

Val: Don't you feel a bit bad about cutting Bob out though?

Jeb: Naw, Bill said he wouldn't have had a seat on the LEM anyway. Why make him sit in the CSM and watch from there when he could be on another mission.

Val: Then what about cutting me out?

Jeb: First to the Mun wins.

Val: Bob's picked me for his pilot on the next mission.

Jeb: So, first girl on Mun. We both get firsts.

Val: :mad: Suit up


Astha: Hope you're not too jealous Val, we'll need you down in Mission Contol on this one.

Val: Don't you worry your pretty purple hair. We've got this. Bring me back some rocks and I'll return the favor on the next mission.

Astha: Ooh, you got set up for eleven?

Val: Yeah, I think Mary was going to be on ten and Jeb was going to get eleven, but then Bill moved up the landing.

Jeb: First on Mun!

Val: Just you watch yourself, make sure you step out there before Bill.

Jeb: Of course.

Astha: But won't you be piloting the LEM while he's hanging out by the ladder?

Jeb: :0.0: He wouldn't?

Val: uh huh. :rolleyes:


Bill: I've earned this.

Bob: Oh we've all earned this, that was never part of the equation. You've done some fantastic work and no mistake... but so has every single member of the team.

Bill: There are only 2 seats on the LEM and we'll need someone who can fly it. You did good with Val, you'll get eleven.

Bob: Oh, I've taken over flight rosters. They've been moved to Astha's control starting with Apollo eleven. The flight surgeon will okay mission commanders and they'll pick their teams. I've even got her working on back-up teams incase we have another training exercise like Mary had.

Bill: I was going to give this flight to her, but she's still recovering. So, it's time.

Bob: You're trying to figure out if I'll try to block you're landing once you're up there.

Bill: Will you?

Bob: I'm not going to dignify that with an answer. Unlike some people here I do my job. Like many people here I also enjoy it and have fun doing it.

Bill: I should go get strapped in then.


Jeb: Mission control, this is Apollo Ten.

Bob: I read you Jeb. What is your flight designation? I've got a note that all current flights should have a dignified name.

Jeb: Our CSM will be called Ecks... you know, like the letter.

Bob: X. Okay... and the LEM?

Bill: Eagle.

Jeb: I was going to go with Y myself.

Bill: The Eagle... I want the newspapers to say "the eagle has landed."

Bob: Eagle. Got it. Pre-flight is looking good. Get yourself strapped in and get ready.

Val: CAPCOM, all guidance systems are go.

Katlina: Recovery go.

Malcan: Communications and computer systems are opperating at expected levels.

Edan: Mal, its okay to just say "go."

Malcan: With Jeb behind the wheel that seems a problematic strategy.

Jeb: Its okay Control, This one I'm doing right. If I'm good I get to walk on Mun.

Katlina: Its almost scary how well he's behaving.

Val: Bill's got the ultimate carrot, he doesn't need the stick until they're on the way back.

Bob: Ecks... I'm not calling you guys X.

Jeb: Okay, how about - Columbia?

Bob: Now we're talking. Columbia, you are GO for launch.


Jeb: Go! Go! Go!

Astha: oooh my, this has quite a rumble to it.

Bill: :confused:

Jeb: Just you wait, I'll show you the smoothest gravity turn yet in this program.


Astha: That was, very smooth. I'm not sure anyone's going to be able to beat that.

Jeb: This is going to be the text book mission. Kiddies will read about us forever, there will be no mistakes!

Astha: Jeb, when you are being serious... you become very attractive.

Jeb: I know.

Astha: And now its normal again.

Jeb: Comming up on Stage 2 seperation.



Bob: We read Stage 2 seperation. Prepare to fire the S-IVB engine for trans-munar injection.

Bill: Munar is not a word!

Bob: It is now!

Val: Jeb, I'm sending you flight trajectories and a mid course correction.

Jeb: I see that, you want us on a free return trajectory?

Val: Confirmed Columbia. Get yourselves on a free return trajectory.

Jeb: Roger that. Astha, can you crunch those numbers and confirm with Val, I'm going to prep LEM extraction.



Astha: We are on a Free Return trajectory now control.

Bob: We confirm that Columbia. LEM extraction seems to have gone smoothly. It will be smooth sailing till Mun.

Bill: We are preparing to begin LEM star-up.

Katlina: Confirmed Columbia, I'll be directing you through start-up on Eagle.



Jeb: I can see Mun coming up! Getting big in my window!

Astha: Our free return is passing withing 29km of the surface Jeb.

Jeb: Oh, I know, I'm planning on circularizing there, it will make landing easy.

Bill: Its soo close, my... ahem, our legacy is at hand.

Astha: Command, come in.

Bob: Go Columbia.

Astha: Is it okay if we shove Bill out an airlock?

Bob: Negative.

Bill: Thanks bro.

Bob: Duck-taping his mouth is okay.

Bill: :mad:

Astha: Best CAPCOM ever.

Bill: :mad:



Jeb: Control, we are Transferring command to Eagle.

Bob: Roger that Jeb.

Jeb: Take care Astha, we'll be back with rocks.

Astha: Bring me a shiny one.

Jeb: I don't think they make them shiny...

Bill: The LEM is ready! Jeb, get down here.

Jeb: Woops, gotta go.


Jeb: I see our landing spot coming up

Bill: This thing is alot bumpier than the CSM.

Jeb: What did you expect, you can poke your finger through some of the walls. Here, let me show you.

Bill: :0.0: No!!

Jeb: Relax, I was kidding.:wink:

Bill: It feels like its dancing on bad shocks.

Jeb: Well, the way its all hooked on the decent stage, that makes sense. Its safe though, Henzer said it was beautiful. Your team did a bang-up job.

Bill: What as that!

Jeb: Just firing up the main engine.


Bill: Why is it getting so big?

Jeb: Relax bro, I got this!

Bill: Wait.. I'm not sure about the ascent-stage's thrust to weight, we tested it with backup engines that we removed.

Jeb: If you removed them it was because the TWR was fine - besides its the same configuration nine had.

Bill: There are alot of craters down here... I don't trust the suspension.

Jeb: Get back in your seat and let me fly!

Bill: How's our fuel?

Jeb: We've got tons - if anything its too much.

Bill: We've never flown the LEM in lunar orbit... can you rendezvous? You've never rendezvoused before...

Jeb: I'll got Val and Bob in my ear, its fine.

Bob: Eagle come in.

Jeb: This is eagle.

Bob: While I hate to say this... everything is looking perfect on this end. Take her down.

Bill: We should do more tests!

Jeb: Sit down!

Bill: What's that blinking light?

Jeb: Its fine. Sit, down... I can't focus.

Bill: You can't focus? Must be the oxygen mix... I'm aborting.

Jeb: Like Moho you are. Hands off! Mine.

Bill: Its too big!

Jeb: Its Mun! Its suppose to be big!

Bill: :0.0:


Jeb: :mad: What did you do!?

Bill: We weren't ready, we needed a test. Yes... that's why I -


Bill: Okay.. okay.

Bob: Eagle, come in. I can't make sense of what I'm seeing over here.

Jeb: Bill panicked and staged the Brawny thing.

Katlina: Brawny?

Bob: like the ocean, you know.. where the Kraken lives.

Katlina: Wait... the boss did what?

Jeb: You heard me...

Val: Wow. :confused: Jeb, can you get yourself back in orbit, you were pretty far down for an abort like that.

Jeb: I'm trying, but it will be close. I'll be within 4 km of the surface at Periapsis.

Val: You should be fine where you are now.

Bill: I'm sorry Jeb... I just.

Jeb: No talking.

Bill: Yes Jeb.



Astha: You guys are back early, where are my rocks?



Jeb: Yeah, Bill, where are her rocks?

Bill: Uhhh.

Jeb: Like this face Bill?

Bill: No... its really scary.

Jeb: You're going to be looking at it the whole way home.



Bob: Columbia, this is Mission control, you are go for SM jettison.

Astha: Thank you control. Tempers seem to have calmed down a bit.

Bob: We've sent seperate rescue teams for Jeb and Bill. Have a preference who you ride with?

Astha: Need to ask?

Bob: Thought so.


((Apollo X's SM can be seen here burning up while the more distant light is the Capsule.))




Edited by loch.ness
Pressed post instead of preview - still writing.
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Part 10: Apollo 11 on its way


Ring... Ring... Ring...

Jeb: Hmm? there's a phone on this thing? I thought the whole point of having a boat was so that you could go somewhere that no-one can reach you. Leave it to Bill to miss the whole point of something though. Hello. If you are calling for Bill Kerman he is currently occupied running the no-fun-land amusement park.

Bob: Naw, I know Bill's not on the boat because he spent the last hour yelling about how it was stolen.

Jeb: Oh? Really. :D Did you make a recording.

Bob: A Video.

Jeb: Can you text it too me?

Bob: No, this is a sat-phone.

Jeb: Oh. well then, who were you calling for.

Bob: You Jeb.

Jeb: Why? Isn't Val going to be your pilot?


Bob: Yeah, she is. We've been training together too long now to change that up this close to the launch. A different problem has come up and we need you back here at the KSC.

Jeb: You've got a pilot. Val's pretty much as good as I am, I mean, I'm still better, but she's as close as you can get without being me.

Bob: Well, you are definately more modest than her.

Jeb: I know!

Bob: I don't have any missions for you to Pilot right now Jeb... actually that's why I need you.

Jeb: Nothing for me to pilot. Look I'm about as awesome as a Kerbal can possibly get, and I know that, but I'm a pilot. If there isn't anything for me to fly: what do you need me for?

Bob: We need you to be CAPCOM for Apollo 11.

Jeb: Me?

Bob: Yes.

Jeb: Not Bill?

Bob: You aren't the only one whose trust he lost with that stunt. The ground crews aren't working with Bill right now. Katlina took over as head engineer for the time being, but she doesn't have the experience in Mission Command to be CAPCOM for something like this.

Jeb: I don't know.

Bob: Jeb. Apollo X should have landed on Mun. Your ascent was perfect, your free-return is going to be in text books. Your lunar approach was exactly right. With your help Val can do as well as you did and we have to land this one or there will not be another mission.

Jeb: Wait... say that again.

Bob: The wigs are threatening to pull all of our funding. We have 1 full Saturn V already built and no Roots to make a new one with. If we don't land this mission we'll have lost Mun.

Jeb: Because of Bill?

Bob: The press was all over the "failure" of 10 to deliver on the promise of a Mun landing. There have been a dozen accusations that we've faked our program using models on strings in front of pictures and telescopes.

Jeb: That's ridiculous. If we were doing that we'd have already managed a Jool flyby.

Bob: Edan also said he'd give up his seat on Apollo XIII for you if you could save the program.

Jeb: Tell him we'll talk about that after I save it. I was already going to come back as soon as you said you needed me Bro. I just have one request.

Bob: Yeah?

Jeb: Bill isn't allowed in Mission control for the duration of the mission.

Bob: Titha has him duct-taped to a stall in the Admin's bathroom. She brings him meals and stands guard with a crow-bar. We started it to make him shut up about you stealing his boat, but we all voted to keep him there until Apollo eleven gets home.

Jeb: Right then. Get the launch prepped.

Bob: Will do. Thank you brother.

Jeb: Just you make sure it is a Kerman who steps foot on Mun first. I like Val same as the next guy but the three of us started this program. She's as much a part of the heart of it as we are... but she doesn't have my last name and it will make it harder for me to edit all the history books to say I did it first.

Bob: :D First you get us landed, then we'll worry about whose boots touch first.


Astha: Mission Control, I've finished strapping in our crew. On my way back.

Jeb: Okay, I'll introduce you when you get here.

Astha: Huh?

Jeb: Okay everyone! I know Bob told you I'd be running this mission. The truth is though that awesome though I am, I'm also impulsive and think of risk as something more to be laughed at than actually considered. My brother Bill is, how have I heard it put... a very narrow nozzle. Explosive, unpleasant to stand next too, but absolutely essential for getting us off the ground. Still, Bill broke our trust and we can't have him back in here yet. So Edan and I found someone we trust to do the job that needs doing better than either of us could while we contribute in the ways we best can. Everyone, this is our new - permanent - flight director. Gene.

th?&id=JN.3ADB9FeAu23Gy5uNI58Ttw&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0 Gene: Um, hi!

Jeb: Come on Gene... don't leave me hanging here.

Gene: Sorry, I've just been looking over your flight data and it looks like we're coming up on a perfect launch window. What do you say everyone gets hopping and we "introduce" me by landing someone on Mun.

Jeb: I like it! Any complaints

Katlina: Ya!

Jeb: Really? What!

Katlina: :cool: You are still talking!

Jeb: :D

Gene: Okay. Lets start the flight check. Got my new Waist-coat, so that's good to start. From here on out I am flight director, abbreviate to Flight. I'll learn your names eventualy but for now everyone does their job. Booster?

Katlina: Go Flight.

Gene: Retro?

Henzer: Go flight.

Gene: FIDO?

Jeb: Woof!

Gene: Give me a go, no go, or you are no go.

Jeb: Go flight.

Gene: Guidance

Deya: We are go for launch.

Gene: Surgeon?

Astha: Go flight.

Gene: EECOM?

Katlina: Go flight.

Gene: Once we get our money back I want to see different people on every station - no two people on the same problem. If we have something go wrong I don't want anyone to split focus. GNC?

Edan: Go!

Gene: Control?

Mary: Go flight.

Gene: INCO

Malcan: Most assuredly go.

Gene: Keep answers short, if things go wrong they go wrong fast.

Malcan: Well then, Go flight.

Gene: FAO

Astha: Also go.

Gene: Network?

Malcan: Go.

Gene: Getting better at that.

Malcan: The compliment is duly noted.

Gene: Well, baby steps then. CAPCOM?

Jeb: All systems go.

Gene: Apollo Eleven, this is Mission Control. Give me a go no go for launch.

Bob: Mission Control this is Bob Kerman in Apollo Eleven. All systems go.

Gene: Start the Clock.

Katlina: Val, start Ignition sequence.

Val: Alright Kerbs, this is where it gets bumpy!


Gene: Thrust readings?

Katlina: Right down the line.

Gene: Cue the Tower.

Bob: We have cleared the tower.

Jeb: Gravity turn is right down the line.

Gene: Keep it there.


Katlina: Coming up on Stage 1 jettison.

Val: Roger that. Separation in 3. 2. 1.


Katlina: Stage 2 ignition confirmed.

Jeb: Good ascent Val, put pitch down a bit, you are climbing too steep.

Val: Roger that.


Astha: Lil, how are things doing?

Elilina: Its a bit bumpy and I think I had too much water. Just trying to focus on things other than potty breaks.

Astha: Roger that, try to hold it if you can.

Katlina: Coming up on Stage 2 separation.


Jeb: There will be a 13 second burn of the SIV at T-minus 34 to line up your Trans Munar Injection.

Bob: Roger that CAPCOM. Jettisoning LES.

Val: Lighting the S-IVB


Jeb, alright, you are 4 minutes to your TMI burn. The TMI burn will be for 23 seconds. Malcan is sending the numbers.

Bob: Numbers coming through, Lil and I will double check.

Val: What sort of trajectory will this place us on?

Jeb: You'll be on a Free Return passing at a Mun periapsis of 32km, right were you should circularize.

Val: Lil?

Elilina: Confirmed.

Bob: Great work little bro.

Jeb: I'm good at what I do.

Val: Coming up on the Burn. There will be a small jolt.




Jeb: Alright, I'm turning you over to GNC now.

Edan: Alright Apollo Eleven. You are go for LEM extraction.

Bob: Roger that. Seperating CSM Enterprise.

Edan: Okay, Lil you have RCS control. Val you hold Enterprise steady. Begin your turn.

Elilina: I can see the LEM lining up. Target showing clearly in my indicators. Advancing at 20cm/s


Bob: We have lock. Preparing to seperate the LEM from the S-IVB stage.

Val: Okay Lil, just tap us straight back at about 10cm/s

Elilina: Woo... Its a tight fit. Don't want to scratch the paint.


Bob: CAPCOM, this is Enterprise. Can Confirm successful extraction of LEM Falcon.

Jeb: Good work Enterprise.

Astha: Alright, get Lil a potty break and break out the snacks. You've got exercise in an hour and then your live transmission.

Bob: Roger that, I'm ready for some snacks.

Elilina: Yay! Potty break.


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Part 11: The Eagle, er... Falcon... has landed.


Bob: Alright, Val you take over from here. We have one burn to circularize and then we start hunting for landing sites.

Val: I've already got one in mind. Jeb said he got a funny radar spike from one of the big craters, I thought I'd aim for that.

Bob: Confirm with control once we're back from the dark side.

Val: Right.

Elilina: Me boss?

Bob: Help me get the LEM power-up started and then you've got clearance for EVA to do an exterior inspection of the LEM.

Elilina: Right - o.

hGcoCXRt.jpg Val: I've got a great idea! Lets try landing the CSM1

Bob: What?


Bob: That would be a terrible idea Val.

Val: You should have seen your face! Hilarious. Wasn't it Lil?

Elilina: I hope we got that on camera.

Val: Oh, I'm making sure its his official mission photo.

Bob: :rolleyes: Lil, get ready for your EVA.


Elilina: No damage to the LEM from extraction. There is a scratch in the paint, but I want it entered into the record that it was there before extraction.

Bob: I don't think there was a scratch on it before the extraction.

Elilina: There was a scratch on it before extraction now... got it?

Bob: Um, sure. Once you're back in Val and I will transfer to the LEM and get ready for de-orbit.


Jeb: Control to Falcon.

Bob: This is Falcon, we've separated from Enterprise and are lining up for our de-orbit burn.

Jeb: Send me your numbers.

Val: Transmitting. I'm going to land on top of that radar blip you saw.

Jeb: Val, do you have any idea what the odds off...

Val: Never tell me the odds!

Jeb: Yeah, sorry. Don't know what I was thinking.

Bob: Get us lined up and count us down Control.


Val: Jeb, I've got visual contact. It looks almost like a structure.

Bob: With all the craters we've seen its likely to be a freak occurance, a natural formation of harder rock that survived by chance.

Val: It looks like a cube.

Bob: Well... I...

Val: A giant cube.


Bob: Maybe the Kraken does play dice with the universe?

Val: Looks more like a block.

Bob: We've found one of the building blocks of the universe?

Jeb: I neeeeeeeeeeed pictures!

Val: Bob, you are not going to believe what I saw. We're just a few meters off from it.

Bob: Control, please note the time. We are on the surface of Mun.


Gene: Alright, we've got our remote cameras set up, tell mister Rokaw he's getting a live feed.

Malcan: Roger that. Jeb, give Bob an count of 2 minutes.

Jeb: Got it.

B. Rokaw: Ladies and Gentlemen what you are looking at on your televisions as home is a live broadcast from the surface of our closest moon. Bob Kerman and Valentina Kova are in the vessel you see on your screens now. Ms. Kova piloted the Munar Adventure Lander "Falcon" during the mission today.

Bill: Lunar Exursion Module! Lunar Excursion Module! Titha... let me out... he's getting the name wrong!

Titha: Not letting you out bill, he's just reading the notes Jeb left him.

Bill: :0.0: let me out noooooooow!


B. Rokaw: I'm getting word that Mission Control has given permission for an EVA or extra vehicular activity. Control specialist Jebidiah Kerman is directing the mission's commander and chief scientific ad-visor, Bob Kerman, to exit onto the ladder.


We can see Mr. Kerman exiting the vehicle now. He is going down the ladder slowly. The reduced Gravity on Mun along with the movement-restrictive suits make it slow going.


Mr. Kerman is at the foot of the ladder now, just inches away from the surface of Mun. We are getting live audio from the mission now.

Bob: Control, do you read. The ground is covered in what looks like, a type of powder.

Jeb: Right.

Bob: Its very still, Up close it looks soft, but it seems to get hard further out.

Jeb: Roger that Bob, bring back some samples. Now, do you want to take that next setp?

Bob: Yeah, just trying to think of what to say.


Bob: One small step for--

Val: Booya! Never tell me the odds! Woooooo!

B. Rokaw: The quote appears to have been "that is one small booya, never tell me the odds.

Gene: pst! say this.

B. Rokaw: Sorry ladies and gentlemen, there was a very odd glitch with the radio, the quote was suppose to have been, uh, I mean actually was "That's one small step for a Kerbal, one giant leap for kerbal-kind." Though we all distinctly heard a booya in there somewhere.

Gene: thanks.

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Lots of great lines in this one. Booya!

I personally try to imagine those parts being said by Tom Brokaw or Walter Cronkite. I crack a smile imagining Cronkite despondently add "We all heard a booya in there"

Love the story!!!

By the way, are there more parts to come? Because i'm very curious how you would form the apollo 13 mission

I definitely plan to do Apollo 13. Edan Lovel (namesake of Apollo 13's commander) was going to be commanding it but he's promised Jeb that mission.

A brief shot of what I have planned out is this:

Next entry - Apollo 11 returns home. New funding comes in and the program is saved, some new members join the team. Modifications begin to the LEM (now permanently renamed "MAL" for Apollo 12+.

Apollo 12 will be bringing KIS containers with the parts needed to build a Rover and a ALSEP package on Mun for additional exploration.

Apollo 13 - I need to work out much detail I plan to go into though I hope to be able to re-watch the 1995 film and set up scenes lining up with it. I plan to do several entries for that mission because it should be fun to write. I'm not sure how, but I want to set up a cloud of debris and something explody for the big boom moment.

After this the group will decide that they need an intercept crew on stand-by in-case this sort of thing happens again. - Cue Skylab 1.

Eventually they'll go to Minmus as well and I'm hoping to eventually get Duna and Eve missions and possibly even more distant fly-bys. I want to at least send a probe out to Plock - though I'm not sure it would ever get out there. (An apollo/constellation style mission to Tekto would be awesome - and of course a Eeloo-pa Report)... but all of that is getting ahead of me.

next play session I get is Apollo 12 and hoping that mission goes smoothly.

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"One small booya, never tell me the odds"

WHY DIDN'T YOU KEEP THIS LINE, ROKAW? That line was beautiful. How could you succumb to evil bureaucratic censorship?

But really, welcome to the Mun! And congrats on reaching the milestone of ALP!

Which means soon, you get to launch your Skylab! (And I sit here, somewhat envious that I'm not in a position to launch my Skylab yet :D )

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