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Nessa: an alternate history for NASA


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Part 12: Heroes Welcome


Bob: One small Booya?

Val: Didn't you steal that whole one small step thing from Bill?

Bob: It was pretty good. besides, I got Jeb to promise whoever is going to Duna will say something about "Boldly Going where no Kerbal has gone before."

Val: When are we going to use "Spacey-wacey?"

Bob: I deny all knowledge of that.

Val: Wasn't that how you tried explaining orbital mechanics to that reporter back during Gemini?

Bob: It wasn't printed, so there is no proof!


Jeb: Enterprise, this is CAPCOM. Status check on Lunar sub-satalite depolyment?

Elilina: Service bay's are primed, LSS deployment is a go.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Hold on, I'm getting an alarm up here.

Jeb: Kat, are you seeing it too?

Katlina: Lil, how's your pressure reading on your OX tanks?

Elilina: The needle's a bit wobbly, but I'm not seeing any dip.

Katlina: We've got the same thing here. Mark the level and proceed. Keep me informed if OX starts draning faster than your fuel. The fuelcells don't use much and they certainly don't play favorites.

Elilina: Roger that. Deploying LSS.


Malcan: We're reading it clearly. There is some odd gravity around Mun, almost as if parts of the surface have more gravity than others.

Jeb: Really?

Malcan: Tiny variations, really tiny, but eventually they'd disrupt any orbit.

Jeb: Get Bob that info when he's back, he'll like it.

Elilina: OX levels seem stable, I'm going to sign off for some shut-eye. See you in the morning.

Jeb: Roger that Enterprise. Sweet dreams.


Val: Alright Bob, finish up with that those block samples and get back inside. we've got about 30 minutes of EVA time left. Maybe we'll get a short walk in the morning.

Bob: I'm trying... whatever this block is made out of - none of the tools we brought up here can cut it.

Val: what about the rock thing on top of the block?

Bob: I touched part of it and it crumbled like dust, I'm afraid to touch the rest.

Val: And the big gold part up front?

Bob: Yeah... who mixed the eva gasses again? That part makes me sure someone is pulling something on someone. I mean... who would leave a several meter solid gold plank attached to a square rock about someone with strong arms?

Val: Proof of that "big bounce" theory?

Bob: Wait, the one with Sherper Kerper who has to hit doors three times before he can open it?

Val: Naw, the one Malcan and the new Engineer Archibald was talking about. That the universe eventually shrinks down to a tiny point and then expands again.

Bob: That might explain why everything is so dense...

Val: Oh, I think we can lay off Bill now.

Bob: No, I meant the planets - the solar system... it feels like everything should be at least 6 times bigger.

Val: I'm going to wait for the worst possible moment to repeat that.

Bob: :rolleyes: I think I've found a chip off the block, that will have to do.

Val: Alright, get back in here and we'll organize rendezvous after sleep.


Val: Falcon to Control. Ascent stage seperation complete, we are rising steadily. Set for intercept with CSM-Enterprise in 1 munar orbit.

Jeb: I'm reading the same. Continue with your burn.


Edan: Lil, I'll be aiding you through the docking. Falcon is lining up and intercept, I'll give you their closes approach heading so you can turn when its time.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Elilina: Roger that Ed, but give me Kat. We've got a slight problem.

Katlina: Lil, what's up?

Elilina: I'm still getting that alarm intermittently and the OX levels are defiantly lower, but I can't detect any actual leak. Is it possible the fuel cells are running OX hungry?

Deya: Electrical checks out from this side, there isn't anything like this on any past mission reports.

Katlina: Negative on that Lil, we don't think its the fuel-cells themselves.

Elilina: We'll EVA to do a manual inspection after docking.


Val: Wow, it feels so nice to be up here again.

Bob: The LEM could get cramped at night, that's for sure.

Elilina: You two set any other firsts down there?

Bob: Huh?

Val: Naw, too many switches that might be bumped. launching before schedule is always a danger with that sort of thing, but I'd rather not accidentally stage the LEM too.

Elilina: I think its officially the MAL now. It was on the news that way.

Bob: Bill will sulk about that for months to come.

Elilina: It will be good for him.


Beep Beep Beep Beep

Bob: Woah... are those OX levels right?

Val: What's up?

Bob: it looks like half of our oxidizer is gone.

Val: What!?

Elilina: I've checked and re-checked... there is no leak.

Bob: Well, once more. Meanwhile Val - set up a return trajectory using what we have left.

Val: Right.

Jeb: Enterprise, come in. Did you get that alarm figured out?

Val: No CAPCOM, we just figured out it was an alarm.

Jeb: Hey... you beat me to mun. If anyone gets to be sarcastic it is me.

Val: Fair point.

Bob: Come in Flight.

Gene: Flight here.

Bob: The SM has has a small leak on the Oxidizer cut-off valve. Its been leaking out the engine bell and slowly getting bigger. The alarm wasn't reading the error constantly. Mostly when the tanks got automatically stirred. Recommend manual stirs on future missions.

Gene: Noted, we'll review the information once we get funding back.

Jeb: Val, you should have ample Delta V to get home, but we can't wait for a better window. How are your supplies?

Val: We could go a couple days if we needed to.

Jeb: Alright, I'll coordinate with recovery, we'll be waiting to catch you.


Elilina: There is alot of green beneath us.

Bob: I see it too. Val, can you do anything about it?

Val: We're loaded down with Mono-prop, but our TWR is so low that its hard to make a meaninful change from here. I've got a softer landing target that I'm aiming for.

Bob: Val, we seem to be coming in steep.

Jeb: Um, Enterprise... your trajectory is looking very steep.

Val: Why does everyone keep telling me this?

Astha: Okay crew, listen up. When its time to hit atmosphere the G forces are likely going to cause you to black out. We've got the suits and seats designed to cushion every bit of you we can, but the G-s you'll experience are above any of the past landings.

Bob: Wait? Black out?

Astha: Yes. So you'll need to work up a deployment program for your parachutes.

Bob: Malcan, swtich to one on one coms. I need you to go over code with me.

Malcan: On it.

Elilina: I'll start getting everything set up for emergency crash procedues.

Astha: If you strap everyone in like you do for a launch.

Elilina: One of use won't get strapped in as well as the other two.

Astha: Do your best.

Val: We're getting too far down the gravity well for the RCS engines to make a discernable difference. Lil, lets see if we can't set up a way to get us all strapped in.



Val: I think the Kraken is sitting on my chest.

Elilina; Mine too.

Bob: Program running... we should have a fail safe.... if... we.....

Elilina: ....

Val: Hey... you.. two... no sleeping...


Jeb: Enterprise come in. Enterprise?

Katlina: Their coms could easily have been damaged in that re-entry.

Gene: Where are they exactly?

Edan: Val's good they're coming down over the great-lake.

Gene: Signal recovery and start getting fly-over permission. We don't have jurisdiction in that region.

Edan: Got it.

Astha: I'm getting signals from their vitals. Pulse is normal. I think Val is waking up.

Jeb: Enterprise, come in.

Val: No mummy, not the carrots.

Jeb: Val! confirm chutes are working.

Val: Huh? shoot what? Oh... chutes. Wait, who opened the chutes? I thought that was my job.

Jeb: They're fine.

Astha: How're the other two?

Val: Bob's snoring again. Um, so is Lil. I'm not sure which one is louder.


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Part 13: Mucking about on Mun


Gene: Alright people, listen up.

Val: Okay everyone, this is it.

Jeb: Vaaaaaal... you said I gotta say it.

Val: Sorry Jeb. You're right. Go ahead.

Jeb: Okay everyone, listen up!

Bob: Very moving.

Jeb: Oh can it you.

Gene: Funding's been extended, but we've got some new directives with that money.

Jeb: Extension! I'm gonna walk on mun.... I'm gunna walk on Mun!

Gene: No Jeb. You're gonna drive on mun.

Jeb: :cool:

Bob: How's the gas engine going to work? Fuel cells?

Bill: We could use battery power.

Elilina: What about Battery power.

Jeb: Good idea!

Bill: It was my idea.

Jeb: Huh, speak up.

Bill: :mad:

Gene: Okay, cut that out. Bill's in charge of coordinating the MER program.

Katlina: He is?

Gene: Bill's one of the reasons we got our funding back. He's still got alot of pull with the original backers and he's easily one of the best qualified engineers for this program in the world.

Bill: So respect the red!

Edan: I was going to ask... I couldn't find my old jump suit.

Gene: Our funding now classifies us as a para-military organization, so you'll be getting uniforms assigned by division, mission role, and sometimes rank. Newbies and ground crew get grey suits. Navigators, researchers, medical personnel and similar get blue. If your job is classified under the science department you'll be in that suit on the ground but for a mission it depends on your assigned role. Engineers, Technicians, Security, non-command pilots, and basically the people who makes things go but don't get any credit wear Red. For now our pilots are dressed in the snazzy mission commander suits, but they won't get those all the time.

Val: Mine's green!

Gene: yeah... we let the interns do the laundry, they washed a command suit in with the science suits.

Val: Can I make green my personal color?

Gene: On the ground sure, we don't yet have Green classified.

Edan: What about flight directors?

Gene: We wear snazzy waist coats. th?id=JN.%2f5lQ2cNN9DebUWWsT3Eemw&w=78&h=78&c=7&pid=1.1

Bob: Sounds fair to me. Do I get a bow-tie?

Gene: Um. No.

Bob: 'snot fair you getting a waistcoat and I don't get a bow-tie. Howabout a Fez?

Val: No.

Gene: Moving on. Mary will be in command of Apollo XII. We're starting work on an updated MAL that should be able to store away pieces for a the new MER.

Bill: Its a LEM. ;.;

Titha: Nope, I heard it on TV, its called a MAL.

Bill: Can I call the rover an LRV?

Gene: We've already got plans to name it the Munar Excursion Rover Currie in honor of the program's medical lead who sat in the pod durring the firs landing attempt.

Jeb: Grrrrrr. Raff! Raff!

Bob: Down boy! Get me the squirt bottle.

Jeb: wimper! Wimper!

Bill: Fair enough.

Gene: Okay, so everyone get on with, whatever it is you do. Bill, you've got a new tech to help you test our MER assembly. She'll be flying on XII so step up the training.

Bill: We'll have Elilina train the new girl then, I'll get working on the rover's system and packing.

Gene: Your department.

Bill: I'll have you a report soon, in triplicate.

Gene: Bill... we have emails. Save a tree and send me a digital copy.

Bill: No need, they just spring up when you get close to an empty stretch of highland.


Elilina: Whew... that's gonna get tricky in Zero-G.

Valarie: Um, should that big block still be on the bottom?

Elilina: It won't come off.

Valarie: And if you just, never attach it?

Elilina: I like it... gives it... a lower center of gravity.

Valarie: Couldn't I just set the wheels up higher?

Elilina: ... Just follow the procedures, you'll be on camera.

Valarie: Sure... :P whatever you say.


NdLa2hFt.jpgValarie: Woah! This feels awesome! Can we go faster?

Malcan: She's even named Val...


Val: We're going to have to work on her nick-name. Having two Val's would get confusing fast.

Mary: Crazy Val doesn't work... it fits both of them.

Valarie: I've gone by Vala back in high-school. Well technically I went by Valar... but me and my friends were into a set of books and I had a bit of a god complex...

Bob: So a normal engineer then.

Bill: :mad: When do these jokes end?

Bob: Come on Bro... we all have god-complexes here... just different parts. Jeb thinks he's immortal and should be worshiped. I think I'm able to know and understand everything. You think you should control everything.

Bill: Well whoever is controling things now is sloppy about it. I'd think they'd welcome the help.

Bob: :D

Bill: Stop grinning like that.



Gene: Good job Twelve, nicely lined up Trans Munar Injection.

Bill: Munar is not a word!

Bob: Actually we just got the New Cowford Dictionary in. Munar was added.

Bill: :( I liked Lunar better.

Jeb: Hey Bob, can I talk to you outside.

Bob: Sure Jeb.

Jeb: So, I wanted to ask about, you know... girls.

Bob: Really? :huh: I never thought you'd had trouble in that area.

Jeb: I've been so focused on flying and space... I never really noticed that side of things. You seem to get on with everyone just fine though.

Bob: Just be yourself Jeb and trust that you're attractive.

Jeb: Attractive? Oh. Sure! I make myself more attractive and I'll never have any trouble. Thanks!

Bob: That's not what... never-mind.



Gene: Well landed. Valarie is go for EVA and MER construction.

Valarie: Wooo! Mun time!




Mary: Vala, get back here with that Rover! Why did you think there were two seats on it?

Valarie: Storage for Mun rocks?

Mary: Back here!


Mary: Alright, now lets head down slope to check out those craters. We're looking for evidence of usable resources in these rocks and Malcan said one of the new techs wants samples from craters.


Valarie: This is awesome! Drivin' on the Mun, Drivin' on the Mun, we're up before Jeb now Drivin' on the Mun.

Jeb: :0.0: pass me the snacks!

Katlina: Hey! That's where they've all gone. Jeb! You are eating all the snacks!

Jeb: Yep!

Katlina: Why?

Jeb: Making myself more attractive!

Katlina: come again?

Jeb: Too many snacks makes me gain weight right?

Katlina: Yes...

Jeb: When I get massive, I get attractive!

Katlina: No...

Jeb: I'm pretty sure that's why Kerbin is more attractive than Mun.

Katlina: :huh: Jeb, are you confusing looking good with Gravity?

Jeb: :huh: Attractive is attractive right?


Mary: Vala! Get off the ALSEP magneto-scope!

Gene: Mary, you're EVA limit is just about up. Get back to the capsule and come on home. We need your feedback on the Rover program.



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Part 14: Procedures, Procedures


Jeb: Flight. Target is in the retical and everything is going smooth.

Bill: We read that Odyssey.

Katlina: He's getting good at this. Think we can throw him?

Bill: Lets see how they handle this.

Titha: Jeb, we're drifting.

Jeb: I've got it. I can't seem to translate up, we'll need to roll a bit. Orlas, watch the target and let me know where I'm needed.

Orlas: Got it boss.

Titha: five meters and closing. We should back off.


Jeb: We'd use too much fuel.

Orlas: hold it there.

Titha: 2 meters.

Jeb: That's how we do it!

Bill: Good work Apollo XIII back-up. Main team needs the Sim now.


Jeb: Now that was thirty minutes of boredom followed by seven seconds of sheer awesome. Keep em comming Bill.

Orlas: Does Jeb have a switch in his brain that makes "terror" and "awesome" sound the same to him?

Titha: I agree with his take, that was awesome!

Orlas: Ah, I see.

Astha: Jeb, I need a word. Bill, you'll want to set up the Sim for some more runs.

Jeb: What's up Astha?

Astha: I know Edan was suppose to give up his seat for this flight and you told him not to, but he dislocated his shoulder during g-force training. He's being bumped back to 16.

Jeb: I thought we were only sure of funding for 3 more Saturn Vs at most.

Astha: The rover program is getting good results. Malcan said scans over the region you are headed too are very promsing, we think there will be big roots coming in after this mission. Bill's been talking about setting up a permanent base on Mun.

Jeb: So.. I am... Going to Mun.

Astha: This time Jeb, you get to walk on Mun.

Jeb: Guys! We're going to Mun! Back in the Sim!

Titha: Booya!

Jeb: This time we'll make it one big booya!

Orlas: Booya?

Jeb: Booright!


Jeb: What did that Kerbal say? Give me a lever long enough and I'll move the world? Well that's exactly what we're doing here folks. This is Divine inspiration. The people here are working on things you wouldn't believe. Things like a computer that can fit into a single room or a metal plate that can turn sunlight into engery.

Kitman: Excuse me mister Kerman. My readers are wondering why we even need this program any more. We've been to Mun.

Jeb: Not yet to Minmas.

Kitman: Each of these towering rockets is costing a small fortune in Roots. My readers would like to know why we should keep spending that kind of green to do something that's already been done before.

Jeb: Still don't understand the question.

B. Rokaw: Jebidiah, if I may.

Jeb: Please. And, everyone says Jeb.

B. Rokaw: I understand you will be replacing Mr. Lovell as commander of Apollo 13. When will he be going back up.

Jeb: He's set on the books as commander of Apollo 16

Kitman: If there is an 16.

Jeb: It comes after 15.

B. Rokaw: Jeb. Do you think you'll be able to secure funding to continue the proram?

Jeb: Up next I'll be showing you footage captured durring the Rover tests on 12. We think there are high concentrations of useable ores and even water on Mun that can be processed into fuel. That would leave the solar system open to us.

Kitman: So you're going to keep the doors open by selling vacations on Eve?

Jeb: Certainly not.

Kitman: Then how-

Jeb: Any trip to Eve would be one way. Duna is much more plausible.

Astha: Jeb! I need a word.

Jeb: Sorry folks, this is Astha Currie. She gets final sign off on everyone's mission ready status so naturally we try to do favors for her whenever we can. Excuse me please.

Astha: There's a slight situation with the team.

Jeb: How slight? Launch is in two days.

Astha: Bill's Rover team has come down with the bumps. You and Orlas have had it before.

Jeb: So has Bill.

Astha: I know, he's fine though most of the others are out sick and we're pulling him from duty till he's no longer contagious. But Titha hasn't had it yet and she's been exposed.

Jeb: You don't know she'll get sick.

Astha: I do know that there is a 90% chance she will, and she'd be getting badly ill while you're stuck with her on the Munar surface. We're going to have to sub in one of the new techs.

Jeb; Who?

Astha: His name's Adam. he got hired under the equal rights clause - Bill was the only other male engineer in the program.

Jeb: He anygood at assemblies?

Astha: He's in training now.

Jeb: CSM docking and RCS aid?

Astha: Henzer is working with him. He's cocky but better than you'd expect.

Jeb: This stinks Astha. We've got it down perfect.

Astha: It's a choice of Adam or Bill.

Jeb: and I have to take an technician in the LEM for the constructions...

Astha: Its that or you go back on the roster and we move up Henzer.

Jeb: Fine, but I should be the one to tell Titha.

Astha: I'm sorry Jeb.

Jeb; Yeah, me too. She's good. Put her in the command slot on a future mission?

Astha: I'll talk to Gene.

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Part 15: Launch of XIII


Katlina: Okay guys, photo time.

Orlas: Could we maybe get handrails up here?

Adam: Not likely on short notice man, just suck it up and don't look down.

Jeb: Why not look down? The view is awesome!

Orlas: Are sure you don't think Awesome and Terror are the same?

Jeb: Wait... what's terror

Orlas: You know, feeling scared.

Jeb: Why would I ever feel scared?

Katlina: Good luck with that Orlas. Smile if you can!


Gene: Okay, I've got a note that the CSM for this mission is Odyssey.

Jeb: Speed-mobile got veto'd.

Adam: As did Boom-shack

Orlas: And "Flying bomb."


Gene: Try to focus, we're on the count now. Anyone seen the delivery guy yet?

Malcan: Sorry, just got in. It was delivered to R&D by mistake.

Gene: Snazzy, needed a new waistcoat for the launch.

Jeb: Flight, how about we skip all that stuffy countdown stuff and just go for it?

Gene: Negative Odyssey.

Jeb: But it takes forever!

Gene: It still goes faster than waiting for me to change my mind.

Jeb: How about I just ask once? Flight - give me a go no go?

Gene: Without checking with everyone the only answer I can give you is no go.

Jeb: Never mind then.


Gene: Okay, Everyone listen up. Give me a go no go for launch.


.........Go........Go Flight........We are go...........Go Flight........Go!.......Go flight......Go........Go.

Control?...........Prodecures?.....INCO?.......................FAO?.....Network?.....Recovery..........CAPCOM Mission control is go.

.........Go Flight.............Go!.......We are go for launch.......Go...........Go..........Go Flight

Bob: Bill is on mandatory medical leave with most of his staff. I'll be serving as Capcom.

Gene: Your call.

Bob: Launch pad, Mission control reports all systems go. Begin ignition sequence.


Jeb: Relax Orlas, just a few more bumbs and then we're hauling the snacks.

Orlas: Is that really suppose to make me feel better?

Jeb: I don't even have it at full throttle, relax.

Adam; Okay guys, the clock is running.

Jeb: next stop L.K.O.


Gilyn: Flight, I've got a center engine cut out over here.

Bob; We're seeing that too.

Gene; Abort?

Bob: Hold on.

Henzer: Shouldn't need to abort, just extend the burn to compensate.

Bob: Odyssey come in.

Jeb: Yeah? This about the center engine burn out.

Bob: Um, yes.

Jeb: I got it, we'll just need to angle up a bit and then its just fine.

Gilyn: Everything else looks good. Looks like that might have been our glitch for the mission.

Gene; Focus people.


Jeb: Tower jet confirmed. Lining up T.M.I. Prepare for a little jolt guys.


Adam: Some jolt.


Jeb: Adam, passing you the stick for Lem extraction. Make the crew proud.

Adam: Seperation sequence is good. Orlas, line me up.

Orlas: Shouldn't you be doing this Jeb?

Jeb: I have to pass on my unique talents to my noble crew. It is what makes me such a handsome and dashing commander.

Orlas: And the notes I got about you stealing all the snacks?

Jeb; Back-up. I'll either become dashing and attractive, or develope gravity. Whichever comes first.

Adam: Less Chatter, more helping.


Jeb: Okay Mission Control, looks like everything is set. We're going to get some RnR, get some snacks. Well, everyone by Orlas - he looks a little ill.

Orlas: Oh no, you aren't eating my Noms.

Gene: Sounds good, we'll check back in in a few hours for maitaince checks.


Gilyn: Man, this is boring. I'd give anything to be up there right now.

Bob: You'll get your chance and believe me, this isn't the part of the mission where we want any excitment.

Gilyn: If you say so.

Bob: Odyssey, come in.

Adam: This is Odyssey.

Bob: We'd like you to execute the tank stir now.

Adam: Sure thing Flight. Hold on.

Beep Beep Beep Beep

Adam: Woah, what was that.

Oras: What did you do? What did you do!

Adam: Nothing I just stired the tanks.

Jeb; Waaaaa. I'm getting all kinds of drift up here... are all the throttles off.

Gilyn: Flight, I've got... no this can't be right. Malcan are we having a system glitch?

Gene: Talk to me people.

Astha: They're hearts are racing up there.

Bob: Odyssey come in. Odyssey do you read?

Jeb: Adam, get us back on course.

Adam: It feels like I'm fighting with gimble lock.

Bob: Malcan, can we boost the radios or something.

Malcan: The radios are working, they're just not using them.

Gene: Push us through to Vox. Odyssey, this is flight come in.

Jeb; FLight, we've had a problem stand by.

Malcan; I'm reading Main bus A and B undervolts.

Astha: This can't be right, Bob... this can't be right.

Jeb; We've got a wicked shimmy up here, and it sounds like somethign banging against the hull.

Malcan: This has to be instrumentation.

Gene; Jeb's talking about Bang's and shimmys. That doesn't sound like instrumentaiton.

Bob; Odyssey say again.

Jeb: Mission Control we have a problem. I can see something venting into space. I think its the Oxygen.


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Part 16: The Lost Mun


Orlas: Jeb!

Jeb: Flight, there are a lot of derbies up here. Its hard to get our bearings.

Henzer: They're drifting all over the place, we've got to get them lined back up.

Bob: Jeb, we need you to zero out your drift.

Jeb: Easier said then done, we've got multiple leaks up here.


Adam: I'll worry about radial and anti-radial, you zero us out normal and anti-normal.

Jeb: Sounds good, Orlas what how're our levels looking.

Orlas: Umm.. The Oxygen's dropping fast. Tank 2 is empty, tank 1 is falling.

Adam: Our reaction wheels just seized up.

Gilyn: They need to shut down the fuel cells.

Bob: You can't land on Mun without fuel cells.

Gilyn: If the leak is connected to the cell its the only way they're getting back at all.

Gene: Will it stop the leak.

Gilyn: If anything does it will.

Gene: Give the order.

Bob: Come in Aquarius. We want you to close out your main fuel cells.

Jeb: Come again Flight. Did I hear that correct? Full shut down Fuel Cells. Close down the reactions/

Gene: Yeah they heard it.

Gilyn: Its the only way.

Bob: Roger that. We think closing the cells might stop the leak.

Adam: Ah, Moho. Its so close.

Orlas: What do we do Jeb? Ox levels are still dropping.

Jeb: We could squeeze an extra person into the MAL, wait for a rescue?

Adam: I don't think they've got 14 built yet.

Orlas: The MAL only sits 2.

Jeb: Kraken! Shut down the cells.

Orlas: Shutting down Cells 1 and 2.

Jeb: We just lost Mun.


Gene: Did that stop the leak?

Jeb: Negative Flight, we're still leaking.

Orlas: What do we do?

Jeb: Adam, start powering up the MAL. Orlas, get everything you can off this nav computer.

Adam: That's going to take us an hour.

Jeb: I don't think we have that much time.

Gilyn: Odyssey, This is Control.

Jeb: Go.

Gilyn: We need you to book up the MAL, our thinking is to use it as a life-boat.

Jeb: Ours too. How long until we loose power up here?

Malcan: At the current drain, about 15 minutes.

Jeb: I'm going to help. Adam! We have less time that I thought.

Bob: Someone get me Bill. We're going to need him for sure on this.



Bill: No full aborts. We need to get them on a Free Return Trajectory. Its the option with the fewest question marks.

Gene: Agreed. Henzer, get the calculations to Bob now.

Gilyn: They're not going to have enough oxygen for a full trip.

Bill: They've got emergency Life support tanks in the LEM for their EVA packs, and what they've got in their suits.

Astha: Its not the Oxygen, its the cold. Without Odyssey's batts or cells the whole capsule is going to freeze up. Who knows what the condensation will do during start up.

Malcan: I'm afraid that might not matter. I'm not sure they'll have any power.

Gene: Come again?

Malcan: The LEM's batteries aren't made to withstand the kind of drain they're facing. We're going to need to shut everything down or there won't be enough power for re-entry procedures.

Gene: Discuss this with Bill, if he agrees we'll shut down Aquarius after this burn.

Henzer: Got the numbers.

Bob: Aquarius come in.

Jeb: This is Aquarius flight. Do you have that burn info for us? Mun's getting awefully big.

Bob: Sending you the info now.


Jeb: Got it.

Bob: One more thing Jeb.

Jeb: Yeah?

Bob: When this burn is done we'll need you to shut down everything.

Jeb: Everything?

Bob: You're still bleeding alot of EC up there. We think its the only way to make sure you've got power for re-entry.

Jeb: Roger that.

Adam: Lets nail this burn and we'll then have to put physics in the drivers seat.

Orlas: I never trusted physics. It always gave me Bs in school even when I clearly deserved As.

Jeb: We're loosing uplink. See you on the other side Flight.


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Part 17: Avoiding airless bodies


Bill: This is the situation.

Gilyn: Is Kerbin the docking port or the backwards light?

Bob: The port.

Gilyn: Where's minmus?

Bob: Me.

Gilyn: How come you're bigger than Kerbin?

Bob: Kerbin's far away and I'm eccentric when I'm so inclined.

Bill: Focus! Ashta's briefed my on the life support issue. They don't know it yet but they've only got enough air to make it to here.

Astha: Its the COO2 filters in the MAL - they were only designed for two.

Gilyn: Can they use their suits?

Bob: They already are, but for warmth.

Astha: Even if they open the EVA life-support tanks, it would just over-pressurize the MAL. They have no way to remove the CO2.

Bill: Engines, fuel, power, air... I want a way to get those struts all the way back to kerbin with time to spare.

Astha: The tables show what the CSM and MAL filters look like, as you can see we'll have to canibalize those to make something work.


Bob: We really only have pieces from the Rover and what can be scrounged from the pod.

Bill: Leave it to me. Lets see... strip out all these wirey things and circuts. Bolt here, and here. Seal with this....


Astha: Will it work?

Bob: If Bill's smiling then he's sure. That's good enough for me. Lets get the designs up to Adam.

Bill: He'll need to EVA over to the back of the MAL to pull out the right tools and equipment.

Astha: That will cut into their remaining air pretty badly.

Bill: Worse than not doing it?

Astha: I'll clear it with Gene.


Adam: Go ahead Control.

Bill: Remove the items as instructed, you'll need to set them up to scrub the air and then mix it with the new O2.

Adam: Got it. I'll have the other's helping hold things steady soon.


Adam: I think I punctured a tank.

Jeb: Control, will this work with only one tank?

Bill: Seal it off best you can and keep going.


Adam: CO2 levels dropping. It looks like we got that sorted.

Orlas: So, do we have start-up procedures yet? Our batts were pretty low.

Bill: Standby on that. Astha wants you to try to get some sleep first.

Jeb: Roger that Control.

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Part 18: Through Ice and Fire

Jeb: Control come in, this is Aquarius.

Bill: Um, hi Jeb, what's up?

Jeb: We're coming in shallow, we're going to need to burn again.

Bill: Roger that Aquarius, we know. We've been crunching the numbers.

Jeb: I'll have Orlas start to boot up.

Bill: Negative Aquarius, you can't spare the power. We need to ask you if there are any reference points you could use.


Jeb: We've got one.

Bill: Let's set up that burn.

Jeb: Adam, you control our verticles, I'll hold us on the horizontles. Orlas, just keep lunch off the controls.

Orlas: Got it.

Jeb: Okay, how long will this burn be?

Bill: 6 seconds, we don't need much.

Jeb: Okay, light it.

Adam: Woah she's dancing.

Jeb: Translate down, no up... the controls are all reversed.

Adam: On it.

Orlas: Urk.

Jeb: Not in here, in your helmet.

Bill: Aquarius, we can't get a bead on you, how's did the burn go?

Jeb: I think we got it.

Bill: Sounds good, we'll check back in soon.

Jeb: Negative Control, we'd like those start up procedures now.

Bill: You'll get them when we do Aquarius.

Adam: They don't have them?

Orlas: We're going to freeze up here aren't we.

Jeb: Of course not.

Orlas: How can you be sure?

Jeb: That burn should make it so that we land in the atmosphere, we'd burn - not freeze.

Orlas: And that's better how?

Jeb: Its not better. Just more accurate.


Orlas: Earth is getting very big in that window. And its cold... My nose is cold, and my toes is cold.

Jeb: Don't look at me, I'm not planning to share body warmth.

Adam: We should start planning a back-up startup. There is a lot of condensation on those panels. I'm worried about shorts.

Jeb: Bill will have thought of that.

Adam: And if there was nothing to do but let us burn, would Bill say something?

Jeb: Nope.

Adam: So we should be happy about not having a startup procedure because?

Bill: Come in Aquarius, I've had Titha down in the sims. We've got your startup procedure.

Jeb: Titha didn't get sick?

Bill: Not sick enough to keep her out of the sims.

Jeb: Lets get started then.

Gene: What do we know for sure will work.

Bob: CSM seperation. We're betting on alot.


Jeb: There is alot of damage to the CSM. It looks like it goes right up to the heat shield.

Bob: Nothing you can do about it now Jeb, strap in and prepare for a bumpy ride. You'll be splashing night side. Recovery is on its way but it will take some time to get you. The correction burn threw you off course.

Jeb: Better off course than out of atmo, and at least it will be warm.


Gene: I heard them say the heat shield was hit. When do we know if they make it.

Bill: We've done our job Gene, sit back and let physics do its.


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I propose bonus points for recreating not just Apollo 13, but the Apollo 13 movie as well! :)

How did you get the CM and SM tank and engine to glow red, but not everything else?

May I also say I'm jealous of those who can run the clouds mod on their rig. I don't know if I could do that on a laptop, especially now that there will be permanent space structures in the save file.

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I turned on Manual Failures on the Dang It! mod, that triggers the red-glows. There was a SM engine suffered gimble lock. The tank was ruptured and the capsule had reaction wheels seize up as well as batteries shorted out.

I'll admit I'm far more proud than I should be of the Science Jr. / lamp map with the struts marking out the orbit. Also the terrible orbital mechanics pun Bob got to say.

I won't say no to points, though in all honesty I'm counting my rewards for doing this to be (in order): Fun, getting to share that fun with others through the story/thread, getting to be able to do it, and getting the badge in my sig as of next mission (skylab).

Poor Jeb still hasn't gotten to walk on Mun yet.

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I turned on Manual Failures on the Dang It! mod, that triggers the red-glows. There was a SM engine suffered gimble lock. The tank was ruptured and the capsule had reaction wheels seize up as well as batteries shorted out.

I'll admit I'm far more proud than I should be of the Science Jr. / lamp map with the struts marking out the orbit. Also the terrible orbital mechanics pun Bob got to say.

I won't say no to points, though in all honesty I'm counting my rewards for doing this to be (in order): Fun, getting to share that fun with others through the story/thread, getting to be able to do it, and getting the badge in my sig as of next mission (skylab).

Poor Jeb still hasn't gotten to walk on Mun yet.

Agreed. Same reason I wanna do Elcano alongside AAP. :)

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Part 19: Life-Guard Duty

Gene: Okay, after that near disaster we lost several of our sponsors. We got back several more for the way we got everyone home though. One of the conditions of our new sponsorship though is that we need to start building contingencies against that sort of thing happening again. The close call on 11 and the evens on 13 were more than enough. Bill's been put in charge of the first of these projects.

Bill: Respect the suit!

Gene: Bob is overseeing experimental development of another.

Bob: Blue team1

Gene: Naturally there is some rivalry brewing. Jeb and Val are helping oversee piloting and training and are respectfully coordinating Apollo crews and equipment for these missions.

Jeb: The budget we had for 14 and 15 was diverted to Bill's team, but we'll get people back out there. We aren't stopping until I have walked on Mun!

Val: Feel free, Minmus is on the radar now too, once we get infrastructure in done on the other projects.

Gene: Bill, take over. Our next two launches will be of your equipment.

Bill: With pleasure. Minions! Ready the INT-21!

Elilina: The what?

Katlina: We modified a Saturn V for something big - you'll be jealous you weren't part of it.

Elilina: Bet I won't be.

Katlina: Its on.

Elilina: Woah... what's that?

Bill: That is Skylab. A long term research station and observatory in LKO.

Gilyn: Observatory... as in... telescope!

Bill: Yep.

Gilyn: Want, want, want!

Bill: I'll keep that in mind.

Jeb: Edan is feeling better and he'll be making the first trip up to Skylab using an IB. His main job is getting the telescope properly mounted.

Gilyn: I should go with to help check everything, and to be better trained for 14 - when that happens.

Jeb: Bob, she's under your department. Has she passed her training?

Bob: When did that ever matter before?

Jeb: As of a tank stir mid Munar injection.

Bob: Fair point.

Jeb: We get our people trained and ready. Then send them out into the awesome to blow raspberries in death's face.

Bob: Yeah, she's trained.

Jeb: Okay, you can go with.

Bill: I'll be doing the mechanical overhaul myself.

Gilyn: Bill... can't I just stay up here? You've got life support for the three of us for a the better part of a year on this thing.

Bill: I'll recommend you to Gene for Skylab B when this station gets into full time use. For now we want to let it drift for a while and monitor everything. Skylab B will come up once we think its actually working.

Gilyn: Copy me on the telescope data... we're even seeing X-rays up here.

Bill: Will do.

Note: short one here, this mission was just getting skylab to orbit for the challenge - I'm moving into sections where I'm needing to engineer things I've never attempted before (MOLAB - OKS and MKS stations - eve / duna flybys - the saturn Shuttle and STS - constellation. So reports might be a bit slower while it takes me time to work things out. I do plan to record "oops" constructions like my first MOLAB which made it to ground but failed to serve its actual purpose - still counts as a Mun habitat though).

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Part 20: The Bored Room

Gene: Okay, directives from above require several more launches before we go back to Mun.

Everyone: Awwwwww!

Gene: But we're expanding into space exploration in ways I don't think even you guys have dreamed of.

Everyone: Wooooo!

Gene: That means being careful.

Jeb: Awwwww.

Gene: We've got funding to put another Skylab up in orbit, of Mun.

Bill: Woo! Credit people! Give me credit! I do good work!

Gene: Yes. Also Bob's team has finished their first Mobile Laboratory simulation.

Bob: I give you, project Rover!


Katlina: Yeah, that's not going to be the real one.

Bob: Get it. Rover - cause it looks like a -

Katlina: Its not structurally sound enough to actually work, especially in low G. We've got a different one ready and prepped.

Bob: Well yeah, the real one is awesome too, it its own way.

Bill: You went for the pizza dish control room didn't you.

Bob: Yeah.

Bill: I've told you how structurally unsound that is.

Bob: Yes Bill.

Gene: anyway. Astha and Orlas will be taking a Gemini up to try docking with Sky-lab. If they can't intercept we'll need to expand the Titan a bit - we want Gemini access for LKO operations until we come up with a better LKO system.

Malcan: Titha and I are working on something, but its a while away. Edan is helping from time to time as well.

Gene: Good to hear that. Once Skylab is staffed and standing by, Munlab and MOLAB are in position then XIV will launch. They'll dock with Munlab and finish installation and start up then match orbits with MOLAB. Henzer will land MOLAB by remote after which Gilyn and Archibald will attempt to land on location with their MAL. If they're close enough Archibald will assemble the lander and head out. Henzer will then take the CSM back to Munlab for the duration of their stay.

Henzer: Will there me another mission out to keep me company?

Gene: Good idea, we can have two Apollo's out at the same time once this infrastructure is in place, but you're job is to check it. 16 and 17 will be the first tandem flight. After that we'll be looking to upgrade our landers and find locations for a permanent base.

Orlas: The samples eleven and twelve brought back show promising traces of an resource than might be refinable into fuel. I'll need more samples from fourteen and some more tests run before I can work out a way to detect it.

Gene: Good. We're also going to want a small portable lunar surface escape system in case of problems with the MAL or the future bases.

Deya: I'll get to work on that.

Gene: Alright - each of these projects are as big as Apollo was. Knock them out of the part because if we prove we can do this, then Minmus ... maybe even Duna.

Jeb: Me first?

Gene: Not both, you have to pick one.

Jeb: Let me get back to you on that.

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Structurally unsound? Pffft, awesome looks FTW! Looking forward to seeing what Bob did for the 'good' one. Hopefully there are still random I-beams sticking out of the cockpit, I do not see enough of that in lander designs :D

The random I beams came from the original axles that would be docked under the MOLAB before landing. In a moment of sheer brilliance - the set up would put the wheels directly under the engines. An engineer was sent to fix this via KIS and had them left-over, so decided to give ROVER a nose.

The mission was fraught with odd behaviors. After a lengthy spat of waiting for orbits to line up (~4 days) the "simulated" CSM showed being 85 days in debt for USI supplies and became uncontrollable. ROVER's on ground behavior was that any forward thrust made it bounce like a puppy jumping on someone for attention. It ultimately became unstable less than 1 km after rolling out and flipped on itself. I had to trick the USI Life-support systems to get everyone home.

I do promise that it does have I-beams and more (though possibly not as random). I should have time to land it tomorrow.

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Part 21: We Never Throw Anything Away

Orlas: So, are these things safe?

Astha: Yeah, I was on the first one of them to orbit actually.

Orlas: Wow, so safer than Apollo then?

Astha: No... Very very no. They are heavier and bulkier on re-entry while providing less of pretty much everything needed while in orbit than the Apollo CSM.

Orlas: Is there a reason we're not going up in a Saturn-IB then?

Astha: These are much cheaper and have much less in the way of expensive and valuable computers.

Orlas: But neither of us are pilots.

Astha: Not professionally but Val and Mary have been giving me lessons.

Orlas: Is it too late to ask to fly with Jeb again?

Astha: Relax, I don't think our Gemini even has Oxygen tanks.

Orlas: That doesn't make me feel any better.

Gene: This is mission control calling Gemini. Our field techs tell me your Titan rocket is loaded and ready to go. We improved it a bit over last time. If you launch in your window you should have enough delta V to intercept Skylab.

Astha: Roger that. Did we fix thrust and control on this?

Gene: Nope. If anything Katlina said the SAS system is likely to wobble a bit. We fixed the old separation problems from the original models, but you'll need to fly on manual controls only until you finish your gravity turn.

Orlas: Gilyn wanted back up there to use the telescope... can I trade with her?

Gene: Too late.


Bill: Flight I've just completed our checklist, we are go for launch.

Orlas: Why doesn't anyone ever say no for launch?

Astha: This first engine has quite a kick, try not to bite off your tongue by mistake.

Orlas: Ahhhh!

Bob: Look at that ship go. We made 'em good, even back then.

Bill: Our newer ones are better streamlined, we should use an aero-shell to minimize the drag.

Bob: It works fine, and there's a neat project going on to replace the need to use them at all.

Bill: No progress to date yet.

Bob: Give it time.

Astha: We've cleared Atmo, on course for intercept.


Bill: Ground crews, start getting the pad ready for the next launch. We've got two BIG rockets headed your way over a short time.

Gene: Gemini, give us your estimated fuel levels.


Astha: Estimating 1/3 left in the orbital manuvering system. Retro-deoribiters are of course full.

Gene: Good flying, we might have to consider adding you to the pilot roster.

Astha: No thanks, I don't think I want to do that again.

Gene: How's Orlas doing?

Orlas: aaaaaaaaaa.

Astha: He'll be fine once I peel him out of his seat and get him a snack on Skylab.


Gene: Roger that, we'll check in on you later on. Keep a log while you're up there. You two are on a 100 day stay. A Saturn IB will be up eventually with fresh supplies and friendly faces standing by on Life-guard duty.

Astha: Looking forward to it flight already flight. It is beautiful up here but... lonely.

Orlas: I'm here too.

Astha: I know Orlas. I know.

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Part 22: Moving the furniture

Gene: Alright people - The first of our heavy launches is the MOLAB mission. Skylab II or "MunLab" is getting a once over while it waits

Bob: We'll need to be careful during ascent, we weren't able to secure the payload very well.

Bill: I was looking over your specs... its not truely a pressurized rover is it?

Bob: Sure it is! The Rover is 100% controllable from inside the lab, we just added the option of a seat with a view. If you'd seen the views you get on Mun you'd understand.

Bill: Touche.

Bob: Nope its all my own hair.

Gene: Okay, standing by for launch.

Bob: Jeb - could you remote pilot it up?

Jeb: Its not as good as flying it myself, but Yes!

Malcan: Bob, one of the batteries shorted out during the transmunar injection.

Bob: There should be alot of power storage on the lab. Remote access that battery to lock it down and run research bay 1's fuel cell array until the rest of the power banks are full again.

Gene: Good work people. Get some sleep, once the lab has circularized we're senting the next... lab... out there. Bob, could you take Val and Katlina over to HR and start combing through those applications, we're going to need some more cadets.

Bob: Sure thing, anything specific we're looking for?

Gene: Not yet, but as the various special projects become reality I'll let you know.

Bob: Got it.

Gene: Alright, this remote launch is pretty much the same as last time only we're going to be sending it further away. The INT will be topped off this time.

Bill: I was up all night with the math and piloting computer. We'll make it with fuel for orbital manuvers.

Jeb: Let me back up the computer and you won't need it.

Bill: Well, I guess we could leave whatever left over fuel we can get there on future missions.

Jeb: Oh! Oh! A fuel resevoir at Mun for a trip to... Duna?

Bill: Don't get too excited, we're not ready for that.

Jeb: Gotta hurry up!

Gene: okay guys, get the launch ready.

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Gene: Alright, and last up we've got Life-guard 1.

Adam: Flight, I'd like to refer to us as Munwatch.

Mary: How much trouble am I in if I shove him out the airlock?

Gene: Do I want to understand these comments?

Bill: If you are going to shove him out, re-entry would mask any evidence.

Bob: Apart from his empty chair you mean. Not to mention Deya's crew report and all of the internal sensors.

Bill: There are at least 5 different ways around those.

Bob: Do I want to know...

Jeb: Actually there are 6.

Bob: You two are scary.

Gene: Okay, Life-Guard 1, standby for launch status check.


Mary: Adam... eyes front.

Adam: They were.

Mary: Sorry, you are correct there. Eyes prograde.

Adam: Awww.

Mary: What's the order Fight.

Gene: Go.



Gene: Life-Guard one? We'll need you to adjust your rendevous burn for a Hohmann transfer. ETA to intercept 59 minutes.

Deya: Roger that, let us crank out those numbers and we'll be on our way.

Gene: Break out some snacks if you like, there will be plenty of food and room on the station.

Mary: With 5 of us up there?

Gene: The lab is large enough to accomodate more than a few at a time, but SOP is two at once because of all the equipment. There is also the observatory with room for two, the habitat module with room for 4 - though it will be 4 very familiar kerbals after a short time, and also Gemini and your CSM's seats.

Mary: Not ideal, but there is enough.

Deya: I think the gents can set up the the capsule here as their quarters and we'll take over the habitat.

Adam: Flight, does the habitat have windows?

Gene: ... Yes?

Adam: Okay. I just wanted to make sure they'd have a view.

Gene: I'm suspending EVA activities until further notice.

Mary: Good idea, we'll need those EVA packs and resources if we have rescue work.

Deya: Yeah, great idea.


Mary: Okay, time to dock us.

Adam: Gemini looks almost the same size as us, but its inferior in so many ways... why are we still using it?

Deya: Some of the brains down on the ground are working on a more permanent replacement. Till then, it works.

Adam: I guess.


Mary: Docked!

Astha: Knock knock!

Deya: Heya Astha! How's the station.

Astha: Its been lonely up here, I'm looking forward to the company.

Adam: We'll try to be good guests.

Astha: I'm sure you will.

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Part 23: Apollo XIV - long term Munar survey.


Henzer: As Jeb said, Hauling the Mail!

Gilyn: Wah! I don't like this part.

Archibald: Surely the other parts are worth it young lady.

Gilyn: Don't like this part though!

Gene: Try to keep the chatter to a minimum 14, what was your call sign again?

Henzer: Magic Munbus!

Gilyn: We did not agree on that.

Henzer: I'm going to be up on the station waiting for you two to finish your survey so I get to name the ship.

Gene: Alright, we're going with M.M.B. down here.


Henzer: Good enough, lining up for Transmunar Injection.



Bob: Alright Henzer, ready for MAL extraction.

Archibald: I'm quite excited about this part, I've only been in the Sims for this.

Gilyn: Me too, but I'm pretty sure the pilot gets all the fun.

Henzer: Well, the CSM pilot anyway, Archy over there will be piloting your MAL and driving the lab.

Gilyn: Any experience with that sort of thing Archy?

Archibald: I'm not sure. I did haul freight back in my university years. It was rewarding enough work in its own way and let me see much of the country side.

Gilyn: Henzer... wanna swap?

Henzer: Not now Gilyn, I need to be able to see clearly for this part.

Archibald: Don't fret my dear, I don't attempt to take jumps with trucks anymore. That is a young man's game.


Gene: Alright M.M.B. we're signing off. Report back as you near Mun.

Henzer: Roger flight.

Archibald: Come on Gilyn, we'll need to fly this part seperately.

Gilyn: Can't I stay on the bus for now, until you've shown off how good you are/

Henzer: Sorry, its your stop.

Archibald: We're almost to Mun, I'm sure you'll be happier once we're there.


Henzer: Flight. Anchor Drop has seperated from MMB and is proceeding on its own power.

Gene: Roger that. You are making the first visual inspection of the base. What condition is it in?

Henzer: Looks just like the one back home but I think no one has unpacked yet.

Gene: Keys should be under the mat.


Gilyn: We should stay the night, rest up... also I want to try out the telescope.

Henzer: Better help me mount it properly then.

Archibald: I can sight you in from here.


Henzer: Okay, don't stay up too late Gilyn. You two have a big day tomorrow.

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Part 24: Wheels on the ground.


Henzer: Rise and shine people, time to go match inclinations with that lab and then I'll land her for you.

Gilyn: 5 more orbits mummy.

Henzer: I told you to go easy on the telescope.

Gilyn: Easy for you to say, you get to stay up here with it.

Henzer: Up! Up! eat your Noms and get into the MAL.

Archibald: How do you plan to land the lab Henzer?

Henzer: I'm going to use what's left in the transfer engine to zero out lateral velocity and then drop it. Our altimeter data for the drop zone got corrupted somehow and this solves that while also keeping maximum fuel on the lab for emergencies and for fuel.

Archibald: Sounds good.

Henzer: I'll be dropping it on the south end of the crater. You're expected to get it north to the canyon and explore there. Orlas thinks there should be rich deposits of what he insists on calling "Ore" up there. Bill wants samples analyzed here and back home to see if this "Ore" might be a resource worth harvesting.

Archibald: Jolly good. I'll get our lander warmed up.

Henzer: Try to go light on your orbital manuvers.

Archibald: I'm sure I can count on you to match orbits and catch us when the time is right.

Hezner: just don't push it too far.


Henzer: Munlab to Anchor Drop, you are clear to line up your decent.

Archibald: Roger that, we'll be coming down on the next orbit.

Gilyn: Archy, we're lower on fuel than our target.

Archibald: I'm not thrilled with that nickname.

Gilyn: Okay, Baldy.

Archibald: On second though, Archy is good.

Gilyn: And the fuel?

Archibald: The other missions always head left over fuel in the Descent and Ascent stage, I'm sure we're fine.

Gilyn: You're not going to syphon fuel out of the Ascent stage.

Archibald: Henzer will just have to come pick us up from a lower orbit, their is a fuel resevour on the station, he can pump extra into MMB before comming to get us.

Gilyn: I'm going to be stuck on Mun forever!

Archibald: We also have parts for testing that LLES system.

Gilyn: No... Not on this mission.

Archibald: Should no other alternative present itself, I'm sure it will be fine.

Gilyn: Lay off the throttle, we're coming up on the LZ but we need to time this right.

Archibald: We're fine.

Gilyn: We're bingo on fuel!

Archibald: I've almost killed all vertical thrust and we're meters from the surfa-

Gilyn: I TOLD YOU!


Archibald: Well, that woke us up. It bounced a bit.

Gilyn: I don't know if we've got the fuel to get back.

Archibald: We have ample Mono-prop and the Ascent stage is light enough, we can use that.

Gilyn: Henzer! Please start training to catch us.

Gene: Um, Anchor team... Henzer's not on radio.

Archibald: We're just under a kilometer from the lab. I'll unpack the rover.

Gene: That isn't technically needed.

Gilyn: Oh let him. If gives me a chance to scream with no one listening to get it out of my system.

Gene: Right. Carry on!



Archibald: Gilyn, I need you to come out and press on the brakes while I finish setting this up.

Gilyn: Sure thing, I'm done screaming.


Gene: MER-Curie 2, we read ALSEP transmitting, you are clear for transfer to MOLAB.

Archibald: This little rover handles well.

Gilyn: Yeah, and with a horizon around me its not too bad, also there is waaaaay more EC than we need, unlike fuel in the MAL.

Archibald: You are going to feel very silly when its not an issue.

Gilyn: Not half as silly as you'll feel when it is.

Archibald: If it turns into a crisis I rather think I won't need to feel sorry long.

Gilyn: That is NOT helping!


Archibald: Flight, send regards to Henzer. The wheels took a beating but the lab is otherwise in good condition.

Gene: I'll pass that along.


Archibald: I'll get everything warmed up. Gilyn, check the science package round back.


Gilyn: I don't see a science package.

Archibald: Hold on while i figure out which switches it is.

Gilyn: Oh! Oh! Oh! WOW.


Gilyn: Its got a telescope on it!

Archibald: I understand Bob had it installed after you were selected for the mission. An astronomer should have something to work with, and we will be down here for a while.

Gilyn: I take back half the bad things I've said about all of you.

Archibald: Half?

Gilyn: I'm going to be back here loving this. Won't really be able to use it until tonight of course, but yeah.

Archibald: I guess I should get us started out on our way then.


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Part 25: The Next, next, next Generation?

Bill: Gene! I just went through the budget and someone seems to have stolen a while Saturn V launch!

Gene: No, they didn't. One of our side projects is coming together and needed a launch vehicle.

Bill: A whole Saturn V launch? Aren't we getting Apollo XV ready?

Gene: Not yet, we're still getting valuable data from XIV's survey in the MOLAB and besides, your people aren't ready with a next-gen MAL or narrow-band scanner for resource surveys.

Bill: Well what side project is ready then? I know its nothing Bob's been working on, he's still gaga over MOLAB's data.

Jeb: Bill!!! Did you see, did you see? I Want One!

Gene: Come on Bill, get Bob and you two can watch the launch with us.

Val: Gene! I can't find one of our new cadets Gwenzie. She went for some training with Katlina and she's now gone.

Gene: Bring the cadets, they should watch this too.

Val: What is it?

Gene: The end of Gemini and the begining of a new generation.

Bill: Like Apollo was for Gemini?

Gene: Well, more like the Saturn IB launch - but yes.

Bill: And like Gemini was for Mercury?

Gene: Yeah, so a Next, next next generation?

Jeb: Suddenly I feel old. Am I getting replaced?

Val: Naw, I've seen this one. If they replace you it will be with someone bald and by-the-book.

Jeb: But they already have :sticktongue:Bill?

Bill: :mad:Ha :mad:ha :mad:ha.

Bob: Gene!

Gene: Ah, the gangs all here.

Bob: Just got off coms, the launch is ready to go.

Gene: Then lets go watch huh?


Jeb: Val's here, I'm here... so whose flying that?

Edan: Captain Edan Lovel of the Space Trasport Shuttle Intrepid here!

Jeb: You!

Edan: Me!

Jeb: You... are...

Edan: I know.

Jeb: Sooooo awesome! Can I have one?

Edan: If it really works I'm sure you will.

Jeb: They didn't make you sit by while someone did a boilerplate?

Edan: Why would I wait for them to cook?

Bill and Bob: it means a test to make sure it is safe!

Edan: We'll know soon if it is safe.

Malcan: I told you there were procedures for that!

Katlina: We should have tested the heating tiles more.

Gwenzie: Why am I even here?

Edan: See how much fun we're having?


Gene: Well blow me down... that thing not only flew correctly but survived launch in one piece.

Bill: Technically...

Gene: In the correct number of pieces?

Bill: :)

Edan: Much roomier than Apollo, not to mention room for cargo!


Malcan: Ah! The exhilaration of not having died after flying with Captain Lovell. Edan my chap, no one else can make the sensation of sitting in an unmoving chair so utterly rewarding.

Edan: Yeah, I'm awesome like that.

Jeb: He learned from me!

Edan: Now now Jeb, you've never been satisfied in an unmoving chair.

Bill: Unmoving is not a word!

Katlina: It is now, kinda like Munar.

Bill: :mad: Grrrr

Bob: I'll get the spray bottle.

Gene: How's fuel looking?

Edan: Very good.

Gene: Plotting your burn for Skylab intercept.

Bill: Skylab? No! Keep it away from my beautiful station!

Gene: Relax, this is just docking tests. Kat thinks we'll need to install a docking arm for the shuttle to really dock so we're testing that.

Katlina: Yeah, I don't think this beasty is going to dock easily with how the proto-type is set up.

Edan: Speaking of... Skylab ahoy!


Katlina: Docking is a wash Gene, we're using up way too much fuel trying to line up this way. Translation on the Y axis from the cockpit is too unstable but X and Z work fine. We'll need a modified IB launch to deliver the correct equipment.

Gene: Sounds good. Prepare for deorbit.

Malcan: Hold one Gene, I'm going to go get a picture.

Gene: A picture?

Malcan: Gemini, Apollo and this new STS are all up here. Three generations of space-craft at once. That is worth something isn't it?

Gene: Hurry it up.


Bob: Kat, how is heat management working?

Katlina: The forward s-wings are taking the brunt of re-entry along with the heat transfer from else-where. Its within tolerance though, they haven't passed too far into the orange warnings.

Edan: We seem to create a lot of drag, and our COM has moved considerably with the emptying of our tanks. We might wish to adjust the wing placement on the next model for easier atmospheric flight. I'll need to use the engines and RCS system to set her down at all.

Gwenzie: Why am I here... its my first day! I was just asking where the bathroom was!

Edan: It'll all be over soon.

Gwenzie: AHHHHHHH!

Edan: Huh?

Malcan: Under the circumstances I believe you'll find that those words are not exactly comforting.

Edan: Really? Well, noted for later then.

Katlina: Ed! Thirteen hundred meters! Nose up.

Edan: Here we go!


Edan: See, I told you it would be over soon!

Gwenzie: :confused:

Jeb: My turn Gene!

Gene: Yeah, no. We work out the problems with the wings, install the docking line, then you can go up, unless you're out on Mun by then.

Jeb: Mun!

Gene: Now if you'll excuse all of me, I'm going to check in with Archibald and Gilyn. Flight to MOLAB, status?


Gilyn: What do you mean you didn't see it?

Archibald: Its dark out, I didn't realize that blackness was a crater wall. Still, we'll have better geological samples now!

Gilyn: Yes... but my suit needs serious washing after suddenly falling off a cliff!

Gene: Sounds interesting... Care to tell me more.

Gilyn: It will be in the report I'm writing. All of it!

Archibald: We didn't use much fuel from the engines, landed with only one broken wheel and have plenty of spares. We'll be fine.

Gilyn: Assuming we can get out of the crater.

Archibald: There is bound to be a norther slope too. We just keep going to the target area, we worry about back later.

Gene: Oh boy... I'll get coffee and sit down with those reports.

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Driving in the dark has to be the worst. I ran myself into a ravine in pre-1.0, and after the sun came up, it was hell to drive back up the incline I zoomed down on thanks to the traction issues of stock wheels. A lesson I'm paying attention to with my own rover plans. :)

Good to see the Shuttle running! If I still want to pursue the same challenge, I was thinking of a stack-mount, but I lose the main engines thrusting at the same time. It wouldn't be a worry when the Saturn's powerful enough, but my worry this time is the lift generated by a stack-mount shuttle. Having the main engines on and angled as with the Shuttle can help counteract it, I know, so would it be more of an issue with a stack-mount that doesn't have the counter-thrust to angle the thrust line?

Also, I haven't asked Greg yet, but getting your opinion first. With the MLV variants that use liquid strapon rockets, you think those are onion-staged, or are they timed to run out before the S-IC runs out? I know that the rules do say "asparagus staging penalized", but would onion-staging count as asparagus-staging? (I see you're using the solid strapons with yours, so at least you're safe in that regard. :P)

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For MLV's, I think that is a very good question. I can see a few different answers:

Answer 1 - The MLV format is less for increased Delta V (My saturn V has oodles of untapped Delta V and can be stretched quite a bit) but is more for lifting heavy or wide loads what will be combating atmosphere's longer. These MLV's don't need onion staging - treat the LFBs as just parts of the S-IC stage.

Answer 2 - Tweaables! Use the adapter parts to make pointed noses (they carry a lot less fuel than they look like they should) at the same height your S-IC stage ends. Adjust thrust levels of S-IC to ~ 75% - Your LFB will provide ample lift early on and when they burn out you'll still have a while on the S-IC. With fuel burned + altitude you should have enough TWR to make it through your burn now.

Answer 3 - When none of the above work - either go NOVA or go onion. This is my general plan, but after getting MOLAB to Mun with enough fuel in the tranfer stage to de-orbit it and still having ~ 1/8th of a tank left on my MLV-4SB... I'm wondering where I'll need this, especially once I get a station with fuel depots for my Shuttle to top off and aid in Duna ship construction.

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